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Messages - Rukgar

The Campfire / The Exorcism of Trileg
May 31, 2010, 01:43:41 AM
To Kozgugore, Chieftain of the Red Blade

My hand writes on behalf of Rugaar, Chief of the War Drum. Know that it is not his intention to dishonor you by using a scribe to make his offer known. Sadly it is required; The art of reading and writing are not very familar to him shall we say. Small wonder, for our chieftain rather speaks with his actions. This time, words are needed however. This is his message to you:

Words are wind. Even more so when carved voiceless on paper. Sadly tonight there are no options but to have a letters written,send and hopefully read.

You know us not, War Drum has not had the honor to draw blood together with The Red Blade. With this in mind I lack desire to dishonor you by testing how welcome me or mine are around your campfires, uninvited and unknown. Yet, we are in position where we must request your aid. So ay, a letter must serve.

Our banner is that of a war band. Nothing more. Nothing less. For most of us, axe is closest thing to a god. We have our shamans, elders and even some who understand of this..light. Yet, numbers of em are far too few. Many of the few are scattered across the Azeroth, waging war against our hated enemy.

I am and orc of Kalimdor myself, so of course I know ofRed Blade. I have heard speak of your wisdom and knowledge of the elements, spirits feral and spirit world as a whole. This is why I saw this letter to be written. This is why we require and request your aid.

A demonic gnome, or mayhap gnomish demon resides within one of us and must be torn out. For two moons, this foul beast has used an Orc by the name of Trileg as a vessel. I do not assume fate of an orc that doesn't share your banner moves you.Yet, I fear our problem is yours. With eyes of Trileg this gnome has seen much. It has observed maps detailing supply routes Horde takes to haul goods of war between Kalimdor and Northrend. It's gaze has measured the battlements around Orgrimmar. Before this foulness fell upon Trileg, he was a shaman of elements. Thusly, those secrets too are but steps away from falling in the hands of our enemies. Can we allow this? It angers me that I must hope that you too are troubled by this, for we do need your aid.

We must ask your shamans and elders to aid us with this exorcism. We also ask your warriors and braves to honor us by fighting by our side when we deliver our revenge. We will make gnomes and their repulsive allies understand what comes, when one tries to dishonor War Drum and spy on Horde. Obviously everything your tribe loots, pillages and steals during this raid is yours and yours alone. So, we ask you to come before Black Rock Mountain on first Thursday of the coming moon, for it is there where we attempt to tear this Gnome spirit away from Trileg.

If our approach to solving problems is similar, you too are wondering why not simply kill this Trileg. We came closer to giving it a try than the orc would have minded. However, we fear what would happen to the Gnome spirit. Ending Trileg might enable it to flee the body where it is now trapped.

Problem might be mutual. It exists due to taint within one of your own. If you help in tearing that is inside Trileg away, we are in debt. Know that < War Drum > has been waging bitter war of total annihilation against the hated and repulsive gnomes for countless moons. Our raids against them are too numerous to count and too violent to dishonor by attempts to describe them on parchment. As a result of these raids, we have slaves.

I wrote similar letter to Trolls Gurubashi. To them, we offered two hundred gnome slaves as token of appreciation. I know not of habits and ways of Red Blade well enough to present similar offer to you. It is a request I wish to deliver, not an insult.
..But yas, know that payment in gnomes is an option, shall we say. As an additional boon, we offer you a recipe created by one of our own. I have tested it personally and discovered it makes them taste almost as delicious when cooked as they are raw.

Needless to say, to appear would be a favor far from modest. War Drum knows honor well and would feel a debt exists, one that can not be paid in slaves or gold.

So speaks
Rugaar son of Rukgar, Chief of War Drum

*Crude drawing of a fist, apparently added by chieftain himself as a personal signature of sorts*

Game Related / Re: Another world
March 13, 2009, 09:21:15 AM
Hay no problem, it was nice  to check out UO sites for a change. Saddening to see how dead the game appears to be now. WoW really hit it quite hard.

It's very difficult to create such alliance I am sure, amount of diplomacy required.../shivers
Some steps might not be very hard to take though?
Imho it would be good to get some alliance guilds under the same roof with us  for example. Is there any good reason why Alliance guilds shouldn't be in Covenant?. That alone could make arranging various pvp encounters and whatnot much easier.

P.s sorry if I sound overly..I don't know a word that should go here..humm.. eager?
I don't mean to come across as this " hay guys ok heres what we do!!!" person., I'm no officer of any of the organizations involved  nor do I ever want to be!
None of the ideas presented are my own, just passing along what I saw in UO. Atleast there, such alliance of guilds trulyworks GREAT.

