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Messages - Thrash'Nak

Game Related / Re: Garn Nighthowler
November 21, 2014, 08:04:58 AM
I don't have a garn, buddy. :b Not to my knowlegde. xD
Game Related / Re: Selfies!
October 21, 2014, 08:14:08 AM
want this.. so bad... ahahaha :D
Applications / Re: Orc Warrior Application
August 30, 2014, 05:24:05 PM
I can accept that! You can seek us out in-game for your in-character interview, contact one of our officers for it.: Rargnasha, Rhonya, Sadok, Kozgugore, Grogona, Gridish and Therak.

Blood and honour:
Grogona wolfheart
Off Topic / Re: League of Red Blades!
August 25, 2014, 05:15:39 PM
I'll add you lot when i get the chance. And well, if you're in a group with people you actually know from somewhere, it's alot more durable.. xD
Event Planning / Re: Arena - find team mates here
August 25, 2014, 05:13:34 PM
Booster/not so much!:
Due to school, its very much when i want too and have energy too, go ahead and ask, but you might very well get a no, unless it's a weekend!

I can heal on a resto druid, Aharnu and reck some nubs with my full prideful sub(mainly)/combat rogue.
Off Topic / League of Red Blades!
August 23, 2014, 11:18:45 AM
I've been playing some league in the past month, and it gets quite dull to do alone. So i was thinking we could use this thread to start up some games, or if people are up for it, ranked games. My in-game name on the EUW servers is GrogonaWolfheart.
funny stuff, keep it coming.. moar... MOOOOOAAAAARRR!
Game Related / Re: Connected realms...
August 19, 2014, 02:32:18 PM
all of those realms are relatively unpopulated really, so nothing. MAYBE a few RP guilds from the venturing company, that we might suddenly see. :)
Game Related / Re: Suggestions and Feedback
August 19, 2014, 01:17:38 PM
OOC - SIGN UP DAMNIT! It's such a pain for the creator of events, to have 4-5 sign up, but in the end, less or more arrive at the event. If you could -please- sign up, if you intend to come, you'll make us grumpy officers ALOT happier. :)
Quote from: Kharmak on August 19, 2014, 01:59:56 AM
IC - More training would be nice to see. I know it's more a of a peaceful time at the minute, but we wouldn't want rusty blades now would we!
IC - Ghrm, ye' need only ask, which ye' did, good. I will see abou' gettin' som' war trainin' started aroun' the end o' the month. Keep an eye on the notice-board, date an' time will be ther' in the comin' days.
Applications / Re: Application: Kargak
August 17, 2014, 08:00:15 PM
Seems fine to me, after a few edits! You may go ahead and find yourself an officer in-game. They are: Grogona, Gridish, Rargnasha, Sadok and Rhonya.

Blood and honour:
Grogona Wolfheart
Notice Board / Re: [IC] Scraps and Notes!
August 16, 2014, 05:38:20 PM
*A piece of parchament is pinned up on the notice-boarded, seemingly written with a piece of coal*

"Next armor crafting lesson will be once we're near a forge. Can't get the right heat over a campfire. Next lesson, i'll be showing you, how you hammer out a dented shield."

Blood and honour:
Grogona Wolfheart
Applications / Re: Application: Khralak
August 08, 2014, 08:24:16 PM
Hello Kralak! Looks very fine too me. You can go ahead and fine an officer in-game. To make it easy for you: Rargnasha, Rhonya, Sadok, Gridish, and Myself, Grogona, are the current officers. :)

Blood and honour:
Grogona Wolfheart.
Applications / Re: Application Kogra
August 04, 2014, 06:27:51 PM
Short, but it works! You can go ahead and find yourself an officer in-game for an interview. :)

Blood and honour:
Grogona wolfheart.
Game Related / Re: The Going Away / AFK Thread
July 25, 2014, 12:24:38 PM
I'm going to greece for a week with no internet or anything here the 28th til the 5th of august. So, Grogona will be sick for a week! Enjoy yourselfs and don't wreak too much havoc please. :)
Game Related / Re: The Going Away / AFK Thread
June 29, 2014, 10:10:11 AM