Orcs of the Red Blade


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Topics - Gruulg

Applications / Application Skagug
February 16, 2018, 04:34:44 PM
Name: Skagug.
Level : 107.

Tell us something about you roleplaying experience

I used to be a member of this clan only with another character.
Roleplaying with tha clan was all the rp I knew, wich has always been a blast^^

And finally write a short story and/or Introduction about your character

I am Skagug, son of Raggargh Boneshredder.
Warrior of the horde!
I seek a clan to find my own home among the horde...
May your blades never be dull!
Off Topic / BrB
April 06, 2010, 04:43:57 PM
Hiya everyone
Spending alot of time at my girlfriends house. Thing is I don´t want to give up my Labatory at home with my tricked out PC :P. So I think I will bring my older pc to her. So I'm hoping I got the old heap of junk running and having it set up at her place by the end of this week.

Looking forward to playing with you guys soon^^

1.Put yer scanner on 600 dpi for max info of the pic.Later you'll lower it to 300 dpi when you've opened it in photoshop.

2.Open your pic in photoshop and click 'menu->image->Image size' and lower the dpi to 300.In the end you can also use thise to resize the       pic itself (width and heigth) for putting it on this site.

3.Click 'Image->Adjust->levels of brightness/contrast.By tweaking with these two sliders you're able to make the lines look finished asif they were inkt.

4.Now put it in RGB colors otherwise you won't be able to use colors because we have scanned it as a greyscale document.
  'Image->Mode->RGB color.

5.On your right top hand you have a layer tab check in here if you have one layer called background. Double click this give it a name to your choice and change the 'normal' for 'multiply' in the box of the layer tab.

6.Create a new layer and go to the layer tab you will see a layer added on top of the one you already had.You can drag that new layer in this tab down under the one you started with.Because our drawing layer is on multiply it is like a plate of glas.Now you can paintbrush or use lassotool bucketfill to color your pic without the lines being fecked up.Just click in the layer tab on the new layer and you'll paint under the lines,because we're painting on layer under the layer with lines.

7.theres an option in the layers palet under 'layers' to 'flatten image' wich makes it one layered pic.

Picture nr 1 is a greyscale scan.
Picture nr 2 is done like I have explained here above.The highlights here and there were done with the 'dodge-tool'.Handles like an eraser only it makes that what you touch with it a bit of a lighter shade of that particulair color.
Off Topic / Drawing of a Gruulg
February 20, 2010, 10:54:35 PM
...Not done ofcourse.And it's just to practice with the programmes and tablet.All was done with airbrush tool in photoshop.
Scanned it in and resized it and saved it in a jpeg for you follks to see.
Did it with an 8b pencil and later on with an hb pencil.

The scenery around him will be done with photoshop , could've done it all in photoshop but i like the use my pencils irl.

Ofc I have to tweak the contrast a bit cuz its a bit light now.
The Campfire / Evening falls
January 24, 2010, 03:23:16 PM
Game Related / First try photoshop
January 23, 2010, 09:46:11 PM
 Forgot to multiply the layer so i had to shit around with opacity.Also forgot to put a layer on top of the hair and beard *giggle*.Well anyway still have the original so i can add some more shade to the left arm and whole in general *shrug*.Also put a pattern,gradient on it for seeing how that would look.
Game Related / Action Sketch
January 04, 2010, 10:07:39 PM
Off Topic / picture'z
October 05, 2009, 09:18:21 PM
had to downsize it with the pc due to the max allowance of Kb per post *shrug*

Gruulg in Wintergrasp

BTW, editing is poor.The Wpvp fight will be done more naisley.
The Campfire / Visitor
June 01, 2009, 02:07:35 PM
As he watches the horizon Grorz realises being alone is not the answer.A sense of belonging seems needed now more then ever...
The Campfire / Grogash
May 06, 2009, 07:00:35 PM
Grogash stares a bit in the distance as he starts to speak to Zangtast his evil minion
The Campfire / Long time ago
April 16, 2009, 07:19:59 PM
Blud agh Thunda'!
The Campfire / Ratchet inn
March 31, 2009, 05:22:05 PM
Gruulg waits for the orcs to show up

The Campfire / Ebon Hold Gathering
March 29, 2009, 09:56:43 PM
As they gather they tell eachother tales.
Event Planning / Wartrainin' uf dem Rrosh'tul.
January 28, 2009, 05:07:22 PM

Oi Ork'z dem are tha' wartrainin' in twu moon'z frum nuw!
Ork'z gatha' Garadar if youse ain't a git tha' is!

Ork'z get gud trainin' agh get pruuf him selfish at battlefield<grin>

Dem shuw luyal agh hunur to tribe is'm gud ork fo' Gruulg.
Betta' not gud if youse lettin' Gruulg die, tharfo' me are train youse  Ork'z!

OOC: This friday the 30th of january 20:00 there will be a wartraining, we will meet in Garadar..Thx for reading...

Event Planning / Turna'munt'z uf dem Red blade'z.
January 19, 2009, 03:34:16 PM
Rrosh'tul Steelbrow orda'z all dem ork'z to dem ring uf trial'z in Nagrand.
Dem turnament are when muun are full round.

Ork'z train in dem Garadar fo' this'm turnamunt.Youse betta' be gud when this'm are!

OOC: I invite you all for the tournement that will be held at sunday 25th of january at 20:00, In the ring of trials in Nagrand.
       At 19:00 the gathering in garadar will start and 19:30 we will pull out.Hope to see you soon red blades!
Event Planning / Tribal Ritiualz.
June 14, 2008, 11:43:59 PM
Ingame letters where sent with suggestions...

Grockh IC letter:

So, old orc,dats my ideas.First regular patrols of our places by two or three orcs, with all dat chat and brawl and killin' invaders.

Second, we must act to protect our recources, our wood in warsong gulch, our mines in alterac valley.Also helping opur allies in other battlegrounds.We must stay together, and be strong.

Third, war camps, training, fighting and teaching newbloods to fight.
Fourth.Entertainments, games, drinks, stories, personally, i'd like to know more about my orcs brothers.

Djangor's OOC letter:

1.I suggest that every two weeks or once a month be game day.With ball cracker, backwards drunken racing and everything else anyone comes up with(There should be a forum post that would specifically invite people to come up with ideas for orcish games)

2.The patrols should always have purpose or a goal if you like.They need a backgroundstory otherwise they are empty.Each patrol a background story that is (example search for xxx or yyy).They should be done in my opinion on a weekly basis.


*Regular patrols, with lore.Once a week would be regular.And we  could always do another or more for hardcore rp-ers or when your bored^^.

*Guild bg's

*War camps, training, fighting, etc, etc.

*Tribal game day:Ballcracker, backwards drunken race, etc, etc.

Contact mhokdor when you have ideas or suggestions on these, he will tell you what to do^^.

Event Planning / Mhordoks gathering.
June 02, 2008, 10:21:48 PM
Oi orks don't fo'get abut Mhordoks gatherin' at Ring uf Valour.
Gruulg think Mhordok gud newblud since tha' ork arrange little gatherin' fo' us.

Gruulg bringz tha' booze!

OOC:This wednessday 4th of june,  20:00 server time.
Event Planning / Scrolls.
June 02, 2008, 10:16:45 PM
Seven moonz orks must help Gruulg find scrolls.
Search orkish settlements for them.
Without them we cannot honor the fallen ones.
So orks gatha' seven moonz from nuw in Ring uf Valour.

OOC:this event is for the sequel Honoring the Fallen Ones...
Be there in Ring of Valour, Orgrimmar.20;00 server time.
10th of june tuesday.