Orcs of the Red Blade

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From the Annals: Time Capsule

With everyone fully focused on the release Battle for Azeroth as we speak, the guild has taken its customary two week hiatus at the beginning of the new expansion to allow its members to freely explore the new content at their own pace. This has become the norm in the guild since the release of Wrath of the Lich King, making it a bit of a guild tradition by now.

To justify the two week IC silence however, the guild has often had to come up with some manner of excuse to explain why things are silent over the course of two weeks. Since new expansions often take place on new islands or continents, it's easy enough to justify the silence with a convenient shipwreck (and as such, the clan has become a little notorious for its lousy skills in commandeering ships). An exception to this was Warlords of Draenor however, when the guild was preparing itself for a charge through the Dark Portal into the Iron Horde's world that was suspected to be a suicide mission they would never come back from. To leave a little something behind for the inhabitants of Azeroth that the orcs were laying their lives on the line for, Sadok Sharptongue decided to come up with the idea of a time capsule during the tribe's stay in Stranglethorn Vale. Every orc would deposit a little personal something into a secured lockbox that would withstand the test of time, to then be deposited into the soil of the jungle for later generations to one day find. The result was a very touching and emotional event, where we got to see a lot of personal touches and references towards other orcs and past members!

*On the tenth day of the eleventh cycle in the year 35 ADP, the tribe buried a time-capsule, to be opened in twenty years' time by the children and descendents of its present members, should they never return to Azeroth after the assault on the Dark Portal.*

A list of offerings and voice-recordings made by each orc on a primitive crystalline transceiver:

*An armor-reinforced tan wolf-mask, soft and floppy with wear and tear.*

“I am Sadok Sharptongue, Thur'ruk o'the tribe. T'whoever listens t'this, let it be known tha' no matter our fate, foe an' friend, we were all equal in the end â€" all wolves o’the tribe.”

*A folded Red Blade banner, worn and slightly tattered at the edges.*

“I am Krogon Devilstep, Oathbound of the the tribe... and I give to you a symbol. Great weapons and armour can be broken, bent, destroyed... bodies ruined and lives ended. But a symbol is an idea, and an idea -never- dies as long as you hold too it. Hold high the ideals of our tribe. Strength, cunning. Wisdom.”

*A well-worn bone necklace attached to a snapped line of cord.*

"My name is Kozgugore Feraleye of the Warsong. High Blade of the Varog'Gor. Perhaps you will find her where I failed. If you have, tell her I tried”.

*A sodden cloth blindfold.*

“I am Grek'thar Earthstorm, Gosh'kar. My words are for my blood, spiritually and physically... I cared for each of you equally. Regardless of origin. I only hope you have done the same. I leave you this token, so that even in your darkest hours... you can see the light. No, not the Human Light before you get clever.”

“Groalen. I want to share my experience, what was useful for me in Northrend. Hope, never surrender. And how badly situation was â€" there is always chance to change everything. Maybe with you strength, or help power of Nature.”

*A well-worn war-horn crafted from a ram’s curled horn.*

“I could place any sort of weapon in this chest, and it would have plenty of battles to it's name. However, it is not our weapons that is the greatest strength of the Red Blades. I place my war-horn in this chest, a gift made to me by my Blood Brother after our raid of vengeance into the Dwarven lands.

This war-horn represents our greatest strength - The strength we will draw upon to keep this world safe.. The strength of our unity!”

[muffled, distorted yelling â€" deafening and completely incomprehensible]

“I am Rargnasha Bloodmark, Chieftain of the Red Blades. Let it be known that we have always gone where we were needed the most.”

*A simple etched iron arrow-head.*

“I am Gro'kul, Oathbound. Never dishonor your tribe. Aim true.”

*Two ancient, primitive-looking axes half-wrapped in a thick, shaggy wolf-pelt, almost as old.*

“Trakmar. Oat'breaker. My words be f' Rokarna. I 'ave done m'best t'raise y'. Even if i' be f'jus' a brief par' o' y'life. I be leavin' with you three things t'a 'ave been passed down our line.

