Orcs of the Red Blade


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Topics - Rhonya

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Event Planning / All downhill from here
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:41:59 PM »
Finally leaving the icy mountaintops behind them, the tribe travel to Conquest Hold where they can finally get some well deserved sleep and put their minds to ease in the midst of a Horde encampment.
20:30 realmtime
-K3, Storm Peaks

Event Planning / Avalunch
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:40:41 PM »
Avalunch - After the gruesome journey that the tribe has been through over the past couple of weeks, they finally seek some rest in the igloos that make up the K3 camp.
20:30 Realmtime
- K3, Storm Peaks,

Event Planning / Summit Plummit
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:39:36 PM »
The tribe try to make their way out of the horrible place known as Storm Peaks after taking care of the whispers that lay beyond. Will it be an easy journey though?

- 20:30 Realm time
- Bouldercrag Refuge, Storm Peaks

Event Planning / Tombs of the Ages part II
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:18:38 PM »
After taking a short rest, the tribe continue their way through the unknown hallways of Ulduar, not certain what lies ahead of them. Will there be dangerous foes or will the danger lie in their minds? (Ulduar run part 2)
20:30 realmtime
Location: Ulduar

Event Planning / Tombs of the Ages part I
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:15:28 PM »
The tribe make their way through the unknown hallways of Ulduar, not certain what lies ahead of them. Will there be dangerous foes, or will the danger lie in their minds? (Ulduar run part I)
20:30 realmtime
Location: Ulduar

Event Planning / Orcs and Elusive Harmony
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:11:40 PM »
Fhu Redstaff tries to teach the orcs ways to resist and combat the dark voices of the Storm Peaks.
20:30 Realmtime
Location: Ulduar

The Campfire / Corruption Shall Conquer
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:02:43 PM »

“Help! They've gotten m-" Sadoks voice entered Rhonya's mind as she stood on the cold mountain, looking down at the village below. She didn’t want to be up here, at all. But… Was Sadok here? Had they found him? Rhonya turned towards the little building nearby. It could be a trick…
"Only way to save him is to touch it~"…
Rhonya paused in the doorway, standing next to Broxxus. She only heard herself ask if the building was empty, Siyahgosh standing in front of her. They said it was… She had to check.
"Or he'll die a slow... horrible, painful death~"
He had to be in here. She walked inside, looking around.
“HELP! RHONYA! DO WHAT THEY SA-" Sadoks voice was cut off again and an evil cackle sounded in her mind.
"Do it now..."
"Do it! Before he dies... Tic-toc!"

He wasn’t in here! The room was empty. Did she have a choice?
She had seen it the moment her fingers touched the orb.
A deep panic had taken root in her mind, the visions flashing in front of her mind’s eye again and again. The dream, the vision… It had returned. Did it mean something? It had to mean something, if it was a reoccurring thing.

Again, the tribe dead around her feet. The faces had chanced a little though, it wasn’t the exact same image. Some things had changed, some orcs were gone from the vision, some others added to it. But the meaning remained the same. They were all dead in their own horrible, twisted ways, ice and blade and fire, no wounds at all, throats slashed and hearts pierced… The ground was slick with their blood and every face bore an expression of extreme agony and fear. And then there was the voice.

“Darkness shall prevail. Corruption shall conquer these lands. –He- shall return.”

Who was he? There was no time to think about it, they had to leave. She couldn’t let this happen to her tribe, the deaths she’d seen. She couldn’t… Sadok wasn’t here, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t save the rest of them from this horrible image.

No one seemed to listen to her though. She tried to tell them, to yell at them, the panic still there, their dead faces still fresh in her memory. They tried to stop her from getting away, dragging her further in only. She didn’t want to, they would die, couldn’t they see?!

At a certain moment Rhonya managed to get loose from their grip and started to make her own way outside, her mind completely overridden by the panic. She had to get out… she didn’t want to see this, not her tribe, not them. A shoe on her back stopped her however and Rhonya landed with her face in the snow again, not helping her panic and anger much. Why couldn’t they just let her go? Makaroth suddenly sat down in front of her, but all she could see was that image from before. He was dead, his form smoking and lined with greenish runes glowing all over his body, burned into his skin, the bone of his skull shining through underneath. He only spoke about staying… Did he want to die? Did he want to lose them all? With an angry snarl Rhonya moved around him, instead focusing her eyes on Kogra. Dear, sweet Kogra, standing there. But the image in Rhonya’s mind was something else.

Kogra, blue and black with cold, the frost having set in and covered completely in ice and snow… No, they had to get out of there, Kogra was her Gosh’kar, she’d listen. Rhonya just tried to grab her hand, and take the female with her, but suddenly something slammed into her and she fell again, pulling Kogra down with her on the ground.

Vanara, lying below her on the ground. Dead eyes looking at Rhonya, slices visible all over her body as if she’d been ripped apart by something with sharp nails, her entrails hanging out and covering the ground beneath them, the snow coloring red. Vanara wanted to die too. She didn’t want to let them go, to have Rhonya save at least one of them.

Vanara had to move. Rhonya felt herself going more and more angry with them all, her hand warming up in reaction to her anger. Fire was with her. Fire would help her. Help the tribe. However, a big block of ice suddenly was in front of her, between herself and Vanara. Her hand slammed on the ice, but it was no use. The flame in her hand died out and she growled angrily, instead just turning back to Kogra, Rhonya started to walk, dragging the weaker female with her. She couldn’t explain it right now, they just had to leave, couldn’t they see?

Rhonya saw Mozrogg standing at the edge as she passed him, but all he was in her mind’s eye was a corpse, dried up and the skin pulled tight over his features, as if he had starved to death, or something had sucked all the blood from him, making him incredibly pale and emaciated. Quickly Rhonya walked on, not wanting to see.

