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Messages - Radokan

Game Related / Re: Rated Battlegrounds
July 22, 2011, 11:04:27 PM
Radokan, Beast Master Hunter
The Campfire / A poem for the tribe
July 22, 2011, 12:03:52 AM
My tutor Sadok has requested to compose a poem for the final test of my training and I wrote this:

Thee spineless sum of breeds called the Alliance, rats of Azeroth!
Tremble in fear before the mightiest tribe of the Horde!

When the legendary warcries echoe through the halls of Ironforge,
Enjoy your last dwarven ale before crushed like a cockroach!

As the river of blood flows along the streets of your beloved Stormwind,
Wolves' presence is marked with numerous corpses on the crimson trade district!

Behold the Orcs of the Red Blade, vanguards of the Horde, pride of Warchief!
Burry your dead and stand ready rats, wolves will be back to spread more grief!

I hope you like it :)