T'wolfpelt o' Mag'ok, worn by t'first o' our line. An' ancestral axes - Fang an' Claw. Grow ferocious an' untamed, daug’ter.”

*A piece of fine blue cloth with a white wolf-head embroidered on it.*

“I am Sinami, Newblood of the tribe... let it be remembered that the tribe is a place for family. Whether you join as one, or find a new one among its members.”

*A razor-sharp harpy talon attached to a waxen cord.*

“Ah, there it is. I suppose this thing is on now? Right! I am Kogra Windwatcher, Gosh'kar of the tribe. I've merely wandered among its members for a few moons now but the things that I've experienced have been enough for a lifetime.

I have but a few words to bestow upon the new members of the tribe. It are the encounters we face in our lives that makes the person who we are. For this reason, I bestow upon this chestcapsulething my trophy I got from my Om'riggor as a symbol of one of the encounters I faced.

Whatever you face, take the things that you can learn from it and put them to use for the future.  Things are never sure for the future until the moment arrives, you might aswel make the best out of it.”

*A sturdy wolfmask with little sign of wear.*

“I be Vanara and I see the tribe as me family, be yerself and don't hide anything. Oh... I should turn this thing on… ehh…”

*A chipped, pounded iron shield with the Lion of Stormwind still shining brightly, undulled by the passage of time.*

“I… I am Izeria Emrest, foster child of Lord Tyran Emrest. I give you the last remeniant of my past and hope it serves as a reminder that though we might fight. The Alliance is not our enemies and that you will stand for than the Horde but for a united Azeroth.”

*A strange-looking dagger crafted out of an eldritch, mighty beast’s tooth â€" the residual corruption seemingly long since purged.*

“I be Rashka Facebreaker. Oathbound of t'Red Blade Tribe. This dagger be made out of a Pitlord's tooth, one tha' I won fightin' in a tournamen' of t'Horde. I place this item 'ere, with t'opes of whoever tha' migh' find this, 'aven't forgotten 'ow ter figh’ with ‘onour.”

*An adamantite boot-dagger caked from blade to hilt in dulled, dried blood.*

“I be Groshnok Gorewrath, Oat'bound o' t'Red Blades. Even though I's an axewielder, this bloody dagger 'as passed me through many fights, an' slain many foes. Le' it show t'blood we shed fer our tribe, an' t'blood o' t'enemies we shed wit' our weapons.”

*A greyish wolfmask with a lock of glossy black hair carefully curled inside.*

“I am Rhonya Steelheart, Thur'ruk. Remember that the strenght lies in the pack. Stay true to your brothers and sisters, stand together, fight together, fall together… and howl in unity.”

*A pointed dagger shaped like a wyvern’s tooth, well-worn.*

“I am Therak Duskstalker, Varog'Gor of the Red Blades… Remember, the tribe needs the strength to use, the cunning to know how to apply it and the wisdom to know when not to apply it.”

*A strange, cryptic parchment with a melanistic Barrens wildcat sketched upon it. Below the picture is a caption reading “Not Here”, and an abstract code.*

“Siyah-Gosh. Wellwisher. I present a secret. Also: for recording to the one digging this up. 11.7.36. 4th Brick down on the hearth.”

*A desiccated bun with little arms, its pastry face frozen forever in terror.*

“Mok'ra... Is this thing turned on? Err.. Right, Oathbound Nyruk here.... And a word of advise. Axes are the fangs of orcs, but fangs are the axes of life. Life is a dark forest where a wolf must kill to live. In such place, it is better to be a wolf than an orc.

Oh, and one more thing. The perfect recipe for a bacon and egg bun is... the use of juicy barren-boar-strips, cooked on a high fire until sizzling and topped with toasted arcane manipulated buns made by me.”

*A small leather fetch-ball, its skin pock-marked.*

“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, adjust to tha object, you shall find a way around or through it. If nothin' within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into cup, it becomes cup. put water into bottle....it becomes tha bottle. Put in a teapot, it becomes tha teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash... Be water, my friend.”

