Orcs of the Red Blade


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Messages - Trakmar

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
Game Related / Re: RL meeting this summer?
« on: April 11, 2013, 06:13:48 PM »
I'd love to come, but unfortunatley, I'll be working at sea those days.

Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:19:48 PM »

Just leaving this here.

The Campfire / A Chieftain's promise
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:25:33 PM »
Crawling in the high grass, Trakmar watched a clan of Ogres. One he was well familiar with. It was the clan of ogres that once feared the Earthwalker Clan. The Rockskull clan. Most stayed within Blade's Edge, but after most Orcs left, they were free to move around. Pillaging and destroying whatever they saw. Nothing but a sorry bunch of Ogres. And this was just a small portion of the clan.

Trakmar slowly crawled closer on to a hill overlooking the mound. He watched the Ogres, to see if he could make a route in. He intended to kill them all except for one. Make sure they their warlord got the message.

He started climbing down into the mound as silent as he could. When he got down he remained low and watched his surroundings, making sure he was not seen. He spotted a lone watcher, picked up a rock and threw it at him to get his attention. When the Ogre got close, Trakmar leaped at him, and cut over his throat with his axe, making a loud "THUMP" as the body landed on the ground.

"So much fer bein' silent. Guess I'll have t'make a different approach."

Trakmar looked over the mound, then spotted Bamak, who was ready to pounce an approaching ogre at any moment. Bamak growled, getting the attention of a nearby Ogres, who quickly got some teeth into this throat when getting too close. Upon hearing another loud thump, the Ogres was distracted again, all five of them going toward te second corpse. Taking the oppertunity, Trakmar ran at them, the two first Ogres he got to got some axes into the backs of their heads, whereas a third one was decapitated. Bamak tore the stomach of the fourth Ogre open and left him to bleed out. The last one got his legs severely cut, and fell over.

Trakmar approached the last living Ogre and placed his right axe against the fattys throat, and stared straight into his eyes.

"Yer Warlord, Ogre. Where in the face is he?"

The Ogre pointed at the mouth of the cave , fearing for his life.

"Warlord in da cave! Mean Orc go far into cave and find him!"

Trakmar nodded and walked toward the cave as Bamak made quick work of the Ogred, clawing out his throat.

As they entered the cave, they saw more Ogre corpses. And Orc corpses, no doubt some had tried to put these ones down before. As there wasen't many Ogres left, this could be easier than Trakmar initially though.

He picked up a rock and tossed it against the cave wall, followed by some heavy footsteps. Trakmar saw the Ogre right around the corner, and waited a few seconds before jumping from the corner and send his axe straight to the Ogres face, killing it instantly. Seeing he had no other way out, and more Ogres had heard their friend thumping onto the ground. He threw the axe in his left hand at the first Ogre, getting is nicely stuck in his shoulder. The next Ogre, Bamak made sure didn't get to strike, where as a third one managed to slam Trakmar to the cave wall. Roaring, Bamak leadped onto the Ogre and bit its neck.

Having slain the Ogres, Trakmar picked up his axe again and and walked further into the cave, Bamak walking at his side. With a roar, Trakmar ran at the Warlord who knocked Trakmar against the cave wall, then grabbed his throat and lifted him up.

"Wat little Orc want? Puny we--"

With a roar, Bamak was leaping at the Warlord, who was met with a plated fist, knocking the lynx out as quick as he came. Then, the Warlord threw Trakmar against another wall, and picked up a large maul, as he slowly approached the Orc.

"You familiar. Me saw you in Blade's Edge. Destroyed the clan of weak orcs. Caged da Chief."

With a smirk, Trakmar replied:
"Aye. Good ye were kind enough t'leave the Chieftain alive t'see his clanmates get slaughtered. Nice of ye t'leave a few alive."

Laughing, the Ogre raises his axe, and as he was about to chop Trakmar, he suddenly roared out, as he got two arrows in his back. He turned towards the direction the arrows came from, and saw an Orc behind himself. A female Mag'hari Orc by the looks of it.

"-I- be the ONLY orc allowed to beat my brother to a bloody pulp, Ogre!"

She fire two more arrows at the Ogres left leg, causing him to tremble, and lay down, breaking the arrows on his back and pushing what's left of them further in. Being left defenseless, Trakmar quickly drawed his knife and placed it agains the Ogres throat, starting into his eyes as he gave a warning.

"Ye go back to Blade's Edge and tell yer Chieftain that the biggest mistake he did was leaving some of my clanmates alive. As long as i'm alive, the Earthwalker Clan still see me as their Chieftain. We be few left, but we are be a strong pack. The remaining once thirst fer Ogre blood, and wants to wipe yer clan out. Go back t' Blade's Edge and tell yer Chieftain that the clan he used t'fear still lives. And he has a score t'settle."

The Ogre pushed Trakmar away, ridden with fear. He got himself up and in a hurry, limped out of the cave. Senna took hold of Trakmar's shoulder and looked at him.

"You do realise the he is not likely to make the trip back, no? He'll likely get killed on the way."

Trakmar shrugged his sisters hand off and started walked out, Bamak and Senna following behind.