When it comes to zone (haha, I realize saying this is thinking ahead would be a massive understatement! But it's fun to play with these thoughts.)I guess some sort of a compromiss is the only way to go. Can't pick Durotar or Nagrand without Alliance feeling bummed and potentially unmotivated, can't pick Elwynn Forest or other repulsive human place for opposing reasons.
Such zone would prolly need to be contested for practical reasons, and withing a convinient distance from Dalaran/Shattrath portals(read: racial capitals)
Something fairly lowbie friendly.. atleast WOTLK zones would have to be out of question? Or else  it makes life of low lvl players very difficult.

I wonder if people in general would find this exiting at all.  Do YOU find it exiting?
Could be guilds feel settled and comfy in their own private hang outs, and extremely unmotivated to move away from their " homes"
I imagine 2nd Gurubashi are very firmly settled in STV, some dorf riflemen in their dorf holes, and so forth.

Game Related / Another world
March 13, 2009, 04:20:03 AM
Inspired by today's inspiring meeting between ORB, 2nd Gurubashi, Mistrunners, thieves and whom not, we had an inspired  talk with mister Norvis  about inter-guild relations of WoW in  general.
This, in turn inspired yet another nostalgia infested babble spree about Ultima Online, the game that popped my MMO cherry.
The babble spree in turn inspired a WWW browsing spree to old Ultima sites.
There's loads  of tradition and..errr.. stuff in there! And 12 years worth of hard core role playing.

Figured this stuff might make an entertaining read for some bored green skin out there. Always nice to gaze in another worlds.
These are home sites or wiki sites of RP guilds/communities of Ultima Online.

Orcs of Tolagâl
Our orc brothers and sisters from another wolrd!!
The guild itself is long dead, but the wiki page makes a good read.
Ultima never had any playable races, other than humans. So orc players had to find an orc mask, dye their armor green and use imagination!

Guardsmen Militia
1st RP guild I ever joined in an MMO. They play medieval, somewhat uncivilized and paranoid town militia. Witch burning and road taxes, magery and magical weapons strictly forbidden. good stuff!

Europa Role Players Association
Essentially The Covenant of "Europa" server of UO.
(Also the carefully hidden ninja agenda of this thread!)

In Wow language, something like:
About 6 horde and 6 alliance guilds make an agreement to focus virtually all of their RP in same zone. Essentially turning a zone (say, Arathi highlands) their own hangout and home base, an RP world within a world.
These 12 guilds  interact and RP together in dynamic fashion, both during  scheduled  events and outside events. The guilds in the alliance all follow same ruleset and code of conduct, and essentially write their own story ignoring much of the outside world.

Ideally, such setting could bring much certain direly needed randomness in (role)play.
Imho lack of dynamics and interaction with other role players out there is a massive drag in WoW.
There are several active RP guilds in horde side. Yet, its extremely odd to randomly meet up with any of them. (Or is it just me? I am very new to RP in WoW and extremely new to this server, so this might well be!)
I.e if I wanted to meet up with one of the 60 thieves I'd have to /who their guild, whisper the thief, schedule a meeting. I  can't just go into their hangout, or randomly stumble into a thief.

Wouldn't things be much more fun  if, instead of having some 160-ish roleplayers (H+A) scattered in their own little pockets between 3 massive  continents+Outlands, have them all interact together in their own little world within world?

The Campfire / Re: The Gurubashi, today
March 13, 2009, 02:49:32 AM
All this talk of trust and contracts!

I have never met a trustworthy troll.
As long as we face a strong enough common enemy, there is no need to trust a single troll.
As long as we are at war and human cities have roofs that don't burn, children that aren't orphan  and walls that aren't punctured with holes, I can't see trolls  turning against us. They aren't that stupid.
There is no peace between orcs and humans, only truces. Once we came into their world to destroy them, they will never forget it, nor forgive, how could they?
From what I've seen, most of them deserve death that we eventually have to deliver. It is us or them.

Concerns? There are always concerns. They are trolls after all. They will try to play us and use us, I am sure. Make us carry the heaviest burden of war...
...War that one day comes knocking our doors  regardless of wether we start it or not.
With luck, us putting an end to league of Arathor and their night elf sluts  combined with actions of the son of Hellscream could well ignite a full out war between entire horde and alliance.
Entire might of horde marching on the trails of our boot steps, behind our  banner! Imagine the glory!
Majority of alliance factions are knee deep in snows of Northrend. It is a fine moment to make sure they don't have homes to return to.
Rukgar claimed the small hut closest to the  pyre, the one that is just a few leaps south from it.
..What a lazy orc.Tsk!