Orcs of the Red Blade


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Messages - Rhonya

Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
June 14, 2013, 12:50:05 PM
Trollies once more, my character Mayabi and a friends character Qaajn!

The Campfire / Hellish nights
June 07, 2013, 01:46:37 PM

Chaos. It was all around me, coming from all sides. Even from the air some came, jumping with agile movements as if gravity meant nothing to them, as if the fact they were undead gave them some special power to defy it. The smell of rot was overwhelming, so overwhelming that my head almost seemed to burst just because of the stink that filled my nostrils if I breathed. Breathing through my mouth was not an option either, it made me gag and nauseous, something I could not use at this moment.
It looked bleak from my position, I will not deny that.

As I moved my weapon to parry an attack that was directed at me with great speed, my eyes fell on the fallen ones around me. Undead corpses everywhere, body parts, broken bones, empty eye sockets staring into nothingness, the unholy light that was once in them gone. Littered between the rotten things were more colorful blotches as well, I could see pink limbs sticking out here and there. A hand reaching for the air, falling down as the life was taken from the body, another soul lost to this endless battle.

A stab came from the side, scraping along my armor, denting it slightly. I reacted swiftly, turning my arm and my upper body to hack at the unnatural creature that was at my side, chopping his head off clear with a single strike. They died easily, but their numbers were just too great. Tiredness had dug itself into my bones, fear coursing through my body like poison through blood, empowering me but also making me reckless. Could we win this? Was there even a chance…?

“Get back in line, you maggots! Stop them from advancing too far!”

The calls barely reached above the sounds of the battlefield. Screams of endless agony filled the air, grunting and growling of the undead made an always present background noise, like it was some odd orchestra working together to create a music of death and destruction. It never grew silent, it never stopped. I moved around, my armor limiting my movements somewhat but also protecting me. I grew tired though, so tired…

More came to me now and I noticed I was standing on a pile of rotting bones and flesh surrounding me, cracking under my feet as I had to make effort to remain standing under the blows of crude weapons and claws raking at my armor. I was trained for this, I couldn’t fall! Panting heavily, sweat running down my back, the taste of blood and rot filling my nose and mouth, I fought on.
Fought for those still standing beside me, hacking down undead after undead, the unending sea that was coming to me.  Some struck me though, denting my armor, clawing in the thinner places of the plate, some even clawing right through with their talons, hitting the soft flesh underneath. I could feel the strength draining from my body. Would this madness ever stop, or were we all doomed?

As I felt myself waver under the constant blows, I turned to the thing that had always been there for me. I tried calling on it, reaching out inside of me to bring it forward, to feel the comforting waves fill my body. But there was no answer… An empty feeling in my whole being made itself present now, a hole in my soul. I started to panic. Why was it gone?
Why didn’t it answer any more like it had always done? My distraction caused the enemy to advance even further on me, pushing me back, claws scratching at me. I kept fighting, even though the thing I had put all my trust in, seemed to have abandoned me.

Suddenly a feeling of utter fear crept up in me, terror making itself master of my mind and being as my gaze shifted to something in the distance that was rapidly coming closer. This was no normal undead, I could feel it… This one was stronger. My movements fumbled and I nearly dropped my weapon from my sweaty hand as I now could see clear. It was coming for me.

The being was massive, the power emanating from him in waves of pure terror and fear, my knees almost giving out under me only because of its presence coming closer and closer. I stood my ground though, I wouldn’t give up, wouldn’t give in, even though everyone I knew around me was already dead, slaughtered, abandoned by that which we had believed in. Lifting my weapon, the fight started.
The being wasn’t very fast, and I managed to get some blows in, but they didn’t seem to do much damage against it at all. For every blow I gave, I received more back, claws and fists endlessly pummeling against my armor until it was almost falling apart, edges cutting in my skin and bleeding, tiring me out even more.

