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Messages - Gridish

The Campfire / Re: Lofty's chapters
November 15, 2013, 12:57:05 AM
The war of the Blades.

Many years ago, a vicious war broke out. A war between the Orcs of the Red Blades and the Blades of Frost, a Night Elf regiment. The war started by the Night Elves, lauching an assault on an orcish settlement. This would usually not be anything new, had it not been for that the unarmed had not only been killed, but brutally  slaughtered. None were spared. I still remember to this day the sight of the children, hung from the trees, cut open  for the carrions. From there, the war escalated. Our tribe struck a swift and fierce retaliation, holding true to our morals of never killing children however -- we sacked an elven town and put their sacred shrines ablaze. This called for elven retribution and a long cycle of vicious hit and runs ensued. The Blades of Frost however were an elusive foe, and we rarely anaged to catch them out in the field.

As the battles went on, it was those inhabiting the villages who were the ones to pay the price.
It was during one of these battles, a newblood defied his Mok'nathal tutor, and spared an enemy civillian. This act infuriated the Tutor, who demanded from his unruly Newblood why he'd spare the life of a hated enemy, to which the Newblood answered: "If these elves know no honour, they will not learn of it unless shown to them." The answer hardly amused the tutor, Who's kill was stolen, however it was neither the time nor the place to disciplne the unruly newblood.

Later that night after the Newblood's punishment, he was sought out by a peculiar visitor. The Night Elf from the battle earlier had sought him out, and they spent hours on speaking of the war. Eventually they came to the same conclusion, that this war needed to end and it was doing no good for neither the Orcs nor the Elves.

So it came to pass that one day, the Newblood went to his chieftain and the Night Elf to her leader, and they laid forth their plan both were rightly suspicious, but the young Newblood offered to his chieftain: "Then I shall go alone and meet and speak with them. If they are as honourless as we think, the only life lost to this plan shall be my own. I shall offer them that we shall do no harm to either their children or their shrines as long as they leave ours alone."The chieftain dissagreed with this: "We have never touched their children; this trade will make us look weak." Then the Newblood continued his arguement: " It may be so, but this will be our chance to take away the elves' one advantage - To shield ourselves where they know they can hurt us." The wise Chieftain saw the prospect in this, saving the lives of many innocent while needing to give little in return. So he allowed the newblood to go into the darnkness of Ashenvale, the forest that lays in eternal twilight to meet with the Elves from the Blades of Frost.

It was to many orc's suprise when the Newblood returned later that night, unscathed and whole, with the tidings that the Elves had accepted the terms that had been laid forth. The war continued for a few weeks. The Elves, honouring the agreement, struck only out in the open now. The Elves's advantage of stealth and suprise were gone. The Red Blades no longer needed to strike at the Elven cities to retaliate, instead the Orcs fought them where ever they tried to strike, and hunted down their assault parties.

The Elven warriors suffered much, for they were no match for our Wolf Riders and eventually, their losses became so great that they stopped their attacks entirely. We have never had trouble with the Blades of  Frost since.

And that concludes the tale: War of the Blades.

- Chieftain Rargnasha Bloodmark.
Game Related / Re: Garrisons
November 10, 2013, 02:19:10 AM
* takes clothes off and starts running around the forums naked and screaming *
Game Related / Re: GREAT Roleplaying addon.
November 07, 2013, 10:47:26 PM
Wow.. Look at that sucky plugin! I mean like.. Geezzz where did we find this person that gives us such sucky tools!?!?!? D:

just joking groggles Q.Q
The Campfire / Re: Dark Pasts.
November 03, 2013, 06:12:53 PM
All hail Lofty!
The Campfire / Re: Lofty's chapters
November 03, 2013, 01:33:49 PM
Y maez karkun ul rethul daz soran ashj.
Modas alar zenn il ruk buras il amanare zar zenn ril Y te.
Y maez Y daz x zekul ul zenn zenn zar x rakkan.
Lok revola...


I wish mother or father was still here.
These orcs give me the looks of disgust and
mock who I am. I wish I had a place to call home and a friend.
I'm lonely...