She almost started to calm down a little as Rhonya managed to make her way through the snow, away from it all, pulling her gosh’kar with her. The only one who would listen.
Suddenly an arm grabbed her though, and she turned to look at Gridish his face. It looked normal for a moment before the memory of the vision replaced it, and she was looking at his mangled dead form instead, black blood running from his eyesockets, his nose and his mouth. His eyes were completely black, it was hard to see in the storm if they were even still there. She felt herself being lifted over his shoulder and pulled the other way. Struggling, Rhonya managed to kick him, to which he let her go, but only to be handed over into someone else his arms. She couldn’t see who it was, but looking down she only saw the bloody form and ripped apart armor, leaving bloody footprints in the snow.

Rhonya tried to shout. To hit him, to let her go, to make them see they were going the wrong way-.. And then everything went black as something hit her in the face, and she sank into the blissful darkness of unconsciousness.

The Campfire / A new Chapter
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:43:20 AM »

A soft voice filled the hut we were staying in, sounding somewhere slightly above me.
“Ghrm.. Kyra'..? “ the voice said, and sleepily I opened my eyes. Above me I found the face of the male that had me in his arms gently, sitting on a pile of furs, cradling me as I was half asleep. It was a face I’d gotten to know well the past few months, the missing tusk, the red eyes, the dark, coarse hairs of his beard slightly streaked with grey, even though he tried pulling those hairs out all the time. Then I noticed his remaining tusk streaked with blood, and his hand, raised a little next to his face. Blood was dripping down from a gash in his palm, the sharp metallic smell of it entering my nose now as I sniffed slightly. I looked back to his eyes questioningly.

“’Mm? Wat?” I responded softly. He was still looking down at me, looking a little thoughtful. As he spoke his voice sounded calm, soft and deep.
“Would you.. Mrm.. Do me th'honour o'sharin' yer blood with me..?”

For a moment I didn’t know how to respond. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind, was it too soon? The pup wasn’t even born yet, it hadn’t been that long… Did he ask it out of pity? Or did he ask it out of love, or lust… I had to mentally slap myself on the fingers there and stop my thoughts. It wasn’t fair, thinking that of him. Mozrogg had shown me again and again that he meant it, to protect me and stay with me, that he accepted me because of –me-, and not because of the pup in my stomach and my messed up state after the breakup with Sadok. Did I want this? Was I sure of it?

My head told me to be cautious, trust was easily broken as I learned time and time again, but… No, I wanted this. I trusted him fully with all my heart, which he had managed to conquer so fast. He said he didn’t want to keep me on a leash, but even so that leash was there, pulling me back towards him every time, keeping us linked. And I didn’t mind.

I felt my lips curl into a wide smile as I kept my eyes on the face above me, and nodded to him.
“Do ya even still need ta ask..? O' course I will.” I said, and watched as his chest heaved in a heavy sigh of relief, his own smile appearing again. Had he thought I would refuse..? Sometimes it still surprised me how utterly emotional he could be, how caring and gentle, despite his huge size and the way he acted normally. The big, bulky tough warrior, but sometimes just a big, fluffy bear. It was a good comparison after all. He motioned with his hand to his tusk, but I simply ripped open my own palm by biting down on it with my own smaller tusks. The pain woke me up a little again, blood red droplets welling up from the wound and running down over my palm, dripping down towards my stomach.

Mozroggs hand reached to grab my own firmly in his and I flinched in reaction to his tight grasp. Suddenly he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in a firm, passionate kiss that stole my breath away. As fast as it had started, he pulled back again slightly to softly utter some words, his lips brushing my own softly.
“Mrm.. You make m'happy, Kyrazha.”
“ 'Rmm.. Love ya, m'bear…” came my response softly after. His lips pulled back over his tusks and fangs in a wide grin.
“Th'bear who fell in love with th'tigress.. Sure there be a song in there somewhere.. But aye, let's jus'..Sleep, fer about a hundred years..” he said, cradling me more against his chest in his arms.
“Dat winter hibernation actually soun's pretty good.”
“See, I be full o'good ideas. Now sleep m'wild-cat, Rest in m'arms.”
And with those words still resonating in my head, I felt myself drifting off again, our fingers linked together, the blood shared in the palms of our hands.

I awoke not too long after, Mozrogg sleeping on the furs beside me. His arms where still wrapped around me, one hand resting on my stomach. Slowly I opened my eyes and just eyed his form over. He looked peaceful, for now… He’d been having odd dreams lately, and often I’d awake with him trashing in the furs next to me, his form sweaty and breathing hard, as if he’d been running from something.
Very gently I detangled myself from him without waking him up, pulling one of the furs a little more over him. Pain flared down my legs as I managed to stand, creeping up my lower back and up through my spine, nearly making me fall over again, but I clenched my teeth and remained standing, making my way outside of the hut carefully. The pains had gotten worse the past week, even though Mozrogg did his best to make things as comfortable for me as possible, it didn’t help much. I hadn’t really told him, he didn’t need to know.

Breathing in the fresh evening air as I stood outside the hut now, my arms wrapped around my large stomach, the pain dulled again slowly, until it was just a gentle throbbing at my lower back. I looked up at the starry sky, thinking back on the conversation we had with Srelok earlier this evening. How Mozrogg had joked that we didn’t do anything as it was supposed to be, no order, no rules. It was kind of true… I lifted my hand, looking down at the still raw, open wound, dirty with dried up blood. A bloodoath of mates, but no hunt. Courting had been a tease and exchange of jabs and jokes, bites and short hunts while he kept me in the back due to my pregnancy. We’d simply grown closer and closer, without any real proper flirting or anything. It had just…happened.