The fight seemed to take ages in my own experience, but I know it only took mere moments in reality. I could not handle this being, I could not defeat this, it had all been for nothing. A particular heavy blow on my back made my knees buckle and I dropped my weapon as I fell to my knees, being forced down by sheer power and strength and the lack of energy that I had left in my own body. I could hear them cry out around me in victory, in lust for my blood, the need to kill me…
So this was it.
Fear filled my whole being, my form trembling as I saw them all closing in on me, mindlessly crushing the corpses of their own underneath them.  I tried in a last attempt to lift my weapon, but I just couldn’t anymore. Everything had left me. Abandoned me and left me here to die.

The first sharp pain came at my side and I screamed as my skin was raked open by numerous sharp claws, more and more coming, biting and gnawing, hacking with spears and clawing at me, destroying my armor. The pain was too much, my screams dying out slowly as I fell over, bleeding and dying. The last thing I saw were their shadows covering me, their emotionless faces coming closer, their jaws opening, blood dripping claws reaching out-….


A loud scream echoed through the inn as Rhonya awoke, sitting up straight in the mountain of furs she called her bed. Cold sweat covered her whole body which was shaking uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face and her hands were so clenched that her own nails had dug into her skin, making small wounds on the insides of her palms. Her breathing came in rasps as she looked around the room, her eyes looking fearful.

It took the female Orc a few moments to realize where she was, that she was safe, surrounded by those she trusted and loved, mostly. With a very deep sigh she moved a hand to rub her eyes, trying to calm herself down. The cloth she had slept in stuck to her sweaty body, as did her messy hair to the sides of her face.

“Calm down, Rhonya…it was just a dream… It’s not real.”

Her voice was barely a whisper, just something she needed to say to herself to remind her she was awake now. It had all seemed so real, as if she had really been standing there on that battlefield, surrounded by Scourge…

The feelings of the fear and desperation still filled her, she even thought she could still smell the rot and blood in her nose, taste it in her mouth… With a sigh she reached to her pile of clothing next to the furs, grabbing her waterskin that was there too.
She drank a good amount of water before just wiping some of it across her face as well. Slowly she lay back again, her breathing having calmed, but she wouldn’t sleep for the remaining of the night, the echoes of the nightmare still going through her mind, not knowing what it meant or why she had dreamt this…
Game Related / Re: The Going Away / AFK Thread
June 07, 2013, 03:20:45 AM
I'll be off this weekend, from friday evening until sunday evening for a LARP event. Will probably see me active again on monday, so.. All stay alive without me, alright!
Game Related / Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
June 03, 2013, 02:33:42 PM
Koz! I remember I used to be kind of scared of you, when I first came in contact with the Tribe on Rhonya. Or well, scared..more very nervous, because you always seemed so strict ICly. Though I found out of course that you're a great guy oocly and we've had some very nice roleplay and through the time I've been with the tribe now I've started to really respect you a lot.
The Red Blades were my second guild I got in, and I've never regretted that dicision. You've done a great and wonderful job in leading a guild for so long, I can't even imagine me doing something like that for such a long time.
So I just want to say, I hope you'll be around more still, because I always really enjoyed rping with you, even though it wasn't that often that I approached you IC'ly.

