Orcs of the Red Blade


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Messages - Kargur Bloodaxe

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Game Related / Re: Advice needed.
« on: October 24, 2008, 08:42:43 PM »
I think Koz is right about the possiblity of renewed life in Covenant with Wrath, from what I remember just before TBC everything was very quiet there, with a massive surge in interest post-release, at one point there were 3 regular teams raiding Kara, i think. Raiding is likely to become more accessible to smaller organisations such as coveant, due to everything having the 10man setting. I think that was part of the problem - that enough sufficiently geared people couldn't be got together from Covenant alone to raid the 25mans like Gruul. In truth, part of the reason for me leaving for PvE was that it felt a bit stagnated, as we were just in Kara again and again, and I wanted something new. Hopefully, this won't be a problem for Cov in Wrath.

Muchos luck in getting this started up again!

Game Related / Re: Shows us your new talent set ups
« on: October 19, 2008, 02:21:01 PM »
This is my current tank build http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=LVZZqItMgczVdIzsGo

Missing some useful stuff I hope to get on the way to 80. Most definatly missing Cruelty and I will get Gag Order at some point,for the improved damage of shield slam.

Enjoying the changes so far, for once I can effectively kill things as a solo prot warrior wearing my tank gear and in def stance - I think the new glyphs really help in this respect!

Game Related / Re: The grand Show Your Messy Bank thread!
« on: October 17, 2008, 01:05:24 PM »
The mounts coz I was after the Albino Drake <3 and tabards coz I like 'em. If I'm exalted then why not?

Game Related / Re: The grand Show Your Messy Bank thread!
« on: October 17, 2008, 01:22:16 AM »

Not so messy and kinda organised, if rather full! Get all confused if stuff ain't organsied.

Bit more empty these days since 50 mounts and 30 minipets have gone :D

Game Related / Re: Phased out village
« on: October 16, 2008, 03:22:44 PM »
Kozzie, look on your map at Tyr's Hand - EPL has suddenly aquired a coastline!

The Campfire / Re: The Ring (reposted for Norvis)
« on: October 11, 2008, 03:57:18 PM »
(( If I can remember what happened, I'll try and post something. But my memory is a bit rusty! ))

Game Related / Re: Grockh's Orc-style UI
« on: October 11, 2008, 01:01:15 PM »
Thanks Grockh! But which link does I click on the rapidshare page?

Edit: nm, worked it out. Downloading it now *excited dance*

The Campfire / The Ring (reposted for Norvis)
« on: October 11, 2008, 02:57:29 AM »
(( This is a reposting of something I wrote in March 07, the whole saga involving Yorla disappearing and the demons in BRD, this is the first part of the story immeadiatly following the meeting, and if I can I will have a look at the screenies and try my hardest to remember what happened! The help of anyone who does would greatly be appreciated! ))

The Ring

Kargur stood guard, his back to the Warchief and the Tribe, watching the entrance of Grommash Hold for unwanted intruders. He listened carefully to what was being said, to the anger and the disbelief of his fellow orcs. Many thoughts had been crowding his head since he had heard of the allegations about Yorla, now the truth was finally coming out. He was puzzled as to why Oznack had left so suddenly, and had noticed the glimmer of something shiny falling from a concealed pouch and heard the tinkle of metal on stone as Oz had made his exit.

As the orcs left the chamber following the decision of the Warchief, Kargur stooped down to examine what it was had fallen. A small copper ring lay in the dust; Kargur carefully picked it up between one massive, plated forefinger and thumb and held it up to the light before storing it carefully in a pouch dangling from his belt. “Me’z kin look at dis later” he though to himself, as he hurried out of the chamber to join the Captain and other guards.

When he returned to his quarters that night Kargur had all but forgotten about the ring in his pouch, only noticing it again when he was rooting through his pouches for some coin to pay the rent, slamming the coins into the orcs hand and quickly slamming the door, he turned to examine the ring. He turned it over and over in his hand and held it up to the light; it seemed to be just a simple band of woven copper, nothing special or unusual about it at all. “Mebbe et means summat ter Oz” he muttered to himself “Me’z will give et back ter ‘im de firs’ chance me’z gets”.

Nearly a week passed by, Kargur had still not seen Oz and was still waiting to return the ring he found. After a successful trip to Blackrock Spire, Kargur stood in Orgrimmar chatting idly with Kozgugore when he noticed a she-orc dressed in black watching him from the corner of his eye. The she-orc asked if he was indeed the Red Guard Kargur, so he nodded. “Ah! Just the orc I’ve been looking for”, she said. Kargur was puzzled, who was this mysterious orc, and what did she want from him. The orc indicated to Kargur that he should follow, and she moved off towards the Drag. “Yer not one o’ dem thieves are yer?” asked Kargur apprehensively, the she-orc scoffed at his fears, “Yer not scared of some thieves are you?” she exclaimed. Kargur simply nodded and said “Dabu, dey’res lots o’ dem an’ one o’ me’z, plenty o’ reason ter be scared”. The female sighed heavily, and said “If you’re scared then we can meet somewhere else then”.

Settling beside one of the large bonfires that are all over Orgrimmar the mysterious, old she-orc began to question Kargur about the events that took place in Thrall’s chamber, and asked him if he had seen a ring. “Me’z did” replied Kargur, “Oz dropped et”. The she-orc seemed very excited about this, and wanted Kargur to hand it over to her, but he refused “Why should me’z give yer dis ring orc? Me’z not even know who yer are!”, “Because it’s mine” she replied. Kargur was very suspicious, and refused to hand it over. The old she-orc was very wily however, and tried many tricks to get the ring, offering him money for it, and telling him that Oznack was merely looking after it from her. But Kargur did not relent, until that is, the she-orc showed him a Red Blade tabard, and told him that they were of the same Tribe.

This swayed Kargur, and he reasoned “If she es one o’ de Tribe den me’z mus’ be able ter trust ‘er, she won’ be tryin’ ter trick me’z or steal from me’z”. He rummaged through his many bags and pouches and showed it to the very impatient female, who had been tapping her foot whilst she waited. She greedily snatched it from his hand and grinned wickedly at him. “Ah thank you” she said and walked off muttering something about regrets…

Game Related / Re: Grockh's Orc-style UI
« on: October 08, 2008, 03:27:43 PM »
Great! Thanks Grockh!

Game Related / Re: Grockh's Orc-style UI
« on: October 08, 2008, 01:42:35 AM »
Myes, could some nice person upload this agian please! Interested in trying this gubbins out for once!

Off Topic / Re: Orgash Hails the Red Blades!
« on: September 30, 2008, 01:20:06 AM »
Hai Orgash! *big wave*

Left meself too, but still lurking in red orc and creeping round the forums! :>

Did wonder where ye'd gone!

Game Related / Re: Death Knight
« on: September 30, 2008, 01:19:17 AM »
And you can't get any worse than some of the warlocks we've had in the past.

Moggy Poggy? ;D ;D

Mhakzul! And them damn socks of his! Betraying socks!

Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
« on: September 29, 2008, 01:59:44 AM »

To clarify: You either have to be real daft in the head to understand this or watch it at least 8 times in a row.

Dr Robotnik?

Off Topic / Re: Final words
« on: August 21, 2008, 03:47:11 PM »
Have lotsa fun Drakkie and stay safe! See lotsa cool things and drink alot too! :>

Enjoy it!

Off Topic / Re: an hello!
« on: August 15, 2008, 01:59:23 PM »
*giggles* Love it!

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