*A white wolf mask, lightly dusted.*

“I...Lo'gush Heartseeker offer a mask of the white wolf...a trophy from my Om'riggor hunt with the Red Blades...strength and honor.”

Honored brothers and sisters,

The soil of the New World runs red once more. Not since the days of the Third War have we seen such reckless abandon and bloodshed by our own blades. The destruction of the Night Elves' home - however regrettable - has done little to tame the lion of the Alliance. Better yet, they have marched out in force and seek to trade one home for another. What the Night Elves have lost, the Humans now seek to regain in Lordaeron. The Horde's horns have been sounded across the Great Sea, and the clan has answered accordingly.

However, we now stand upon a crossroads. Hence our arrival upon the Forsaken shores, we have done our part in defending the Horde's homelands. But now, the true face of the Horde has surfaced as orcs are being struck down by wanton death knights and our allies are being mobbed, imprisoned and tortured for upholding a notion of honor. Do we allow corruption and dishonor to fester and grow? Or do we at long last take a stand and refuse to bow to tyrants? Our so-called allies within the Horde and even our very own Warchief stand guilty of war crimes and dishonor. This much has become clear to me. In such circumstances, it has become impossible to close ourselves to the injustice that passes in front of our very eyes.

When the Banshee Queen declared war on all of the New World and factions within the Forsaken turned on their own allies within the Horde, the time for idleness came to an end. As of today, the Red Blade Clan stands with the Whiteclaw Communion. Erected by Chieftain Rogmasha Thundercaller in part due to our own experiences with the Forsaken in Ashenvale, this collective of clans will strive to return honor, dignity and justice to the Horde. What this means for our position within the Horde itself remains to be seen. But know that the time to stand idly by while injustices are being committed has come to an end.

Be prepared to stand at the ready for whatever may come next. And if you cannot bring yourself to stand against the injustices of the Horde, you will be free to part ways absent reprisal. But now that should you decide to cross paths with us when the hour of justice comes, you will be granted no such leniency.

For the Blood of Redblade,

Kil'gund (August) Events
Kil'gund, the Month of Stars, is the month when the skies of the orcs' Old World would be the clearest of the entire year. This made it an ideal time for seers and shamans to read the stars and foretell what events will unfold in the coming years. Furthermore, it is a time when traditionally many competitions would be held, a chance to gain pride and honor in times of peace.

[Campaign] Drums of War part 2
Following in the wake of the War of the Thorns and the dramatic turn of events in Darkshore, the Alliance has hastily set up a counteroffensive to strike back at the Banshee Queen and the Horde! With the Red Blade Clan duty-bound to protect the Horde and its lands, they have sailed east across the Great Sea to aid their Forsaken allies in order to halt the encroaching Alliance army. The conflict continues on into Kil'gund as the Horde continues to be put on the back foot, their force slowly consolidating around Tirisfal and the Undercity itself. Follow any upcoming developments in the official campaign thread or the clan's very own campaign report thread!

[OOC] Battle for Azeroth
Battle for Azeroth is upon us! As with the release of every expansion, the guild will be taking a two week long hiatus to allow our members some time to explore all the new content in peace. Of course, anyone who does wish to roleplay during this period is perfectly free to, but there will not be any specified RP Focus locations or campaigns ongoing. Once that two week period concludes, we'll be returning right back into the fray with yet another plot-heavy and action-packed campaign that will launch us straight into BfA's setting and conflict! We hope to see you there and joining the journey with us in Chapter IV: A World Divided!
Member Spotlight: Kai'gron

Once a Varog'Gor, always a Varog'Gor? It certainly has been the case with every orc who has donned the prestigious mantle of one of the clan's most revered titles thus far. Even though he parted ways with the clan a couple of years ago to pursue other ambitions, his road has ultimately led him back to the Red Blade once more, his resolve stronger than ever and well on his way to reclaiming his old title once again! Who is this mysterious yet infinitely badass Shattered Hand agent behind the scenes, however? Read on and find out!

