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Messages - Amenti

The Campfire / Re: 'mentis 'latest' escapades
March 23, 2012, 12:03:51 AM
haha! true, it could sound like that...  :)
though she's been more lost in her mind for some time...being separated by her closest ones for some time, and having her blacked out and whatnot. She was captured for some time as well...but she got away... 'menti being unstable and all that... they might have let her go...for fear or for understanding she wasn't of value, who knows? or she might have slipped through their guard somehow...apparantly she doesn't really know herself even, at this point. She's not really herself atm, no... Or so it appears at least.
The Campfire / Re: 'mentis 'latest' escapades
March 21, 2012, 08:48:36 PM
*wroff* haha, thanks   ::)
well..i ought to figure out something to get her back, don't i?  i just need more inspiration to come lurking...though if anyone but me..i mean 'menti understands the rambling, i dunno...
The Campfire / Re: 'mentis 'latest' escapades
March 12, 2012, 08:46:08 PM
I’ve been here for ages now…  I wish someone would give me some food, I’m starving…  I’ll start eating the stones here if I don’t get anything to eat soon!

“Hello!?! Anyone there??”

I feel cut off… I could need some help…But who to reach for and how to get in contact with them?

I need some energy… -Some kind of life force to feed upon. Let’s see now… Reach out. Can’t I find the others, I’ll start with something that I can find. One step at a time…  Now… Let’s see….What is out there?......


Now. Give me more.

Hrmm…where have I felt those before? What are they called? Armored animal. At least the life force of it will help me for some time. The plants don’t suffice to keep me standing for long. Let’s get out of here. Armored animal, armored animal… Hrmm… I know I’ve felt it before… An…arma….armaaaaa…armadillo! Yes! Now. Focus on moving.

Moving felt odd. Like I was out of practice. Crawling my way through bumps and rocks. I didn’t care about anything.. Anything but moving and feeding. Gaining strength. I didn’t even notice scratches and cuts… In fact, I didn’t really feel my body. But what did it matter? I wasn’t aware of that fact anyhow. I followed the flowers… Every strand of grass I could find. And the occasional spider… Or armadillo. And in the end it led me to my freedom….Physically…
The Campfire / Re: 'mentis 'latest' escapades
March 12, 2012, 07:53:01 PM
As time had been changing, I had pulled back, seeking more solitude. I didn’t feel as welcome any more. So many new faces couldn’t accept me as I was. I wouldn’t abandon Karloz and Zhar and the others… They were as big a part of me as I was of them.  The looks I had got due to them…
It didn’t matter anymore anyhow.

There had been something in the air. Something big had been happening. We all had felt it, they all had felt it. Then my most willful, headstrong kitty had gone missing. Well, missing was the wrong word for it. She had fallen. There had been nothing I could do, she couldn’t be saved. Blasted hole in the ground, appearing out of thin air… Well, out of closed ground more literally. Luckily my more nimble followers, the rest of my pack didn’t follow her.
It was all a long time ago.

That’s when I’d started walking. Didn’t really care where to. Just…-away. I couldn’t stay. I needed to get some distance. And I needed to keep them safe. I needed to find a hideout to hide them in. A safe keep of some sorts.
Where were they now?
How I’d come to land myself in that mess was beyond me.  It was so different, being on my own. My senses had felt dulled. They came in the night, and they took me by surprise. I was not myself, and I was meditating trying to hear them. Listening intensely to that other, inner world, keeping too little of my senses keen on what was going on around my physical being.
The Campfire / 'mentis 'latest' escapades
November 14, 2011, 10:09:53 PM
Well well well... I guess it's about time. I've been inactive for far too long now, and to speak of what 'menti has been doing meanwhile is not an easy task, as usual. Due to this I've written down a few words telling little about where she's been and what she's done, but telling a tiny bit more about her own state of mind. A tiny glimpse into her mind if you wish.

Setting: Desolace â€" Magram Territory/Cenarion Wildlands

“Don’t touch me… Don’t touch me! Don’t TOUCH ME!!”
… when darkness comes, yer ought to be alone…
I hate their mumblings, why don’t they shut up? “SHUT IT!” Ughh… I feel funny. What’s happened? Karloz? Karloz? You there? Where are yer guys? Uuuuugh….
I hear them in the darkness… I need ter find them. I need ter get free.
I wonder how long it’s been…

I had been left by myself most of the time. I was wondering what they wanted with me. What had landed me here? They seemed a little afraid, but if they were, why wouldn’t they let me go?  Where was I and where was I headed? What was the next step? Once in a while I had visitors. They never told me what they wanted though. Their voices were rough, but that didn’t make me understand them better. They rarely tried talking to me anyhow, mostly they just talked between themselves. The other visitors were equally interesting. Mainly they came to steal my food. Annoying little rodents.

“Who dares disturb me? Oh…It’s yer…Again… What do yer want this time?”
Just a little bit closer now… A mouse, a rat, now where’s my cat?
“Enter! “

“Hey, what yer d…. No! NoNoNO!! NOOO!”

I had been moved. Things were changing. For how long had I been in this place?
At least I was alone. Alone, at last.
But I was too alone.
Something was missing. Something vital. Something would have to be done.
Time to rise.

Evil is what evil does. Come here, I’ll feed on yer.

Game Related / Re: Quittin'
June 04, 2010, 11:54:29 PM
Take care out there Daw.
Was nice "meeting" ya though
Game Related / Re: Sorry!
May 10, 2010, 05:19:23 AM that's what happened... pity...
well...rarg stepped up and took charge, so we had ourselves a long walk at least ;D
and with some small happenings on the way.