- Krala
The Campfire / Re: Remember
November 02, 2013, 11:45:00 AM
That's just simply impressive man... well done D:
The Campfire / Re: Lofty's chapters
October 29, 2013, 08:54:48 PM
Forever bonded

Grogona Wolfheart,

A - FIERCE - and - STRONG - warrior on the outside, yet it's just plated armor that protects the soft, and loving soul on the inside.
We may never be together, united as mates but I will always be carrying a part of your loving weight.
This is my way of saying that you are never alone.
If you need me... for you, I will always be around.

- Lofty

The Campfire / Re: Lofty's chapters
October 29, 2013, 08:01:54 PM
If you are down, read this
Hello dear Lofty.
You're reading this because you're sad, and then if ye' were besides me.
I'd tell ye' ter Book up! But if it's rough. Always kno', tha' Grogona will at least always laugh wit' ye, an' not -at- ye'.
So many lovely regards.
an' i don't really draw, so here's a stick figure o' me, ter remind ye'self.
A little stick figure of a red haired orc with a smile*

- Rrosh'tul Grogona Wolfheart
The Campfire / Re: Lofty's chapters
October 27, 2013, 11:04:09 PM
Kind words with a warning.

Best book in the entire world.
From Grogona to Lofty.
If  ever touch my butt â€" OR â€" boobs again, or I’ll personally rip every page out of you, and make you watch as I burn them.
Many lovely regards,

-   Rrosh’tul Grogona Wolfheart.

(( This entire page has been crossed out by Grogona))
The Campfire / Lofty's chapters
October 27, 2013, 11:01:07 PM

This remedy is taken for bruising and soreness, to ease pain, and to speed recovery, for example, after an injury or operation. It can also help prevent infection and is used to treat abscesses. Peacebloom is very useful after accidents that cause the lymph glands to swell up or the limbs to become swollen and cold. Complaints are generally worse for becoming suddenly chilled when overheated. In women, Peacebloom is excellent for uterine pain during pregnancy.
It can be brewed in a tea, or the leaves can be grinded and used in salve to ease pain of wounds.

- Rhonya
(( A page in the booklet: Lofty.))

A night to remember.

A night to remember, it sure was. The night was organized and led Krogon Devilstep, who has gathered  The Rebellion tonight, to pay their respects to their fallen allies in this… slaughter of a war against Garrosh’s… “Horde”. 

Devilstep opened the memorial, and asked everyone to add wood to the pyre. Once everyone had returned to their places, it was time for  everyone to share their words, starting off with the lil’ goblin Moneyfix.., that started us off with a BANG! *Little sparks are shooting out of the word bang* showing that this was not a moment to be sad, but to be grateful that we are here to witness this day.

There have been many speeches tonight. Some personal, some involving the entire rebellion.
Some sad, some cheerful. However all of them had one thing in common… They were all thank-
*Lofty wiggles a bit* “Stop tickling me like this Gridish.. Write like a man!.”
- ful.  *Gridish slaps Lofty* “Sit still you fecking book… for once you are making yourself useful!
- They were all thankful.
I’d like to share a couple examples of “wise words” given tonight, so that they will never be lost in our memories. I’d like to start off with an orc whose name I don’t recall, yet the words he spoke tonight are still fresh in my memory:

*Lofty wiggles again* “You dumb Kodo butt! His name was Ragh.. Something with red” * Gridish silently stares at Lofty* “Ah yes, I remember it again… His name was Ragh Redtooth, Gridish!” * Gridish nods at Lofty and continues writing*
Ragh Redtooth
“I won’t speak of own experiences, but of the history of my people. When the horde began, we took to the dark arts, and the legion’s corruption cut us off from the Spirit. We heard not the elements, nor our ancestors. I can only pray that the evil we have visited upon this world, once more, under Hellscream’s â€" guidance -, has not cloven to the bonds we worked tirelessly to reforge. I pray the dead hear our tribute to them, and forgive our inaction in the face of cruelty, our patience with the wicked, and I hope you all raise your voice, to be heard even beyond the veil of death! FOR THE HORDE!”[\i]

As we can see here, even the preparations to the war have been tough on us, yet we still came out on top, with such little we had. However… You cannot separate the lives lost on one side, and completely forget the other, that’s what Grul’da made us aware of… and she surely isn’t wrong:

”During this war, the Horde divided to take down a tyrant. The rebellion came to Orgrimmar, from both north â€" and â€" south, and we even managed to make a pact with the Alliance, just like we did on Hyjal. The Rebellion and Garrosh’s horde has lost many good people. Both sides fighting for what they believe in. Even if those that sided with Garrosh has committed terrible crimes, even twisting the elements with their Dark Shaman, they stood to fight for what they believe in. Many may well have fought for Garrosh out of fear â€" Be it for their own life, or in fear for their loved ones, and for that, even those that sided with Garrosh should be honored, Not for fighting for Garrosh, but that they fought for what they believe to be right! Honor the spirits, those of both allies â€" AND â€" enemies! Let them hear your howls and roars!”

Hopefully that those wise words didn’t only make me think about the decisions each living creature has to make, for the well-being of their selves… Or for that matter their loved ones.. I can speak out of experience, the only thing that drove me to the person I am today is because of my brother. Some powers are just unthinkably strong, nobody… Nothing can scale up to that.

*Lofty starts snickering  * “Gridish, you getting a little emotional buddy?! Crying is for pups.. Maybe I need to fly over to Grogona to tell her that lil’ pup Gridish need sum wuving and a hug…” * Lofty starts laughing, while Gridish tries to smack Lofty*

The next part of my story is about a Pandaren’s words, Zouyo. He has shown the Rebellion that, even a lot has been lost, it’s not always bad. To look into what these past events have provided us for the future:

”  My friends… Much has been lost in this war… Lives, families, homes, innocence, but for all that has been lost, much has been gained as well. New friends, new families… My own people’s ancient homeland of Pandaria to the south. I think our orc friends here can agree, that rediscovering your homeland, no matter the condition… can be a blessing, as it allows us to reconnect with who we are.. with our history.
Although, the next time the Horde feels like sharing history, can we not repeat it? A tale is only worth repeating oh so many times before it becomes boring. I am not overly familiar with the rituals surrounding the loss of loved ones of my new friends the horde… but if I may, I’d like to share with all of you how we â€" Pandaren â€" cope with the loss of a loved one, or even a stranger. We â€" Pandaren â€" do not grieve as such… there is sorrow, no denying.. but we do not focus on the loss. Instead we celebrate their life, for they are not truly gone. Their soul is at peace and rest with the ancestors. Or haunting us because we didn’t laugh at their jokes or praise their cooking. Their body and spirit give way for new life to grow. In such the same way that when a tree falls in the forest… It is simply clearing the way for new trees to blossom from the earth. So… if I may be so bold… Let us celebrate the lives of those who are no longer with us. Let us celebrate to the victories they have brought for us and let us honor their memory… and so, in time honored Pandaren fashion. BRING OUT THE BEER!”

May the spirits guard over that Pandaren… * Gridish snickers * Now that the war has come to an end.. So has the Rebellion. Lives need to be rebuilt. Families need to be reunited… We are…. Far from done. Yet one thing remains to be said: May the fallen ones’ spirits, find their way to their final resting place. You have fought hard and well… We shall never forget you.

â€" Gridish Doomshout

*Lofty starts yelling* “AND LOFTY!!!!! AND LOFFTTYYYY!!!!!!!”
The Campfire / Student becoming a master
October 21, 2013, 12:20:05 PM
“Wake up you lazy slacker! It’s time to train…” Lofty yelled in Gridish’s ear.
It started as a normal morning. Gridish got out of bed and grabbed his training robes and training staff and moved up to the training dummies to start his training, with Lofty floating after him. After a couple hours of intense training, Gridish returned to his quarters. He changed his robes and grabbed his bag to ready it for the day however, he noticed there was a letter in his bag marked with Gridish’s name on it. He looked around to see if anyone was around, then opened the letter and read it:

I’ve been watching you progress in the arts of arcane.
I feel that you are ready for your final test.
Meet me at Arcane Pinnacle in Azshara.
Take Lofty with you and come prepared.

