• Welcome to Orcs of the Red Blade.
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A Return To Greatness Awaits!

It's been a little while in the making, but here it is! Orcs of the Red Blade is back!

A great, special thanks goes to Drevan (also known as Azuril also known as Sakareth) for his immense help in bringing the website and that which was once thought lost back up and running! What you see in front of you would not have been possible without him!

Eight months ago, we announced the guild's official hiatus due to various circumstances that made an intermission of activities the most prudent course of action. But, after a decent spell of recharging our creative energies, exploring our options and simply kicking back with some Tol Barad Coconut Rum in the Stranglethorn sun, we decided to come back out of retirement and continue our adventures once more! There is, however, a tiny snag...

We need YOUR help to do it!

The Campaign
In order to set the stage for our return, we've prepared an intricate campaign that will welcome back both the new and the old. This campaign will begin an entirely new chapter for the guild. We're turning a completely blank page! A 'soft reboot,' as it were, in order to reinvent the guild in an updated style that will allow for even more Lok'tar to your Ogar in future guild RP! And the best thing about it? You don't need to have any prior knowledge or relation to the guild in order to participate!
  • Are you a (former) Red Blade player and want to make a return? That's great!
  • Are you new to the Red Blade but would love to take part in the introductory campaign and possibly become a future member? That's even better!
Due to the nature of the campaign, however, it's required that anyone who wishes to participate in the campaign signs up in advance. This can be done either in this very thread, on the guild's website or by contacting me personally. When doing so, please specify - in short - what kind of orc your character is. Will he or she be your typical warrior? More of a spiritualist? Or perhaps not special or ambitious at all? Regardless of the nature of your orc, we'll be able to find a place for him or her in our campaign, as there will be several different ways to join while still ensuring the story remains personal to your orc!

The starting date of our campaign - and so its first event - will be on Sunday the 26th of November. After that, there will be three events per week. Which exact days those events will be on, will depend entirely on the results of a poll we would like all of our participants to fill in - the link for which you will receive after you signed up. This way, we wish to ensure that as many people as possible will be able to attend all of the crucial events without having to miss out on all the good stuff.

The goal of the campaign will not only be to serve as an introduction to the new iteration of the Red Blade, however. It will also serve to allow you to gradually shape your future role in the guild accordingly - even to the point that potential leaders may have a chance to stand up! Throughout the campaign, themes and elements that will represent the guild in its envisioned shape and form will be introduced to give just a taste of what people can expect as future members. And in the process, you'll be making friends and kickstarting your orc into a position of his or her ambition along the way!

Can't make it to the 26th? We got you covered there as well, amigo! There will be several ways and dates to enter our campaign. So even if the short IC introduction down below doesn't appeal to you, we can still find you an alternate entry into the campaign! Do note that you might miss out on one or two initial events if you do, but it will all be fit perfectly into the story!

For any further questions, feel free to take a look on our website which has a plethora of information to offer as well as a FAQ, or contact me on Battle.net on Lemonpie39#2659.

So, are you looking for a brand new experience to dip you orc in? Wait no longer, for this is the perfect opportunity to get involved! We hope to see you sharing the roads to glory with us!

The In Character Part
The following will be the 'standard' means by which to join our campaign. Are you not able to make it to the 26nd or would you prefer to join via an alternate mean that might suit your character better such as a spiritual route or as a grunt? Don't hesitate to contact yours truly!

A letter is snuck into your hand by a cloaked figure that is brawny enough to be an orc without any shadow of a doubt. Before you have a chance to turn and grasp or even look at him, however, he is already gone. Its contents are written in hand, accompanied by a hastily scraweled map that points to a desolate location in the Stonetalon Mountains.


I write to you in haste, for time is of the essence and eyes are everywhere. Even now, agents of the enemy threaten to silence me. I do not know their intent, nor do I know how it is that they have burrowed themselves so deeply into our society. They live among us; share our roofs and eat our food. Even in Orgrimmar, none are safe from their clutches. What I do know with certainty, is that you are in danger. You may have no cause to trust me or see reason in my words, but see reason in this: the spirits themselves cry out for blood.

I have enclosed a map that shall lead you to a desolate camp in the Stonetalon Mountains. Meet me there on the 26th day of the 11th month. I promise you answers and refuge there. In the meantime, see to your blood kin should you have any. They too may be exposed.

Trust no one.