It surprised me still, but I wasn’t complaining. I felt complete. Mozrogg respected my wild side, he even urged me on to show it more, to take him along in it and share it with him, something I could never really do with Sadok, with him being so fragile. Right now, -I- was the fragile one. But it was very comforting somehow to have the enormous form of Mozrogg behind me. I actually felt small, compared to him, and I wasn’t even that tiny of stature myself.

I looked back into the hut and the sleeping form of the male orc inside. My mate now, I suppose I should say. Even though it felt odd, saying that again. We’d manage, we’d make it work. I would show him I could compete with him well enough, keep up with him in hunts and runs, fights and everything else. An amused grin appeared on my face. Once this pup was born… I’d show him.

The Campfire / Dark Memories
« on: October 23, 2015, 02:52:49 PM »

Endless stars stretched over the night sky, the large moon visible high up, illuminating the surroundings and giving everything an even more eerie glow, outlining the large trees looming over. A small shape was sitting on one of the hills overlooking the gloomy town below, hidden mostly from view by the deep shadows the light of the moon cast around her. She was holding something on her lap, the edges shimmering as she shifted position somewhat, tucking her legs under her small frame. Her fingers slid over the rune carved into the steel of the dagger, following the shape, she wasn’t even looking down at it, as if the curve and shape of the weapon was so familiar to her she didn’t need to see it to be able to properly envision it.

‘Family’, the rune meant. Rhonya remembered, the day Krogon had given it to her, the special steel enchanted by spirits grace, the old ways of the burning blade. A dagger especially for her, to aid her in her connection. She had carried it ever since. The timing of the gift had been a little odd, seeing at that moment she didn’t really think she was doing the right thing for her ‘family’. The evening had been a little messy, orcs grumpy, Forsaken all around, that odd pandaren burning his paws on her dagger… The touch of the cool steel calmed her now though as she looked down over the graveyard down below, the night anything but quiet.

A chilly wind was blowing around her, and it brought the sounds of the night with it, amongst other things. Moans, cries of pain, torment, agony… Rhonya could hear them, not so much with her ears but more with her being. Of course she could hear the noises of the ghouls and the braindead down below, but this place had more to it than just the visual aspects. She knew Srelok heard everything a lot louder than her, and Rhonya hoped he was able to handle it. She was still a shaman herself though, and not deaf to the cries of the land, the beings inside of it, the history of the place, the pain it had faced and still did.

Slowly Rhonya pushed herself up to her feet, making her way off the graveyard, following the path through the gloomy town. She stepped hurriedly, knowing the dead don’t sleep, and she didn’t want to be interrupted on her way into the woods, knowing she’d have to do this now, alone, at this moment, or else she’d never have the courage again. Her feet left the path, instead moving into the woods, the hem of her robe brushing over the slightly damp grass as Rhonya moved deeper into the woods, towards the place she remembered so vividly. It didn’t take long for the dark mouth of the cave to appear in front of her, and she felt once again the fear, the utter panic squeezing her throat shut.

Rhonya only managed a few more steps closer to the cave before she just fell on her knees on the dark grass, her breathing ragged and fast, almost as if she was choking. She clenched her teeth together, a low growl coming from her throat. She hadn’t been here since that one time… that day where she had gone to help a friend, and came back to the tribe near dead, only the barest of threads still keeping her to the living world. It had been the priests… The Cult of Shadow and Dunderholm. She remembered the feeling of his fingers around her throat, squeezing the life from her, the pain from the bolt of pure shadow when it had hit her, thrown from further back…

Her own hand moved to her neck now, as if the bruises were still there, and silent tears ran over her face as the memories took control, her form trembling. A thrumming in her head, the ever present feeling of the shadow there, a light headache coming up. It reminded her not all of them were bad… Belthran had helped her. But this place, the memories… it was too much. With a shake of her head she forced herself to stand up, close herself off to everything around her. Miraculously her feet directed her back to the village almost automatically, until she reached the little house next to the barn and she made her way inside, just curling up under her furs in the corner, the dagger still gripped tight in her hand. Rhonya closed her eyes, but sleep wouldn’t come that night, she knew. Perhaps this week would help her get over the past, make her able to handle the memories.

Time would tell. But for now, she wouldn’t come anywhere near that cave again.

The Campfire / Night Sky
« on: October 10, 2015, 03:27:47 PM »

My eyes opened as a pang of pain made its way from my stomach to my back, slowly and almost agonizingly so, causing me to curl up a little as it reached my spine. A soft grunt escaped from my lips, a rough awakening like this. It had been happening more recently the further along in the pregnancy I got, and the more stress was added. Rolling on my back, I exhaled slowly and carefully stretched my back, my hands cupping the rounding of my stomach, softly rubbing the skin, trying to calm whatever it was that was happening inside. The pup was restless too; I could feel her shift and turn.

Opening my eyes a little more, I let them adjust to my surroundings. One of the simple buildings in the keep, I’d found a spot somewhat alone behind some crates and out of the way. No one would bother me here, and I wouldn’t bother anyone either with my odd times of waking up. With a deep sigh I managed to heave myself up to my feet, it was getting harder every day to just do the simplest of things, even putting boots on and off had become a challenge because I couldn’t even see my feet, and I couldn’t bend that far anymore.
I threw my most simple robe over my head and waddled my way outside into the dark of the night., leaving Lian sleeping on my furs. The robe was a little too long, but my stomach made up for that length now, pulling it up higher on the front. I was so done with this pregnancy.

Somewhat longingly I eyed the gates of the keep, standing on one of the ledges now on the hill, overlooking the camp, the dry, warm Barrens wind in my back. I couldn’t even go outside these days, with that Kor’kron fanatic stalking the plains. Twice she had targeted me, twice someone else had to stand up for me and get me out of there. A low growl build in the back of my throat and my fist clenched a little at my side. She’d get what she deserved, some day. I wasn’t used to being such a vulnerable target, and I hated it. Hated it utterly, that I had to stand back and let others do the fighting for me.