Gridish put the letter back in his bag and continues to pack his bag. Lofty peers at Gridish, probably guessing what was in the letter. “Is it that time Gridish?” Gridish nods at Lofty “Let’s get going, Lofty.”
After informing the chieftain about Gridish’s absence, Gridish  headed out to Azshara. “I’m bored Gridish… When are we going to get there..????” A short period of silence appeared. “Are we there yet now Gridish???? Do you think your teacher misses me, because I think he does! A lot!”  This went on for a long…. Long time.

Arriving at Arcane Pinnacle, Gridish found his first challenge, the challenge to get to the top of the small tower. Gridish starts searching for clues, when Lofty calls out for Gridish, informing him that he found a clue. Gridish peers at the wall, looking at a circle, with in it the carving of Gridish’s teacher. Gridish puts his finger to one spot in the carving, and follows the carved drawing while feeding it with arcane power. Once finished, the carving starts to glow and the arcane power spreads across a part of the wall in the shape of a door. After a few seconds, a passage way appears in the wall. Gridish and Lofty enter thru the passage way. Once entered the passage way disappears and it becomes a solid wall once again. “Gridish……. How are we going to get out?” Lofty sounds scared and is shivering. Gridish ignores the tome and continues moving further into the cave.

“ My student.. you have found your way to me… As always you fail to disappoint me.” A kind and joyful voice is heard from the darkness of the cave. “Now, you’ll have 30 minutes to prepare yourself for your final test.” Gridish nods, puts his bag on the ground, takes a seat himself and starts meditating. While Gridish is meditating, Gridish’s teacher puts his hand to the wall of the cave, feeding it arcane power. Crystals connected to the wall light up, killing the darkness in the cave. “Are you ready, Gridish?” Gridish nods and stands up, and walks in the direction of his teacher. “Lofty, come with Gridish. This test is for both of you.” Lofty starts floating in a shocking way while shivering like a mad-book “Bu…bu..buttttt… I haven’t trained… I was helping Gridish train….” Gridish’s teacher replies: “ No buts Lofty…. Stand by your friend.” Lofty slowly floats towards Gridish. When Gridish and Lofty get to a certain distance from the arcanist teacher, the arcanist teacher makes a sudden move. The ground where the arcanist teacher, Gridish and Lofty are standing in, starts ascending slowly.

“Now Gridish, your final test is to get me off this arena. You will succeed if I am the first one to fall off however, if I manage to get you off the arena floor, you will have failed your test. Do you understand?” Gridish nods and positions himself in a fighting stance. Lofty starts to shiver more “ What is my role in all of this!??!”  Gridish replies: “ You have aided me in battle before Lofty, and you will do so today. “ While Gridish is calming Lofty down, the arcanist teacher positions himself in a battle stance as well. “ I will grant you the first attack Gridish.” Gridish grins, and in a blink of a eye he casts three rapid arcane blasts in the arcanist teacher’s direction. The arcanist teacher grins as well and right before the arcane blasts would hit, he avoids being hit by blinking slightly to the left instantly launching a powerful arcane blast torwards Gridish. Gridish keeps calm and copies his teacher’s blink, avoiding being hit by the arcane blast. “ Very nice Gridish, you have trained well. Your casting speed is terrific, in both offense as defence. Now let’s see if the rest of your skills have improved enough to beat me.”

The battle progresses for quite some time with no different results than the first actions achieved in the battle. A short pause created in the battle. “ I can only be proud of you Gridish, the progression you’ve made is unbelievable. However, I want to test you on a few more things.” The arcanist teacher suddenly blinks closer to Gridish, and does this twice more. Gridish responds in blinking away from his teacher. As a result Gridish found himself on the edge of the arena. “Gridish, it seems like this is the end of the battle… You have nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.” The arcanist trainer charges up an arcane blast. While his trainer is charging his arcane blast, ready to finish the battle, Gridish yells  "LOFTY, GO! . Before the arcanist teacher could even think of what was about to happen, Lofty flies in and hits the teacher directly in the face, taking the teacher out of his focus, failing to cast his arcane blast and leaps slightly out of balance, away from Gridish. Gridish seizes the moment, charges a powerful arcane blast and casts it and hits his teacher center mass, blasting his teacher back to the opposite edge of the arena. Gridish blinks torwards his teacher without hesitation, till he’s standing right in front of his teacher. Not making the same mistake as his teacher, Gridish casts three fast arcane blasts, but right before the arcane blasts could hit, his teacher blinks in far behind Gridish.