What are the earliest memories you can think of when you first joined the clan? Was there any particular reason that you remember choosing for this guild in particular? How do you think back of those early days?
Rolled an orc rogue, went about levelling and RP’ing him with Tai Kaliso from Gears of War crossed with the Predator in mind. Randomly came across a bunch of Orcs RPing at the Crossroads, I kept my distance and just watched and observed and was gobsmacked at how properly RP’d Orcs were. After being very impressed I plucked up the courage to whisper Kozgugore. From that point I learnt quite a bit of orcish lore and began to weave it into Kai’gron, which enhanced my enjoyment.

The early days with the guild back on DB for me were thwart with epic world PvP mainly against the Dwarven Rifle Squad and other prolific Alliance guilds at the time, from these battles sparked my love and hate for PvP.

You're sure to be one of the oldest members of the clan by now. Are there any specific memories that you have from during your time with us that particularly stuck by you? Any that were particularly memorable, be it events, personal developments, characters or otherwise?
I’ve had many memories but the ones that stand out are the traditional ritualistic events that we still hold now... The Om’riggor and Kosh’arg in particular. With my character already completed his Om’riggor before joining the tribe (pre-clan) I felt it still needed to be done, It was alongside Krogon Devilstep within the jungles of Un’goro which lasted over a number of evenings. The entire ‘quest line’ of gathering marks, learning the tribe's lore to the proud moment of being named into the guild will always be my Red Blade moment. This coupled with campfire RP and guild-centric PvP keeps me immensely satisfied in game.

You've RPed Kai'gron for quite some years now, both in and out of the guild. Are there any particular ways in which the character has changed or developed over the years? Are there any particular causes for any such changes?
I’m a very introvert person and that translates in game at times, so my character will lean to being alone quite often. This alongside my love of stealth classes and military special operations games/movies/genres led me to develop Kai’gron into being just that, utilising what the game had to offer such as the Shattered Hand and other similar in-game units. But since the reformation of the clan and being older I feel like Kai has changed dramatically with him being less introvert and more aware of the clan’s members as often is the case players like to share their own love for their character and I do like hearing or reading about them more now. The major change in this is actually changing him to the Hunter’s Survival class which I feel reflects his change of nature.

Among those in the Orcs of the Red Blade, it's safe to say you're one of the more fanatic PvPers. Has the guild's move from Defias Brotherhood to Argent Dawn had any impact on how your experience that aspect of the game? Is there any particular role that you still see PvP playing a part in your RP, despite our move to AD?
I do miss the World PvP, but to be honest, that could be just nostalgia as the game has changed so much and getting ganked/one shotted by a warrior/DK or whatever FOTM class was no fun. Since the move to AD I’ve actually enjoyed some of the ‘restricted’ RP-PvP as it isn’t just a AoE fest that is like a migraine on my screen. Plus the PvE tag of Argent Dawn makes levelling at your own pace enjoyable, I still get my PvP fix from BGs, Arenas, Tol Barad and Ashran. So coming to AD, I get to enjoy all aspects of the game which ever way I choose.

You've been known to liven up your character and the stories he experience with some pretty impressive manipulated screenshots. What led you to start creating these pieces of art?
As a designer, it comes naturally to me. I started enhancing my own screenshots to try and bring life to certain events so that others can visualise what emotes were used. The use of our old DB forum, OotRB's own forum and the Argent Archives gave me a platform to spill my creative juice and really play around with bringing these events to life so that we all could enjoy our characters when not in game. During events I'm always taking screen shots with the intention of enhancing them, but with many things, it’s just hard to find the time to do them nowadays. My first inspiration was from old school YouTube videos of PvPers dueling. I’ve only made one WoW PvP video and looking back on it makes me cringe! It's called Rise of the Defiler.

Battle for Azeroth is nearly upon us now! Anything in particular that you're looking forward to in regards to the expansion? Be it in regards to gameplay or roleplay?
I’m looking forward to playing my new main class (Survival Hunter) and to take my RP with Kai’gron in a new direction with him being more attached to his Wolf ‘Koba’, but I'm really looking forward to actually RPing alongside all the new and old Clan members. War mode is something that I’ll definitely use and I do expect to get ganked by rogues so much that I’ll have to log my own rogue and show them exactly how it's done!