The growl faded as I thought about what Mozrogg had said though. I could still hear the words he said, echoing in my mind, as if he was standing right in front of me again, the anger on his face, in his eyes.
“She won't get near you as long as I draw breath. I will protect you. By my blood.  You and yer unborn pup.  She will not bother you again. And if she does, I'll tear her limb from limb.”
I had noticed a shift there, between us. Something changing and I was surprised about it actually to see such raw ferocity, that honesty when he had spoken. Gone was the smirking, the joking and the light teases, he had meant it, and it somewhat frightened me for some reason. Even though it also comforted me, the thought he'd be there, he would have my back. As much as I was annoyed by it that I even needed that right now.

I sat down on the edge of the wall, dangling my legs over the edge, putting my hands behind me to lean on so I could look up at the stars above, not a cloud in the sky. My right hand was still in bandages, but I ignored the pain as I leaned my weight back. Sadok was still fresh in my head as well, the talk we had had, the choices that had been made, the things that had finally been closed off. I didn’t really blame him for anything he’d done. I knew very well a lot of it was my own fault, but I had blinded myself to that before. He’d pushed my boundaries today, and I finally had let go of him. It felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders, now I’d finally been able to say goodbye, and close that chapter of my life. Of course I still felt for him, and carried his pup in my stomach, but it felt…different now. Easier.

My eyes scanned the sky, remembering something Gashuk had once said, that our fates were somehow written in the patterns of the stars. I didn’t really believe such mad words, but the thought was comforting somehow anyway. What would happen would happen, and I just had to sit out a few more months, before I could start anew completely. Go back to being my old self, do my duties, face my problems and keep the tribe safe.

Oh, and I had to kill that damned thief of course, before we would leave here. Somehow. The corner of my mouth curled up into a smirk, as I started to think up some plans…

The Campfire / Haunted
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:55:28 PM »

Rhonya was screaming. Screaming, against the bonds in her head, the unimaginable pain, resisting the darkness that threatened to overcome her, the claws of agony raking through her mind. She was screaming and no one heard her.

The claws dug deeper and deeper, numbing her, a face appearing in front of her. The face of Akesh, the cruel smirk twisting his features as he reached out to her with a glowing green hand. “You will be mine.” His voice dripping with venom, the poisonous words taking root in her mind. Suddenly she couldn’t scream anymore, her will breaking as he started to laugh and she felt herself crumble.
Everything went dark for a moment, and there was nothing anymore. No one around her, just that urge, the will to hurt, to obey, to hear his voice again… oh, if she could only hear that voice, speak in praise, had she done well..? It was all she longed for, to just be appreciated, to know she served, to give her life for him without hesitation if he asked… She saw the truth now, he'd always been right. There was no use in resisting, everything would change, would be alright, if only she could kill those traitors in front of her. They were no friends of her. Lies, all of it, and she felt an absolute hatred burning deep inside as she turned to fight those she once had loved, flames dancing between her fingers. They would die.

The laugh resounded in her mind and started to change into a deeper timbre, but not any less venomous. Rhonya felt herself starting to tremble, not having heard this voice in years, in her dreams… Not again, not this face, not him…

She felt a soft touch on her chin, almost a lovers stroke of skin, tilting her head up. The words filled her mind. “My dear Rhonya, you’ve not forgotten about me, have you? Of course not. You’ve always been mine, and you know it. My tool, my weapon. Look at me when I’m talking to you, wench.”
She didn’t want to. But the command was given, and it could not be disobeyed. To disobey meant more pain, more darkness, more suffering, an endless agony until he saw it fit to release her from it. Rhonya opened her eyes, and looked back into the deep, glowing red eyes of her past. Morkosh.
His mouth was twisted into a cruel grin, his unforgiving stare eyeing her up like she was a piece of meat on the market, a tool to be used for his own gain. The face of her worst nightmares, the face she never wanted to see again, but here he was.

The claw on her chin started to tighten its hold, the sharp nails digging in her skin and drawing blood. She gasped in pain, starting to whimper, but this only seemed to amuse him more. “My love, the mother of my son,  my legacy lives on in him, and he’ll never be yours. Always mine. Always.”

Skorm… not Skorm… Her firstborn, her son, her flesh and blood… Tears started to stream down her face, but they were not tears of salt and water. They were tears of blood. A deep pain started inside of her, as if all her organs were suddenly squeezed together, and she felt blood coming up her throat, choking her. His hand shifted to her throat and started to squeeze, and she tried to get him off, clawing at his hands, panicking… It was no use, he was too strong. Pain overwhelmed her, blood running down her nose and various other wounds as well.
More pain, felfire searing up and engulfing her, burning her, piece by piece, her mind and her being, agony, screams, and finally, darkness…

A soft groan escaped Rhonya’s lips as her eyes opened to slits. It was dark around her safe for some glowing things she could see ahead of her. Something was holding her, snug and warm, a comforting weight against her back, two arms wrapped around her. It took her a moment to realise she was back in the jungle, the remains of the nightmare still fresh in her mind. Sadok was lying behind her, snoring softly in her ear, and furs kept her warm.

She was fine… She was alright. The tribe was here, Akesh was dead, so they had told her. A deep sigh escaped her lips and she just kept staring vaguely at the glowing embers of the campfire. Her vision was still blurry, and she felt completely beaten, everything hurting. But she was alive. And so was everyone else. They had been victorious, together… And she was safe with them.
The thought calmed her, and even though she couldn’t get back to sleep, she pushed the nightmare out of her mind.

It was time to rest, to recover… and to forget.

