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Messages - Gommak Howlmane

Applications / Application: Gommak Howlmane
June 27, 2015, 09:12:52 PM
Name: Gommak Howlmane
Class: Warrior - Outrider
Level: 100

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

Rping since 11 years ago, member of Argent Dawn since Cataclysm. Member of the Hand of Agony since then. (And still being)

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

Former orcish raider of the Bleeding Hollow during the first war and second war, after the disaster at the feet of Blackrock Mountain, he had to flee north, to Alterac where he met Kryssha Howlmane, a Frostwolf Shaman who took care of his wounds and the burdens left by the experience of war.

Far from wanting to return to his old clan, he adopted the surname of Kryssha when they swore each other loyalty as soulmates, he stayed in Alterac until the son of Durotan was called to Kalimdor by the Prophet Medivh, being since then a faithful follower of the horde under the Frostwolf Banner, and one of those who witnessed the building of Orgrimmar from the very beggining.

After Kryssha's death during the opening of the Gates of Ahn Qiraj, he became the travel partner and adventure companion of a forsaken priestess of the cult of the forgotten shadow called Lulubel, who finally passed out in Thousand Needles, right after the Cataclysm, leaving him, one more time, alone.

After that, he served as outrider and messenger of the Fourteenth Legion under the command of Tazkram during and after the Darkspear Rebellion, and the opening of the portal to Draenor, he was one of the few survivors of the old Legion from the battle for the portal, bannerless, and having nowhere to go, he only wants to settle down and find a new purpose on life.

Weapon of choice: Jabelins - One hand Axe.
Profession: Blacksmith.
Social Status: Widowed.
Soulmate: Kryssha Howlmane - Deceased in Silithus helping the Cenarion Circle.
Children: One, deceased in Thrallmar - Outlands, KIA.

Travel Companions:

-Lulubel - Forsaken Priestess - Deceased in Thousand Needles during the Cataclysm.
-Guardsman Woodrow - Human, Theramore Navy - KIA Fighting the Horde in Krasarang.
-Eva Wong - Human, Argent Dawn Knight - MIA in Western Plaguelands.
-Krandel Frostwolf and Amara Grimtotem - Alive - Perhaps living in Mulgore, both retired.
-Katty Dreadspark -Goblin- Alive - Business Partner Coworker in his blacksmith business.