Honored brothers and sisters,

There are times for healing, and there are times for war. The past two months have been a time of spiritual and physical healing for many of us, as we have recuperated from the labors of war against the Burning Legion. Offerings were made, celebrations were held and bonds were forged. It was a good time for any orc who strives for the days of old, before any interventions from dae'mons or belligerent clans. Even in those venerated days, however, war was an ever-skulking predator. And that predator is now poised to strike.

Many of you expected it to happen for some time, but it has now at long last happened. The skirmishes in Silithus have come to a head. The Warchief has now called for a mass mobilization of all battle-ready denizen of the Horde. It is with a heavy heart that I must commit the Red Blade's banner, too, to the Horde's thundering war machine. Come the fourth day of Gorosh, we shall say our goodbyes to the sanctity of Razor Hill and begin to make our way to Orgrimmar, where the drums of war have been sounded. Do not expect a short conflict, for it would appear this war is bound to be greater than any conflict we have witnessed in recent times. Sharpen your blades, repair your armor and raise the colors of the clan. But above all else, do not forget who we are and where we come from. Carry your homeworld and the Code of our ancestors with you in your hearts, for it are these things that will separate us from any other warrior upon the battlefield. And know that I am proud to be your Chieftain, for I would not wish for any finer warriors to stand by my side upon the field of battle.

For the Blood of Redblade,

Gorosh (July) Events
Named in honor of the element of fire, Gorosh, Fire's Heart, marks the warmest time of year when the sun reaches its zenith. In addition to Gorosh being the month in which the element of fire is at its strongest, it is also the month in which animal spirits begin to appear more freely and may become more common to encounter. Additionally, this period of the year is an ideal time to set out into the wide world, nurturing adventure, wildness and freedom.

[Campaign] Drums of War part 1
War beckons! The conflict over the resource known as Azerite is beginning to gain momentum, and Orgrimmar seems poised to launch an offensive some day soon. All orcs are to be combat-ready and prepared to move out within a moment's notice, for war may well make its way to our doorstep very soon. In preparation to this, a War Training shall be held on the third day of Gorosh, but it may not be long before we venture out shortly after that. For any additional information on the conflict and any developments to come, see the Drums of War notice board or the campaign reports.

[Celebration] Kra-Mavor
Sport and competition has always been a focal point for any orcish culture and community. It allows us to test one another's mettle in honest contest, as well as to find a chance to forge new bonds through friendly rivalries. The Kra-Mavor, or Summer Games, was once a time-honored tradition in which many different forms of contests would pit orcs against one another to see who might arise as our people's finest. As it stands, the Kra-Mavor is set to take place on the 22nd day of Gorosh, but bear in mind this may change depending on the outcome of any ongoing military campaigns earlier this month. As such, the date may yet be moved.

[Celebration] Tournament of the Blades
It has been a long time in the making! Due to our ongoing conflict against the Burning Legion and our subsequent fall at the time, the Tournament of the Blades threatened to fall into obscurity. However, the time has at last come to see once more who might be crowned Champion of the clan! Thanks to Gosh'kar Nar'thak Strongarm, the Tournament of the Blades is set to take place on the 20th day of Gorosh. Once more, bear in mind this date may be subject to change depending on the course and outcome of any ongoing military campaigns. One way or another however, we shall soon find out whether Thur'ruk Kogra Windwatcher shall successfully defend her title of Champion (should she choose to do so) and who might instead have the strength to take over. See the notice board for any additional information.

[OOC] Drums of War RP-PvP campaign
Though the exact date is as of yet unknown due to the date of the release of the pre-patch, the second part of the Drums of War campaign may well take place within this month as well. We'll keep you posted on any developments, but it might be safe one way or another to keep an eye on the Drums of War thread on the Argent Dawn forums to see for yourself whether there are any developments on both part one as well as part two of the campaign.