The Campfire / Inner Thoughts
« on: August 27, 2015, 06:36:56 PM »

Wind blew softly over the rocky terrain above the Vault of the Earth. It was a warm wind, gentle and actually not filled with the normal fel stench that hung around Tanaan jungle. This place was cleaner, a last defense against the corruption of the life in there, protected by furies and shaman alike, working in harmony. The marsh nearby added its own unique smell to the mix, humid and warm. Despite the wind surrounding the figure on the rocks, she was slightly shivering as if she was cold. Her arms were wrapped around her form, which was clad in a simple and worn out brown robe, tattered around the edges and stained here and there too. She’d gotten thinner the past few weeks; it was getting a bit more obvious now the wind pressed the fabric tight against her skin. Her cheekbones were more pronounced, her ribs and hipbones visible more than usual. It was this place, she knew it. This place and the things going on. Though she did feel better here, surrounded by the furies, sitting on the spot Gashuk had done the ritual with her, gaining the furies their attention and asking them to aid her. She felt them closer here, it was comforting to know she wasn’t entirely alone.

Rhonya sighed softly, her own breath mingling with the warm wind that stroked past her cheeks, as if trying to calm her, to support her. Her mind wasn’t really there though; it was back on the happenings of the past few days. She hadn’t left camp often, knowing she’d mainly be in the way in the thick of fighting. She was more useful preparing her mending things and taking care of those wounded when they returned. The hunt with Darmag had been a very welcome distraction, as they’d made their way back into Talador which was right around the corner. The air was better there, and the hunt had been nice, although she’d gotten a scare as he’d nearly had his foot bitten off by a giant bird. He’d listened to her stories, not judged her for what she’d done in the past, and Rhonya was thankful for that. She hadn’t really been able to help him with his own problem yet, but she hoped that now Sadok had returned, he’d be able to give her some insight on it as well.

Thinking of Sadok only made her shiver again. He’d come back, but… He’d been blind, for some reason. He only told her that it’d been angry spirits who’d done it, but he wouldn’t specify in detail on why the spirits were so angry with him, or what he’d done to deserve such punishment. Rhonya was worried though. Worried for him, mostly. His words from the day before, their talks…
Sadok was still stuck with his mind in his vision. This perfect little life he’d had for a short time, even though it was only in his head. He’d told her about it, and at first she hadn’t worried much. He was the Thur’ruk, he knew visions were just reflections or twisted imaginations of fears and worries, shown by the spirits in a different light.
But then he’d begun to wonder. What if…? What if they could have that life together, what if Rhonya could fall in love with him in time and they’d be as happy as they had been in his vision?

Rhonya looked down upon the camp, without really seeing what was below her. The wind still circled her, and it suddenly remembered her of Sadoks hand on her cheek, the gentle touch, not one of just a brother, but a lover…

She shook her head to clear it from the memory. She’d pulled out of the kiss. She wasn’t sure why, but it’d make her feel very warm and fuzzy inside, but at the same time very opposed to what she was doing. He’d wanted her to prove she didn’t feel anything… But she couldn’t really deny it. The link they shared… She felt waves of what he felt at times, his emotions, his hurts. His thoughts, if he opened up for her. And how could she not feel anything when someone gave himself to her so completely, making her feel so special, after all those months of being utterly alone?
So Rhonya had lied to him. Told him there wasn’t anything she felt. It wasn’t actually really a lie, for how much of those feelings had been her own, and how much had been her own emotions overwhelming her as they so often liked to do?

She’d tried talking to Kozgugore about it, but he’d mainly just scorned her for being weak willed and allowing Sadok way too much. In which he was right, in a way, but it was still hard to hear that coming from someone she so respected, someone she so valued and didn’t want to disappoint.
The wind blew around her again, carrying the comforting warmth with it, surrounding her in a little cone. Her hair blew up around her face and she blinked, actually focusing now, a small smile appearing on her lips as she looked around.

“I’m sorry, I’m not ignoring you… Just a lot on my mind, is all. Thank you for being here…” she softly spoke, to no one in particular, her voice thick with emotion, her smile sad. She closed her eyes, just enjoying the feeling of the breeze for a moment until it settled down again, lowering her hair onto her back gently again. She remained sitting there though, looking down below over the camp, keeping an eye on the happenings and bustle of the shaman.

Rhonya felt guilty for not being completely honest to Sadok. But it was better this way… Nothing could happen between them. He had his pregnant mate, they deserved each other. They were perfect together… Sadok just had to put a bit more trust into Kyrazha. Perhaps she could try and help with that a little. Push him towards Kyrazha, and not allowing him to get too close to herself again. She’d keep her foot down, as Kozgugore had advised her to.

Now she just had to keep to that.

The Campfire / Through the In-Between
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:43:27 PM »

“Well. No going back now...”

His voice was easily heard in the silence around us. My attention was on the orc in front of me and I lowered the now empty vial in my lap. The liquid tasted strange, not something I’d tasted before. To put my trust in this orc had been hard though, but if he knew more about Sadok… then I wanted to know. He continued talking with the pipe in his mouth, violet smoke surrounding him.
“...Before you... well. Before you meet your teacher; I remember something you said when I first met you... You said that for all your time with the trolls, the Loa you grew up with never once spoke. Never once listened. “  He paused a moment after this and I gave him a light nod, not really knowing where he was going with this.

Suddenly he took a breath and blew the smoke into my face. I tried to waft it away with my hand and as the sharp smoke got into my nose I started to cough, but it wouldn’t go. I heard Siyah’s voice again.
The smoke stuck to my face and blocked out my sight completely and I started to panic, clawing at the smoke.
“… Thought…”
I couldn’t breathe anymore, the smoke was curling around my neck, blocking my windpipe, as if it was a living being in itself, choking me. My vision started to go dark and I felt myself slipping, but I could just hear the last word he spoke before I lost consciousness.