Both opponents turn around to face one and other, gasping for air. “ This next fase of the fight will determine who will be victorious Gridish…” Both Gridish and his teacher grin at one and other. They both take battle stance once again, and start charging an arcane blast, and not just any kind of arcane blast. They are both putting all the energy they have left in their body, feeding it to their arcane blasts. They release their arcane blasts at the same moment, and the powerful arcane blasts meet each other half way. At this point it’s like the arcane blasts have the will and the drive of the two arcanists, neither willing to give up. The power that is pulsing from the colliding powers is starting to take its toll on the arena. The ground directly under the two blasts is crumbling to pieces, while the rest of the arena is starting to crack and crumble. After a minute of colliding arcane blasts, the two powers explode, blasting the entire field to bits. Both arcanists notice this and jump up, trying to get the more air than the other. While mid-air, Gridish’s teacher blinks towards Gridish, grabbing ahold to him, trying to throw him towards the ground, however Gridish blinks up further into the air, behind his teacher, casting a small, swift arcane blast in the back of his teacher, slamming him into the ground with a tough blow.

Gridish drops to the ground now as well, leaning on his staff out of exhaustion. Gridish’s teacher slowly rises up to sit, instead of laying down “Gridish, take a seat..” Gridish sits down like this request would never come. While the two arcanist look at each other, Lofty slowly floats towards the ground. “I...i..is it over?” Gridish and his teacher both nod.

The arcanist teacher slowly gets to his feet “ Now Gridish... You have beaten me in the battle, and I know what you are thinking, and that is exactly the reason I asked Lofty to join you. You two are connected, you two learn together, you two laugh together, and you two fight together. It’s not a bad thing, to have a battle partner, so no need to be ashamed about it. It doesn’t make you a lesser arcanist… Now…” The arcanist teacher slowly walks to the other end of the cave, grabs something and returns to Gridish. “ This item has been given to me by my teacher. It has been made in combination of metals, and arcane magic. The only way for someone to reach it’s inner powers is to be one with the arcane power flowing inside of them, yet controlling the arcane power, not letting it get the better of yourself.” The arcanist teacher hands the item to Gridish. “It’s not the way I taught you to fight, however I am giving you the option to learn the ways of sword fighting. A staff isn’t necessary to cast a spell, so why occupy your hands with a staff, when a sword hurts a fel of a lot more!” The arcane teacher snickers as Gridish accepts the gift.

The arcanist teacher sits back down and turns his head to Lofty “Since the day I assigned you to Gridish, you’ve been the most stubborn booklet I’ve come across in the libraries of Dalaran… Yet the only person that seems to reach you, is Gridish. You two have a special bond, even if you two don’t think so. Lofty, I know I assigned you as Gridish’s â€" teaching â€" book, however.. I don’t want to separate you two from one and other. Therefor I will not be taking you back to Dalaran, you can stay with Gridish if you… and ofcourse if Gridish wants.” The arcanist teacher looks at Lofty, and then looks at Gridish. Gridish nods at Lofty. Lofty says with a sigh “ Well… Gridish is nothing without me… Someone has to keep an eye on him I guess!” The arcanist teacher smiles and turns his head torwards Gridish “ Gridish, your training is complete. You have reached the limit of my knowledge about the arcane powers. You have mastered the ways of arcane. You are officially allowed to call yourself a true arcanist now.” The arcanist teacher smiles and nods at Gridish. “If you ever need any advice, I will always be around to guide you Gridish, you are never alone. Now get back to your tribe and get yourself some rest… You have deserved it.” The arcanist teacher lifts his hand, and a passage way appeasr behind Gridish. Gridish stands up, and walks with Lofty torwards the passage in the wall, leading him back outside. The passage behind him closes. “So….. We heading back home Gridish.. Because I’m hungry…” Lofty snickers.
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
October 09, 2013, 11:34:46 PM
All this artwork is just amazing... D: very nice