[OOC] Battle for Azeroth
The pre-patch, and Battle for Azeroth along with it, is fast approaching! Due to the expansion's release date having been moved to take place one month earlier than expected, any official Red Blade campaigns will have to be delayed until we're into Battle for Azeroth ourselves, rather than to have an extra one to set up the scene for what is set to happen in the course of the expansion itself. As a compromise however, we will use the Drums of War campaign to instead set this scene. A couple of pivotal developments will take place throughout the course of the campaign that are sure to leave a mark on the clan and its identity before the end! For any additional information and future summaries on these important developments, refer to the campaign report thread.

[OOC] Trailer
The development of our next trailer is underway! Though it's likely to be more of a 'teaser trailer' for the time being, it's still a perfectly worthy trailer in its own right when all has been said and done, so we're very much looking forward to sharing the results with you! When exactly this might be, remains to be seen. We'll be certain to keep you all posted on any possible filming-days when we'll need as many orc actors as possible to shine on the silver screen, however!
From the Annals: Blood of the Varog'Gor

With Okiba's story competition in full swing, this month is the perfect opportunity to be reminded of the vast amount of lore and background stories this guild has collected over the years of its long existence. In between the monthly newsletters and Member Spotlights, we'll be regularly taking a look back into the history of the Red Blade's stories and see what its creative members, both former and present, have written in our new format, "From the Annals". By taking these stories out of the depths of our website, they'll get some well-earned, renewed exposure for members who may not have been around at the time to see the conception of the story at the time.

To kick this series off, I've selected one of three stories regarding the clan's most influential ranks: The Rrosh-tul, Varog'Gor and Thur'ruk. Back when these ranks were first created, Morgeth helped give these ranks a bit of spice by providing a background story for each one of them. These stories hearkened back to the time of Clan Redblade back on Draenor and illustrated the conflict they had with another fictional clan, the Bloodmaw clan. All three stories can be read in the Ranks: A history of blades thread, but below is the story she wrote about the Varog'Gor. A story that perfectly captures the feeling of the Varog'Gor, the responsibilities they have and the culture that exists around them. I was very happy with the stories at the time, and feel they're a perfect representation even now, eight years later!

As the sun broke down over the tall, green trees, a flock of black birds lifted to seek shelter beyond the edge of this vast forest. Below the branches resided what can only be described as a village of orcs, teeming with the life of daily labours. It would be wrong to say that things had always been like this, because conflict - it seems - lies in the blood of any race of the world. But these orcs, despite the red blade that had given them their clan name, could now enjoy a time of relative quiet. But as those very birds lifted from their tree, it seemed that time may well have reached its end.

A party of five orcs had arrived, daring to hold the colours of their clan banner high, even in these lands, which they had never held the strength to call their own. Their weapons remained undrawn, and so the trespassers were let into the village, constantly kept under the watchful eyes of its inhabitants. Even the children stopped in their tracks, no longer running around with the worg pups roaming the village, nor falling prey to the alluring prospect of playing with their dulled blades. From several huts, laid in different areas of the village, emerged a certain kind of orcs. They held no similarities in neither gender, nor build or weapon skill, but their eyes were somehow the same, and their steps held a certain confidence. They were the Varog'Gor; the chieftain's handpicked advisors.

As the visiting party drew closer to the chieftain's hut, standing bigger than the rest, several of the Varog'Gor had already arrived. From the strangers emerged a leader, sitting atop a brown-maned worg. The orc gave his head a mocking, little bow in greeting.
"Throm'ka, orcs of the Red blade clan. I am Vrashnak of the Bloodmaw clan. I have come here to have words with your chieftain. I take it he is present and of health?"
A wide-fanged grin revealed the malice behind his facade, that this visitor could no longer keep as a secret. His words, however, soon earned their own reward, as the fur covering the entrance to the chieftain's hut was motioned aside.