Kozgugore Feraleye
Last Post Wins (Forum Fatality Edition)

Forum Fatality

As you may already know, Orcs of the Red Blade is currently on an indefinite hiatus. Web hosting, domain registration and other costs associated with the website are difficult to justify in the present climate, and the OotRB website, forum and all associated content will be taken offline when funding runs out in just a few short months.

As a thank you to our most loyal and active forum members, we’ve decided to commemorate this inevitable process in a unique and memorable way. “Last Post Wins” in its many incarnations has been one of the most popular threads on the forum in the past few years, generating thousands of posts’ worth of off-topic banter and fun that has continued even following our hiatus.

As such we are proud to announce Last Post Wins (Forum Fatality Edition), the final incarnation of the series! If someone is the last poster for a period of 24 hours or more, Kozgugore will take the Orcs of the Red Blade website offline early, permanently and irretrievably deleting all stories, artwork and other content created by members spanning years.

If you win, you will be personally responsible for destroying the treasured memories of members both old and new. You’ll also get a special graphic and title (Champion At Life… For Life!) under your username, but this will have limited effect as the forum will no longer exist.

(Credits for this diabolical plan go to Sadok)
Lowering the curtain: a hiatus

Adventures were had, battles were fought, oaths were sealed and friends were made. It has been an amazing eleven and a half years since Orcs of the Red Blade has come into existence, with people from all around the world joining us in the amazing World of Warcraft. Some of us have made friends for life, some of us have grown up alongside the guild and others simply enjoyed to tag along for the ride, be it for a mere, passing moment or for several months or years. Either way, each and every one of these members have been a part of the story that has been told over these past eleven years, and we would like to thank all of them for having chosen to take a part in it.

The reason I would like to point out this very fact is because, after careful deliberation with the remaining core membership of the guild, the time has finally come to lower the curtain. Over the past year, the guild has seen a steady decline in membership activity due to various contributing factors. This decline has recently come to a point on which it has become clear to us that there is no other way forward save to accept the inevitability of every single guild ever in existence: just like how there is a beginning, there is always the end.

Though this may not be a permanent end just yet, the Orcs of the Red Blade will, as of today, officially go into a hiatus. Perhaps there will be a day that some orcs decide to take up the banner and rally their fellow kin around them once more, but until that time comes, any official Orcs of the Red Blade activities will come to a halt. This means that there will be no more recruiting of new members, no more officially hosted events and no official representatives of the guild around in-game to contact. You may still see some individual members occasionally roaming the world of Azeroth and beyond and the guild as a name tag will not be disbanded, but as an existing entity, the guild will be no more. Meanwhile, our website will continue to be hosted until its next payment is due, which should be some time this upcoming Summer. If any members wish to continue to host the website after that, donation options can easily be made available when that time comes.

And so, we have reached the point where all that remains for me to say, is a very big and hearty 'thank you' to everyone who over the years chose to be a part of this crazy endeavour that has lasted far longer than I could possibly have imagined. It truly is a tale worthy of its own Lok'vadnod. Anyone who feels like brushing up some nostalgia can still visit our Ten Years Strong: Memories topic or can even add to it. Additionally, as a last hurrah for the closing curtain, Sadok has compiled a very suitable movie credits list of all members that have been involved over the past eleven and a half years. Give it a look and see how many old names you can recognize!

Now, for one last time...
For the Blood of the Tribe!

Kozgugore Feraleye
Chieftain of the Red Blade tribe

The Legion Comes

Smouldering embers, broken infernals, dead orcs and broken structures: the Burning Legion had made its mark on Splintertree Post following the short yet brutal siege they laid to it and its occupants. Where the orcs of the Red Blade thought they had slowly gained the upper hand in warding off the demon threats lurking in the northern forests, a sudden yet decisive strike ended any and all notion of that. They fought tooth and nail to ensure the Post would remain standing, but they did so at a price. The entire attack turned out to be one big, elaborate distraction which allowed infiltrating Satyrs to sneak in through the back and pillage through their supplies.

The worst of it all, however? It was not even the supplies they were after. In the thick of the battle, they came for but a single item that was in the orcs’ possession, and the defending forces learned too late before the demons and their ilk could make off with it: the prized Scepter of the Shaman-king. For many years, it had been in the tribe’s possession since they recovered it from other sinister forces, but the ancient relic of Clan Redblade had once again fallen in nefarious hands. There was no telling what neither demon nor Satyr would possibly desire the scepter for, but one thing was certain: whatever the scepter’s purpose was, it would no doubt serve as a catalyst for their own, evil gains. It was too late to pursue the thieves in the wake of the devastating attack, however. The culprits had long fled, and in their hubris, there was but a single clue that they left behind that pointed to its destination: the Broken Isles.