So...Don't leave us for too long! Thanks for all the effort you've put into the guild, to make it what it is today.
The Campfire / Re: A Traitors last Thoughts
May 28, 2013, 03:48:19 PM
That was a nice story... and at least Rhonya gave him a sort of super improvised proper Orcish burning ritual.. :) Poor Marvok!
The Campfire / Re: Paying the Price.
May 03, 2013, 12:33:39 AM
Light shone through her eyelids as she opened them slightly, before closing them again with a loud groan. It was still slightly dark in the room, though for her sensations it felt like someone was shining a bright lamp directly in her face. Rhonya stirred, one hand moving to her head as she now realised the almost booming pain in there, a pounding feeling in her skull which made her almost unable to think. Where was she?
Slightly she opened her eyes again, blinking against the pain, looking around the room she was in. It looked like the inn..How had she gotten in here, was the next question. And, why was she not wearing any clothes... She sat up quickly when she realised this, before yelping in pain again, both hands grabbing her head as the pain increased.
Her memory of the night before was completely blurry, she only remembered talking to that Forsaken, drinking some ale, and after that it was all black. She couldn't even remember what exactly they had spoken about. Even her sleeping had been vague, she knew she had some kind of dream, but she couldn't remember...
The fabric of her blanket moved against her bare skin as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed slowly, only now discovering the tray of food on the nightstand and the neatly folded bundle of clothes next to her bed.
"What in ancestors name..." She mumbled to herself, before quickly but clumsily putting on her clothes, the pounding pain still in her head, her throat dry and her stomach feeling very empty. She eyed the food wearily for a moment before snorting and just eating most of it, also drinking the glass of water that was next to it.
Rhonya would have to go talk to him. She wanted to know what happened, why she had been undressed. She could even still smell the smoke of his pipe in the room, meaning he'd been sitting here probably. She eyed the chair and growled softly, standing up.
He'd promised not to harm her. Well, this enormous headache hadn't really been in the package either, normally she was wise enough not to drink too much, and she was sure she hadn't even drank so much to be granted with a hangover as large as this.
Narrowing her eyes greatly against the light that appeared when she opened the door of the room, she staggered outside, looking completely awful, going in search of the damned Forsaken. She'd demand answers!

((Just a short reaction! :3 Poor, poor Rhonya.. what did she do to deserve this?! Love your story, Therak :P ))
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
May 01, 2013, 02:15:54 AM

And another of my trolly drawings.. The Troll of my husband, So'lin, who is a Jan'alai follower! (Dragonhawk Loa ;) )
Yay for double posts!
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
April 20, 2013, 04:04:34 AM
Thanks for the compliments! :D I used to do lines, yes, but I'm always so afraid that I will make a mistake and can't erase the ink anymore, thereby spoiling my whole drawing.. :3 Hence I tend to just make the lines more thick with a darker, soft pencil. But I might try to do some more linings as well soon. :)
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
April 17, 2013, 09:01:21 PM

My Trolly, Sykela! Very naked, aye.
Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
April 11, 2013, 03:03:43 PM
Something funny, even though most of you probably won't understand what's being said.


This is me and some of my LARP friends, helping out for a Dutch tv show. The blonde woman is the show-host, so to say ;) I'm the one with the red hair, warpaint, large teeth and lots of fur, my husband is the dude (mostly) standing next to me with warpaint too. I also shoot someone familiar in the head, the dude in white and plate armor, that's Dunderholm from the Cult of Shadow. xD Some might remember him.

So, have fun laughing at our silly actions!
Game Related / Re: RL meeting this summer?
April 09, 2013, 07:20:44 PM
Nop, not gonna be able to make that unless I suddenly win a large sum of money... SGE meet is one week before this in London, and the week after I have a fantasy fair here in the Netherlands, which is expensive too. :3 So I'll have to pass!
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
April 05, 2013, 07:43:55 PM
And..yes.. Guess?

Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
April 04, 2013, 10:02:39 PM
Upload it on a site like imageshack or photobucket and put the link in between of [ img] link here [ /img]. :) (Without the spaces in there of course.
I liked them! And wanting to write is never bad ;) Though, some feedback! There is no need to enter after every sentence :) It makes a story very hard to read if every sentence is on a new line. Sometimes with things being said its more clear, but with actions, it's not really needed :)
And something that might make things easier to follow, is that you can post all the parts in one topic too, just make a new post for every story! It makes it easier as well to find back if someone wants to re-read it (Though you linked them too) But that's at least what I mostly do with stories that consist of multiple parts.
Just my two cents! You have a nice writing style.
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
March 21, 2013, 04:53:36 PM
Inspired by Shargla's drawing she showed me earlier, I felt like doing a pregger Rhon as well!
She turned out a bit..Ehm. Cute. xD But I like it still!