From the safety of his own home, emerged Grathork the Wolfking, chieftain of the Red blade clan. His shoulders were broad, his physique at the peak of the male form, but the undoubtedly most notable thing about him was, in fact, a mask. The ragged fur seemed not particularly old, nor worn, but simply ragged, as the heirloom itself was what remained of Magoth, the great wolf that had been tamed by the chieftain's own grandfather; Kraag the Wolfking. No matter their business, visitors would always shy away from the first look of the chieftain's gaze. Perhaps they thought it to be an ominous thing, to be stared down at by such a creature, that even when it had passed, held such a powerful presence. This time, it seemed, was no different.

Vrashnak of the Bloodmaw clan tightened the hold of the reins to his wolf, hiding his bout of nervousness with a snort, before inclining his head to the chieftain.
"Greetings upon you and your clan, chieftain. I am -"
His jaw still hung slightly opened, but the Bloodmaw orc became hushed by the simple, but decisive gesture of a raised hand. A gesture soon followed by the rumble of a dark voice. The chieftain spoke, and his Varog'Gor drew closer, as if feasting on his presence.
"I have heard your name, and your clan. But I have yet to hear of your business here, orc. Bark it out quickly, before you return to lick your master's feet. I have no patience for pups come to bark out of their own territory."

All of the Bloodmaw orcs grew tense at the chieftain's words, for only the dead or a fool, would fail to detect the dismissive rudeness they had come to face with. All of them grew tense, but one. For there was little Vrashnak could do, but smirk in response.
"Oh, chieftain. Your own words bring about my business, for they do in fact concern territory. Your nearby woods here provide your clan with the resources they need, but you see, our own lands lie not far, and due to recent circumstances, we have been looking for ways to.. expand."
The orc licked his lips, barely able to contain a small laugh, before continuing. Always under the watchful eyes of the chieftain and those sworn to protect him.
"The ogres south of here, a vicious bunch. I know you have had your troubles with them before. But you see, my chieftain holds not only strength in the arm that wields his axe, but he is also a master of diplomacy. Despite their somewhat clumsy manner, ogres can make for perfect allies, don't you agree? Especially for a chieftain that seeks to enhance his territory. I come to you simply as an act of courtesy, to tell you that our hunters might come to encroach on what you.. call "your" lands."
The fiendish smirk remained upon Vraknash's lips as he peered up towards the chieftain standing just a few feet away.

By now, some of the Red blade villagers had already drawn their axes, eager to cut down those who came so eagerly, so boldly, and tried to lay claim upon what they had so long called their own. The rumble in the chieftain's voice became even more noticeable as he snarled down towards the orc in front of him.
"Your hunters?"
A small chuckle preceded the answering words, and was enough of an insult for the chieftain to lift his hand, letting it grasp firmly around the hilt to his blade.
"Oh", spoke Vrashnak. "Perhaps some of our scouts, and as our numbers grow, you might notice our huts in the distance. I am sure we will all learn to get along. Perhaps your clan will grace the Bloodmaw with gifts, seeing how well we work along with others." Hungry eyes lifted, as Vrashnak peered over to a lone female, standing outside of her hut to view visitors and chieftain alike. His leering gaze at her was greeted with the simple pulling of a crude, but most likely effective knife, that she used to skin her game. Vrashnak chuckled once more, and his gaze carried a certain glow, as he turned back to the chieftain.
"Or, if you do not find the view to your liking, chieftain. Well, then I hear there are sites for villages to be built further up north. Rocky ones, but in these crowded times, we orc must adapt, don't we?"
The party of visiting Bloodmaw were washed over by a wave of amusement, and now even they dared peer over to the masked chieftain, as if trying to see if his visage had faltered, if a dent had been made in his resolve.
"We will not linger for long, as it would be a shame to waste your resources, now that they have most likely become ever so precious to you, chieftain. My own clan, however, will expect to hear of your reception of these news. Perhaps a token of the lasting friendship between our clans would suffice, or - if you wish to take that path - I shall return empty handed."

At this point, the chieftain's gaze turned towards his most trusted. The claws upon the wolf that was his clan; his prized Varog'Gor. They stared back at him in silence, but in their eyes shone the unified rage of a beast awoken. The chieftain's muscled arms broke apart, as if embracing the visitors into his home and heart, but from his jaws erupted a deafening roar.
"Varog'Gor! Give them our reception!"