A fear passed through me, my thoughts muddled and thick, almost feeling likea sort of syrup I was trying to wade through. What was I doing again…? Oh, yes. Sadok! I had to find him, had to find out what happened to him, if he was still alive or if Siyah had been right all alone. So I had accepted his offer for this…vision quest. But I wasn’t too sure about it anymore now…

I woke up, blinking into a sudden darkness and breathing in deeply, glad I even could breathe after that choking sensation I still remembered. It looked to be the exact same place I was in, just a little darker and I was alone. I got to my feet quickly, looking around. My voice sounded small and fragile as I spoke.

“Siya’? Lian? W’ere’d ya go?”
No answer. I swore to myself softly and muttered, moving to the tree to look down below. A gaping, spinning void was below, swirling and aggressive, and I stepped back right away. A voice sounded above me.

“I wouldn’t go down there.” It said, and I responded quickly, looking up. “W’o be dere?”
A raven came into view, sitting down on one of the branches, a sort of shadow surrounding it. I could hear clearly what it was saying as it opened its beak, but it was a bit odd because I could also still hear him squawking.
“Who I be? Why do you need to ask, you chose me yourself.” He said, while tilting its head and clacking its beak. At that moment I remembered, the card Siyahgosh had made me pick, our of five cards total. He said one of them would be my teacher, guide me through this whole madness I already hated. Former spirit quests had left their marks on me, and I didn’t trust them. At all.
I scowled and looked back at him.

"Da 'Anged man. Ya dun look muc' like a 'anged man ta me. Ya supposed ta be ma 'teac'er', ya? Watever dat is gonna be." I spoke, my voice a bit mocking and annoyed.
The bird made a shrug. I was actually surprised birds could portray such humane gestures, but then I reminded myself this wasn’t any normal bird, if it was here.

"It's just a title one gives to me as the card's... 'story' matches mine in some ways. Or so I am told. I am not much a card reader.  But you have seen me before, Kyrazha, do not worry. I won't be hurting you… But... if you wish for a more formal introduction...Rrk. I am Portent-of-Ill-Omen."
The name sparked a memory, and I realized this was Siyah’s raven he sometimes had with him. I asked him that much and he admitted to it, making a bow down towards me, puffing out his feathers. We spoke a little more about me choosing him as teacher and what it meant. He just told me not to worry about anything and came down closer, eyeing me over. I didn’t really understand everything he tried to tell me, but I made it clear I was here to find Sadok. Or learn more about his fate, anyway.

"Well. There are two exits here, one... “ he said, and at this he looked down the swirling void below, “And two.” And he turned again, eyeing the way back towards the Rangari Refuge.
"Either is an option. But time is wasting..."
The void behind me suddenly crackled, violet energies moving up into the sky. I had the feeling I needed to really get away from there, that if I’d come closer to that..void that I’d be lost. So I walked away from it very quickly, proposing to just go towards camp then. The Raven followed slowly, looking almost as if it flew a lot slower than it moved, which gave me a very odd feeling. Damn these spirit quests.

The road ahead wasn’t much like I remembered, twisting and turning and every plant and grass beside it was dead and the sensation of walking through them felt really weird, as if I was walking through thick mud. In the distance I could see trees, moving as if a dark sort of hurricane had them in its grasp, casting very long and dark shadows across the sky. I looked back to the road ahead and walked on.
“Be we still in Tanaan, o’..? Be dis some odd reflection o’ somet’in’ else? Can’t say I like it much.” I said to the raven, which was flying just behind me.
"It grows on you. There is a serenity here. Chin Up, orcy. Your kind has endured worse!  "And yes, it is -A Tanaan-. Unique, mind. Not many get to see it more than once. So, consider yourself lucky.  Just enjoy the stroll... take a deep breath and... try to avoid the natives. The spirits on -this- Draenor are awfully angry!” he said, and let out a merry whistle to follow the dark words.
He was a little too cheerful for my taste and I started to get a little worried, maybe I shouldn’t have done this after all…

"Lucky... Sure. If ya say so. An' if I enjoy da stroll depen's entirely on wat be gonna 'appen. Bu' I suppose ya can't really tell me anyt'in' abou' dat eit'er." I spoke with a light tone of worry in my voice.
He responded cheerfully again. "Well, part of the -point- of these 'spirit walks'...Rrrk... is to find these things out of yourself. They have less of an impact if I just tell you..."
"But don't worry. I'll be here. I'm patient and this path is one trodden by many before you. And possibly many more soon, I think. Ah, a raven can dream..."
As he spoke he turned to fly upside down and I could’ve sworn I saw him smile, but Ravens can’t smile, so I just discarded that thought quickly again.

As I rounded the corner I could see what was the Refuge. Or what was left of it. Everything looked dead, broken and a dull color, as if nothing had lived here for a long, long time. A light breeze moved past and I couldn’t help but shiver. I voiced my concerns, but the Raven just shrugged it off and told me everyone here was slaughtered a while ago. He flew towards one of the buildings and settled down as I made my way carefully into the ruins. We spoke a little back and forth, small jokes, which kept me a little more cheerful, considering this place was a ruin. I reached what once used to be the fireplace, remains of a great beast still over the fire, but completely rotted. The smell was so bad I had to breathe through my mouth, but that didn’t make it much better, it only made me feel rather sick and I put my hand on my bulging stomach.