"Pah, don't think I care fer that sister. Send word to where the remnants of my Clan. We're headin' out t'slay these Ogres. We'll either slaughter them all, or die trying.

Senna smirked, seeing her brothers old spirit coming back to life.

"Always fierce. And with bestial instinct, as I remember you, Brother. We'll make sure every Ogre knows the name of our clan. And we'll make sure they fear it."

The Campfire / Bound by Honour
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:18:11 PM »
Trakmar sat on the side of the ship, deep in thought. Turning his back on the Horde had left an impact on him. They offered shelter when his kin was nearly extinct. A troubled look has been on his face for the past few days, since he decided to stay with the Tribe, rather then the Horde. Perhaps he made the wrong choice? After all, Garrosh is his own kin, and while he has said Garrosh is dead to him, did he believe it himself?

He looks out at the ocean in the night, then suddenly lunges forward to the side of the ship, throwing up. He is obviously no seadog.

"Egh, damn this ocean..."

He sat down again, snorting as he wipes his mouth and drinks some water, and his troubled expression comes back. He thought back to the days in Garadar, where he and his clan had been welcomed with open arms. Such hospitality is rare among Orcs these days.

Having helped the Mag'har for so many years, and serving under Garrosh even back then, he was only left with a sickly feeling. He had made an oath to never turn his back on his leader. A promise now broken. Trakmar is bound by honour to Garrosh, like any other Mag'har. He tilted his head backwards, looking at the star-filled sky. Not a cloud was near, and there was a calm breeze, just as he remembers Nagrand.

Turning m'back on what I had sworn ter protect...

Trakmar knew of the atrocities. He knew that Garrosh's newly sprung Warrior spirit could get in the way of doing what is right. Then again, if he truly sees it as right, is it wrong? This new world brought oppertunities. A new life. A time for Orcs to become what they once were was Trakmar's dream. Seeing them return to their shamanistic heritage. By now, that all seems long gone.

Trakmar shook his head, and got onto his feet, grunting. He went down below deck, the snoring of the other Orcs strangely giving a secure feeling, dispite some of the Orcs sounding like a Goblin shredder. He sat down on a bench close to his mate and looked at her, all the thoughts still running through his head.

Was it worth it? He stood by the Horde in Northrend, and later aiding the Horde in the war during the Cataclysm. Serving well, and now a traitor.

Traitor means you're honourless. You've stepped on what you made an oath to. Was the whole tribe now just a bunch of honourless whelps? Thinking this, Trakmar softly places a hand on his mate's stomach, a faint smile slowly forming on his lips, and speaks with a hushed voice, to not wake anyone up.

Hrm, maybe it'll be like old times? The tribe be on its own now, like the Clans once were.

It be what I've been after fer so long...

He took his hand off Keishara, then went back up onto the deck, again sitting down by the side of the ship. He looked up at the sky again, grunting.

"Maybe we be better off this way... Dispite how treacherous we be..."

With that, he went back to thinking, pondering what to do next. Conflicted whether he should be staying with the Tribe or the Horde.

Game Related / World server and Grog giving birth.
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:33:51 PM »
Just as Grog's water broke, world server went down. Seems it coulden't handle the awesome.

The Campfire / Re: The Task -The Tribe.
« on: January 11, 2013, 12:08:03 PM »
(( A very enjoyable read! Nice one! ))

The Campfire / Re: Snakepit
« on: December 24, 2012, 06:52:51 PM »
(( A good read! ))

Game Related / Hello!
« on: November 23, 2012, 07:31:44 PM »
After a storm here, I am currently at a lack of good internet. So, I won't be online much until this is fixed.

- Trakmar

Off Topic / Re: PETA going rediculous.
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:41:45 PM »
Y'know, everything is better when animals attacks their owners, who treated them as if they were their own children. :3

Off Topic / PETA going rediculous.
« on: October 09, 2012, 07:00:40 PM »

The title should be able to speak for itself.

Game Related / Re: Your Orc's Fighting style
« on: September 11, 2012, 12:21:40 AM »
I can't find a video demonstrating it well, so I'll just explain here.

When using his axes, he always, first and formost tries to intimidate his target. He swings his axes with brute force, yet still very skillfully. He has watched how beasts fights, and I guess he has kinda adapted to that as well, as sometimes he likes to just let go of the axes and use his bare hands.

At range, it tends to be with the grace of a drunk and bland man.

Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
« on: August 19, 2012, 03:43:45 AM »
The pride of Norwegian Police!

Also, to stay on Icecream topic:

Game Related / Re: What's your themesong
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:21:02 AM »
Trakmar's theme song.

This song actually inspired a part of Trakmar's backstory. :>

Game Related / Re: Epilogues?
« on: August 04, 2012, 09:32:18 PM »
If Wow did shut down tomorrow, eh?

I imagine Trakmar would most likely return to Draenor. Either to find the remnants of his clan, and reclaim his old village, or simply live the rest of his life in solitude, in the wilderness.

While he thinks he could become a good father, it is not likely he'd start a family. He is too busy running around in among trees and grass.

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