Battered and bruised, the Red Blade tribe prepared to make way back to Orgrimmar. What was hoped to be a quick retreat, turned out to be an arduous journey back into the relative safety of Orgrimmar’s walls, however. Every area surrounding the great warrior city was under severe attack from the Legion – the very city itself under heavy siege without a single reprieve. Even upon their timely return, having fought their way through the siege line in a daring advance, there was no rest for the wicked. A counter attack had to be made upon the Broken Isles – the center of the Legion’s power – and the demonic taint forever cleansed from the face of Azeroth. For the Red Blade tribe, there was a personal score to settle as well, however. With the Scepter of the Shaman-king taken, it would be a dishonour upon the tribe’s name to allow it to remain in demonic hands. Moreover, its former keeper, True Blood Sadok Sharptongue, had fallen to the demons’ fires. He was the first of no doubt many more deaths to come. It would be a heavy price the tribe, the Horde and indeed the entirety of Azeroth would have to pay to see the demonic forces gone for good, if such a thing were ever possible to even begin with.

It is in the face of these dire times that new heroes and leaders alike must stand up to carry the banner of the Red Blade forward into the fires of hell itself. As ships are sent out into the maw of the beast to cull this threat for good, so too do the Red Blades set sail for the Broken Isles to avenge the fallen, regain their honour and, most important of all, to fight for a worthy future for generations to come. For peace and prosperity. For death and glory. For the Horde. And for the Blood of the Tribe.

OOC information:

World of Warcraft: Legion has at long last come, and as is common with every single new expansion by now, Orcs of the Red Blade strives to make the best and full use of everything all of the new content has to offer! Through a chain of introductory events, the stage has been set for the tribe’s upcoming Legion plot, which will provide for yet another countless amount of stories, developments, characters and drama alike throughout the months to come! To ensure both new and present members know what the stakes are, you can read the introduction to the Legion plot above. Below, however, you will find all the OOC information you will need to know in order to be up to date for what to expect these coming weeks!

As with every new expansion, we are going to allow our members to take their time to explore all the new expansion content without having to worry about missing out on any RP experiences throughout the initial urge to explore the new zones and level up. To this end, we will have a two-week hiatus from official guild events following the initial release of Legion. That doesn’t mean RP will cease to exist, however!

As the tribe embarks to set sail for the Broken Isles, the storms and tides of the Maelstrom will split the tribe and its several ships up, initially scattering the tribe as they land upon the shores of the Broken Isles. Those who desire to continue on RPing, be it by themselves or with companions both in and outside the guild, will be quite welcome to continue to do so before the tribe eventually manages to come back together in the third week of Legion’s release. The tribe’s official landing location, and therefore place of rendezvous, will be the area of Highmountain. So you will know where to make your way towards when the time has come for the tribe to continue its arduous adventure into the Broken Isles together!

We hope to be able to welcome you all again when that time comes. Until our RP campaign continues, you can be certain that there will be plenty of people in the guild around to share new experiences with and to explore Legion’s content together with, should you so choose to. Not only is the end of the world a good time to rise up and become a hero, but so too is it to make new friends for life!

For the Blood of the Tribe!

Member Spotlight: Kargnar


The last remaining member of our current officer team who still awaiting his very own spotlight is none other than Kargnar Bloodpaw! As one of the oldest of the currently presiding Elders of the tribe, he's sure to have seen his share of adventures and experiences within the guild and its history! Time to see what stories he has to share with us! As a little extra, he also just so happens to be the tribe's number-one Rrosh-tul, so who knows he might even give away a few tips and pieces of advice on how to be moulded into one of the best fighters of the tribe!

So, what can you tell us about your first memories with the tribe?

Oh boy that's quite far back. I think my first memories with the tribe at least when it it comes to RP were back in 2011 when I joined on my shaman Grogok Stormbreaker (who I still have, and he is still a New Blood of the tribe) and I had an interview with Kozgugore. I was entirely new to Defias Brotherhood, with Grogok being my first character on that server. While I was getting that initial spam of join this guild or join that guild, I spotted an orc Death Knight called Groshnakk, and because the guild name she was in sounded rather much like the name of an RP guild, I started asking her questions about the guild and what it was like. After I think ten minutes of me asking billions of questions, she told me about the website, and from there I read everything I had access to as a new user on the forum, made and application and got an interview

That's quite some time ago! Now, five years later, you're still with us, albeit as a different character. Were there any differences that you noticed in the way you RPed in general or with the tribe, playing as a different orc or class?