As I looked around I heard a noise, something close to sobbing. Scattered around me lay the remains of weapons and armor, and I picked up one of the broken weapons. It wasn’t much, but perhaps it would come of use somehow. Making my way towards the sobbing carefully, I held up a finger to the Raven to be quiet.
A female Draenei came into view and I noticed she was crying. She looked like one of the Rangari guards, and I wondered what she was doing here all alone. I cleared my throat and hoped I wouldn’t cause her too much of a scare. She didn’t respond to me at all. I reeled back from her anyway in surprise, noting she wasn’t crying tears, but more… a black ooze, running out of her eyesockets. Her face looked like a corpse, and she was wounded all over, rocking back and forth on the spot.
"Can ya even 'ear me?"
She didn’t reply, but the Raven did.

"Most Likely." Said the Raven.  “Yet unless you are exceedingly patient, I should not worry too much about her. I would not worry about anything . She’s one of the lost. Rrrk. A shame. Spirits who could not let go. Usually they go to..Auchindoun. This one didn't. Couldn't accept the truth I suppose. Don't worry though, you have me! R-rawk!”

I looked up at the animal at this and stepped away from the figure. I didn’t have time to deal with her, I had to find Sadok, or something related to him if I could. We made our way towards the larger building in the Refuge, maybe some clues were to be found here. This place still gave me the creeps. Portent flew up behind me, asking if I’d seen anything yet that would lead me to Sadok. I shook my head in response and moved into the building, on guard. I could see a lot of flayed corpses in the room, clearly Orcish. The odd thing was that they were all hung to the wall with spikes through their hands, and had no faces anymore. It almost looked as if something had clawed them off, including the rest of their skin as well. My stomach churned again and I damned this pregnancy, making me feel so sick so often. This wasn’t anything I’d not seen before. Flies flew around the corpses, though they looked to be very dry.

"Demon Invasions. Never seen the point of all this brutality...any of yours?"
I jumped a little at the voice before realizing it was just the Raven who followed me in. I sighed and my voice was soft as I responded, as if speaking out loud would awaken the dead in the room.
"Bah... Never liked dose damned demons. An'.. I dunno, I can't.. see deir faces." I said softly, looking over the corpse nearest to me. I could see nothing to tell who these orcs were, apart from a laughing skull mask I found under the rubble. As I picked it up, a dull rumble of thunder sounded from outside.
"A mask.. Well dat doesn't tell me muc', da guards 'ere were Laug'in' skull. I wonder if we be gonna fin' Sadok 'ere anyway, if dis be like... Da future. O' somet'in'.. 'E wasn't 'ere." I said, relief clear in my voice. No dead Sadok this time, so far.

 "Well that's good then, isn't it?" beamed the raven. How it managed to do this with a solid beak, I didn’t know.  "If he's meant to be found we'll find him on this path, I assure you..."
He turned to look back down the path we came from.
"Thunder. Hrm. Someone's getting hungry, I think! No matter, no matter, we have time aplenty...You know I knew a thunder-bird totem once. Why, she had the most frightful temper!”
I admit I zoned out a little at this point, not entirely listening to the bird as he kept on rattling about a shaman of some sort. This bird really talked too much.

“…Lead on then, Kyrazha, I'm sure there is more to see!"
Only when I heard my name I snapped out of it, turning my head.
"Erh. Ya. W'o be 'ungry t'oug'?" I said a bit distracted, turning to walk outside again and leave the corpses behind me. I took the Laughing Skull mask with me, for some reason. It just felt bad to leave it behind. My feet took me down the path towards the Iron Front as I remembered it. The raven followed me.  "Oh, don't worry about it. Don't worry about anything. Rrk. Just idle chatter. I like to talk before we reach the end of our journeys. It helps lighten the mood, you know?"

The road ahead was dead as well, very quiet and the breeze coming up made me chilly in my bones. I shivered, still not trusting nor liking this forsaken version of Tanaan. Was I the only one here, together with that Raven and that shell of a Draenei?
It was a steep way down, and I had to make an effort not to fall, my balance already being off due to my stomach. This wasn’t how I remembered the road to be, at least. I managed my way below without slipping and looked around. More bodies all around, long since dead, accompanied by some beasts of war.

"Oh, Oh! Horse!" said the raven, elated. He flapped up to the nearest war-beast, still fresh despite the passage of time and pecked out an eye with a gory 'schlick'.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust and just looked away from the scene, yelling out to see if anyone was even still here. I got no response at all, apart from the Raven still speaking. I just let him yap away and looked around, noticing it was getting darker. The breeze was getting more chilly too and I shivered slightly. I decided to just walk over the front and started to walk towards where the citadel should be. "Oh, this way? Right way, thought you might want to look around a bit more first. Most people do...", the raven spoke behind me, following me with lazy flaps of his shadowy wings.
Everything was empty, everything was dead. It disturbed me to no end, what kind of place was this? Spikes stuck out from in the ground, creating long, dark shadows that surrounded me, giving the place an even more creepy feeling.

My voice sounded small as I spoke.
“It all seems ta be dead orcs an’ watever ‘ere anyway, I doub’ I be gonna fin’ somet’in’ “ I kept walking, the air around me feeling colder with every step and when I glanced over my shoulder, I noticed I couldn’t even look far behind me anymore, the road filled with a thick mist. “No going back now!” sounded the very cheerful voice of the Raven next to me.
“Ya soun’ very ‘appy abou’ dat fact.” I responded somewhat sullenly. The answer came soon enough. “Oh well. A job wel done and all that!” 
I didn’t really know what he meant with that, but at that moment I felt something, so I got distracted. Something warm, familiar… Just from behind that tower over there. I hurried my way over to see what it was…

[To be continued…]

The Campfire / Connections
« on: August 06, 2015, 12:05:50 PM »
Night had fallen over the jungles of Tanaan, as a thick blanket covering the land, making all the shadows look more deep, more threatening. The fighting continued, almost in a different way now. This was the time of the assassins, the stalkers, hunters of prey that took the opportunity to take their targets unaware, using the dark to their advantage. The jungle was never sleeping, the jungle was never still.

