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Messages - Vraxxar

Off Topic / Re: Mini IRL meetup!
March 04, 2015, 10:03:48 PM
Yeeeeesh, I shall come too!

Though I don't understand danish, and get easly drunk. And I'm tiny so I'll need a flag for you guys to find me.
Applications / Vraxxar Application
February 08, 2015, 11:36:42 PM
Name: Vraxxar
Class: Archer (Hunter)
Level: 100

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
Well, I started my Role-play career in WoW, back at WotLK, just before Cataclysm. Then I switched to Guild Wars 2, played there for two years, maybe more. Since their launch anyway. Now I'm coming back here!
Otherwise my gaming experience is rather spread out. I like to say that my gaming life started at Mario N64 and Duck hunt.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
Vraxxar is born in Draenor but raised in Alterac. Father, mother and brother he has. Archer is what he does. And a little daggers and spear.
He is the agile kind so not really a walking pile of muscles.
His earlier experience is fighting dwarves, a lot. He have also traveled a lot so he's used to Tauren and Trolls.