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Messages - Keltroten

Applications / Re: Application: Ru'gbal Bloodhammer
March 20, 2016, 10:17:45 PM
To bump this, I want to excuse that I haven't shown my face to you guys in a while, a lot of stuff happened irl and I wondered if you would mind if I reactivated this application! Shame on me for leaving you waiting :C
Applications / Application: Ru'gbal Bloodhammer
August 16, 2015, 07:45:27 PM
Name: Ru'gbal Bloodhammer
Class:  Shaman (Elemental)
Level:  10

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

Hello, my name's Markus, I am german (no that does not mean you get free schnitzel, dont even ask) and I have been here for 22 years now :D. I roleplay ever since I was 11, that makes a total of 12 years by now. In the ongoing process of improving myself, I have created many chars, in many different universes (I hope I did spell that right, save me Jebus). Some of you may already know some of them, amongst them you can find my Forsaken Apothecary Doctor Keltroten Rottfinger, the former Kirin Tor Mage Fealthris Nightwanderer or even the rarely social Ebon Knight Orularm Plagueheart (Just to name WoW ones)

Recent History of an aging Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan

Ru'gbal smiles upon a small bowl full of water, his old weary eyes hold a few tears, while he sits infront of the liquid portal to the past. The aged Shaman glanced upon the visions of the past, visiting the glorious battlefields he stood upon as young Warrior of the Horde. So many had passed, friends, family even his wife already deceased. The wind blows around Bloodhammer's nose, the scent of new terrors reaching out for Azeroth were imminent. With a heavy grunt, the Shaman stood up, supporting himself and his weigth through leaning onto his knees. He stared down the Cliff he stood upon, knowing that this may be his last battle, but maybe even the greatest one he has ever participated in. His mind told him to stay, but his Orcish blood dictated to march towards the battlefield, standing side by side with the young ones. Maybe he could teach them a trick or two - he chuckled. He was no longer the mace swinging Warrior that he used to be, but in the end the Elements are his allies.