Neither was one of the shapes in the camp of Rangari Refuge. Footsteps sounded as the Laughing Skull guard made his way across the camp. It all seemed quiet, but he knew this was just a farce. Soon enough attacks would come again, once the forces on the Iron Front had a moment of fall back, or send another Gronnling up here to try and see if they could take the camp. He simply walked his usual round, a bit bummed that nothing was happening, nothing to distract him, nothing to kill. As he passed one of the huts though, he did hear an odd noise. For a moment he was highly amused as the thought passed him it were probably just two orcs in a loving embrace he was hearing, so he let out a soft snicker and prepared to continue his round. However, when he heard another noise, it was clear this was more a sound of pain, of unease, made by only one orc.
In his curiosity, he approached the tent and looked inside, seeing one of the females of that tribe that had joined them in camp not too long ago. Her face was red and sweaty, her hair damp and sticking to her cheeks and neck. She looked asleep, but not very happy with it. Then he remembered that this one was one of their shaman. Didn’t they often dream odd..? He’d better leave her alone.
He closed the tent flap again, leaving the she-orc to her dreams, grumbling to himself that it was such a boring night.

Rhonya felt like she was burning up. There was fire all around her, blocking the way towards where she wanted to go, towards the tribe on the other side, who needed her help. She could see them through the flames, fighting, falling, calling for her aid, but they couldn’t see her. Snarling softly in frustration, Rhonya took the leap, into the fire in front of her. They needed her, she couldn’t let them die!

A pain seared through her chest and everything went dark for a few moments as she fell into nothingness, the scene having disappeared. The new mark on her chest was burning, deeper into her skin. The mark of the fire elemental…  They had all left their marks, but this one on her heart. Did it mean anything special, was fire again taking claim on her here, pushing water aside? She’d have to work on her control, if that was the case, Rhonya didn’t want to burn more orcs in her anger…
For a few moments she was simply falling, until she just felt more like she was floating in the darkness, the searing pain of the mark on her chest fading away slowly until a soothing calm came over her. 

“Do not fear, little shaman. We will carry you. We will protect you. But you need to trust us.”
It was the voice of the void elemental that had spoken to her before in the ritual. Rhonya still didn’t really know what to make of it, she’d never worked with void, never felt the connection before, or the urge to actually try and reach for it. But now there it was, and she didn’t know what to do with it…

Rhonya was still floating, but now it felt more like she was in the water, being carried by a current, surrounding her in its cool embrace. She felt safe here, and closed her eyes, letting it guide her and take her away into more calm dreams. The fel ward on her back glowed up slightly, some new marks added to the runes, though not by needle and ink. This was the blessing she’d gotten, that Gashuk had asked for her of the furies of Draenor, to help her function in the fel infested areas of it.

Rhonya opened her eyes, and found she was in her own hut, nearly bathing in sweat under the layers of fur she was sleeping under. Throwing them aside, she groaned and sat up to reach for her waterskin, thankfully taking a few deep gulps before focusing on her surroundings. Gashuk had said she probably wouldn’t sleep easy, and he hadn’t been wrong. It was almost as if the furies still had to get familiar with her properly, visiting her in her dreams, touching her own spirit, keeping her mind occupied and demanding her attention in a very different way than what she was used with the elements on Azeroth.

She sighed deeply, pouring some of the water over her sweaty face as well. It had been needed, if she was to function properly here in the jungles… Srelok was missing, she couldn’t just let him be tortured and killed out there. Her only left family member… Gashuk had his prayer beads, but if that was a blessing or a curse, she didn’t know.
She’d also heard Sadok still hadn’t arrived, while others had told her he would only be gone for a short while and follow them later. Another bloodbrother missing…? She didn’t want to think of it, not now.

With a loud grunt, Rhonya dropped herself back onto the furs, looking up at the roof of the tent.
“Spirits help me through this time… I don’t want to be alone. I can’t be alone… I won’t survive…”
She spoke the words softly, and a new pain went through her. She was an oathbreaker, she’d left her mate… She was alone in body, for a few months already. It still hurt her, thinking back on it, what she had said, but also what Therak had said to her. He hadn’t understood the stab in the heart he’d given her, and only wrenched the knife around until she couldn’t take it anymore and fled from the pain, from the words, leaving him.

Pulling some more of the furs over herself again, Rhonya curled up on her side and closed her eyes, squeezing them shut. She wanted something to hold, the urge to put her arms around something and fall asleep was so strong that she just hugged the furs instead, her shoulders shaking softly as she sobbed. No one here to hold close, none of her cubs, no mate, no one to bury her nose in their hair and sniff up the familiar scent of someone she loved and trusted…

No one but the spirits in her mind and around her. At least those would always be there…

Game Related / Frostwolf Set
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:25:25 PM »
So! Seeing this has been a topic of discussion many many times now,  that people are unhappy they cannot aquire the frostwolf set while not being a rogue/druid/monk, I tested something out.
The actual box you can only see as a rogue/druid/monk at the vendor, the other classes can't even see it for sale. This box is therefor class only, and can only be bought by those classes.


Once you open said box, you get a full leather item set. This set, is NOT class bound, and is bound to account. So what do you do? You send it to your other character you wish to wear it on.

This means, it can't be transmogged, but you can still wear it for RP. Basically you just gind rep on a rogue/monk/druid char, (only need to revered), buy the box, open it, send the loose items to your other character, and done! You can wear it. (Unless you're cloth class ofc, they can't wear leather.)

Me and Vanara tested this out with the Alliance variant of the frostwolf set, the karabor set, which is warlock/priest/mage, but Vanara send the items to his druid and he could wear it. So it actually works.

Good luck aquiring your set! :D

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