There is a certain beauty to brown skin, steel, and shed blood. The chieftain could appreciate all of it, as the carnage unveiled before him. The Varog'Gor poured down the steps like a flood upon a child having strayed too far into the river. From afar he watched, almost gripped in awe of the ever changing view. A Bloodmaw clumsily reaching for his axe, only to feel the sharpness of two daggers driven into his neck by a female agile enough to jump up on the orc's own wolf, granting him a swift passage to whatever ancestor that would greet him. Her bloodied hands were soon lifted, only to swiftly paint her face with the blood of her kill, and under the chieftain's watchful eye, the female Varog'Gor let out a fearsome howl. She was greeted with the raised axes and blades of a village in triumph. They celebrated her savage nature; they basked in it.

They worked together, and that was the true essence of it. Like a pack of wolves, they tore the Bloodmaw apart, limb from limb. They even had the good taste to make it last, repaying insult with pain. When only Vrakash remained, his broken arms restrained behind his back, the chieftain strode forward. He was interrupted in doing so, as his eyes - and the Varog'Gor alike - were drawn to someone struggling to get to the Bloodmaw emissary. She would have been stopped, but the chieftain saw no reason for it. Instead he signaled to give the female orc a free path, as she strode forward; skinning knife in her hand and murder in her eyes. A bubbling attempt at diplomacy, or perhaps yet another insult, began to form over Vraknash's lips, but was never allowed to reach its crescendo. The female stomped forward, and with a loud scream, she let her crude knife slash over his eyes, as to never let him gaze upon her again. When she raised the dagger a second time, however, the blood-faced Varog'Gor stepped in, snaking a strong arm around the female's chest, only to hiss into  her brown ear.
"Calm your blade, sister. He is but a blind rat, and not worthy of such wrath. His final fate is decided by the chieftain."

The chieftain granted his bloodied advisor a little smirk in gratitude, before he - finally - stood in front of the still screaming, now blind orc. A mocking slap, one a master gives its bitch dog when it makes too much noise, was granted over Vraknash's cheek.
"Now listen to me, Vraknash of the Bloodmaw clan. This part of the woods, and the lands that surround them, belong to the Red blade clan. Now your chieftain will have to ask for my permission to even set one foot near it, or any of his ogre whores for that matter, or I shall fill his ass with so many arrows he will think a gronn mated with him. Return to him, like the mutt you are, lick his feet and tell him this. The Red blades bow to no clan, especially not as despicable and weak as your own. Know the stench of your brothers blood, for you will smell it aplenty, Vrasknash."
As the Varog'Gor holding the Bloodmaw orc's arms stepped aside, the chieftain gave his chest a firm push, shoving the orc down into the puddle of the gathered juices, still seeping from the corpses of those Vraknash had arrived with.

Hours later, he would still be crawling over the village paths, leaving behind a bloodied trail, as he searched for a way back to those who had sent him. Again the children of the Red blade would play, daring each other to run close to the orc, and whisper the secrets of his fate. For they knew, as well as he, that he was already dead. His spirit was simply held back, by that useless husk that remained of his flesh.

That night, the chieftain's Varog'Gor stood in front of him inside his hut, and spoke the words of war. In truth, they nurtured not only his safety, but the tribe as a whole, and he was bound to that as much as they were bound to him. "Then it is decided, that instead of waiting, we shall strike the first blow. Take the fight to them, and the ogres. It will give the village the benefit of escaping unharmed, should we succeed. And should we fail", the chieftain peered around the gathered orcs, nodding to himself as to finalize his decision. "It will give time for some to escape."

The Wolfking's gaze moved over the faces of those closest to him in the pack, their faces illuminated by the strong flames of a nearby fire. With a low grunt, his hand was raised.
"I shall not go to war without the wisdom of the ancestors and elements bestowed upon me. I need her council. Send for the Thur'ruk."
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