Both yes and no. There were and still are quite a huge difference between how I RPed back then and how I RP now, most of which stemmed from my young age and lack of experience when it came to RP in general at the time, rather than the choice of orc and class. With Grogok I tried to play an orc who was very much like Thrall: diplomatic, friendly and wise. But my lack of actual knowledge and lack of experience in RP made that very hard for me, which ended up with me generally staying away and in the end making a warrior instead. It took me three attempts for the warrior. The first two ended rather catastrophic, with several OOC and IC clashes with members and officers of the tribe, but as I grew older and more mature, the idea for Kargnar came. And that has so far turned out really well.

That's quite the little detour to where you are now! What was it that encouraged you to keep on coming back, both the guild as well as orc RP in general?

It was actually the community within the guild. It wasn't as much the RP, although that is certainly a part of what I enjoy about the guild, but it were the people. Whenever I took a break, either because the game had nothing to offer besides RP, or because of clashes with people (which in a way sometimes happened both) I started missing the atmosphere that is in our OOC channel and the general friendliness that are between the players, both IC and OOC, after a while. In a way I suppose you can say I have become addicted to the guild and its people. No matter how much I tried in the past, in the end I would always return.

Throughout all of those years, you have made your way up to the top of the rank ladder as a Rrosh-tul of the tribe. Is this something you had always hoped or intended for one of your characters to be? Is there anything you would recommend to others, who might want to play a similarly big role in the tribe themselves one day?

When I first began RPing with the tribe, I actually wanted to become an Elder, To me they were persons worthy of respect, they seemed to me as the actual heart and soul of the tribe. But due to the way I was at the time, that wasnever going to happen and in the end I sort of let go of the idea. So when I made Kargnar, I had no actual ambition OOCly. Sure, ICly Kargnar wanted to prove himself, and practically rushed through the tasks he was given, but there was no actual end goal for him in mind. I was more than happy to just see where it all went. When the officer team asked for people that wanted to join them, it was more of a spur of the moment decision rather than anything I had worked towards, and as such I was actually quite surprised when I found out I had been picked, in part because of how I had been in the past. It was nice to see that the officers were willing to look past that, and look at how I was now. As for what to recommend to others that want to join the officer team someday, I have a few things. First of all, don't rush towards it, but rather enjoy the journey. Plan your own events, be friendly and helpful towards both older and newer members both IC and OOC. That is what we as officers look for when thinking of who would be a good addition to the team. It ain't about how long you have been in the tribe, but more what you do for others in terms of creating RP and contributing to a generally friendly community.

Speaking as one of the more 'veteran' officers who's around right now, are there any specific challenges that you find yourself facing as a guild officer?

Well, an ever present challenge as officers is creating RP, especially in times as now where we are between expansions and having been given such a weak expansion as we did with WoD. Hopefully, however, Legion will help us a lot when it shows up. Another thing that sometimes take some time to deal with, is when or if there are some trouble within the guild, for example two people having an OOC fight. What I like the most myself, is to plan events and see and receive feedback to become better, and generally interacting with the members.

Having said that, are there any events or random kind of RP that you've so far enjoyed the most?

That is a rather hard question, because there are so many memorable events that I over the years have spent time on. Some of the ones I remember most were the RP-PvP events we had on Defias Brotherhood, led by Rargnasha, Gnash or our ever courageous leader Kozgugore. But I also love our Kosh'harg events, even more so now that I know how much work there is put into it to make it succesful. I love all kind of random RP. The very fact that it is random is what makes it so nice, because as an officer now, I almost always have an idea what will happen at events. With random RP though, it can go any of a million ways.

Lastly, any big plans in the pipeline for you or your character? How do you see your future with the guild and WoW in general?

No big plans for either me or my character, no. I prefer more to react to what happens, rather than force something to happen for my char. I am rather fine with where he is a the moment, but who knows what might happen now that we are going to get invaded by the Legion in the biggest attack ever made by them. For my future in the guild, all I can say is that I look forward to it, and that I have some ideas for fun stuff for the guild. That is all still a secret though, so I won't say more than: if and when I am done with the planning, it will be a lot of fun. So look forward to it.

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