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Messages - SpeedyGYT

Contact Us / Getting a new Pc
June 28, 2015, 03:42:23 PM
will not be on wow this week as I am getting a new graphics card for my pc
could someone whisper me  (Gremtesh)
Thank you You ! i will whisper one of the members when i can (definitely this week)
I have taken in what you said and it turns out your right! I have added more and changed a little about what you have said
Applications / Gremtesh back story
June 22, 2015, 10:39:37 PM
I have listened carefully to what you have said and I have decided to change the story altogether to make a better back story for my character
Name: Gremtesh
Class: Warrior
Level:5 (will be buying level 90 character boost soon)

About Gremtesh (my character): Gremtesh is is very stubborn ork. He fought in the third war and was a war veteran. When fighting in battle with the horde he met his best friend Nog'uh. They where like brothers, always watching each others back and would give their lives for one another. After the horrible war against  the legion  Gremtesh and Nog'uh decided that they would both join the Warsong clan to serve Grom Hellscream. One night Gremtesh , Nog'uh and there captain were on a patroll. They got suddenly jumped by two Human rouges. As they were not used to the aggressive style of fighting as the warsong clan were , the rouges took the Orks weapons and killed the captain. Gremtesh and Nog'uh tried to explain to the clan that they did not kill the captain and that the rouges stole there weapons and did it. This was no use the two friends were sentenced to execution by hanging of a bridge. When the day of the execution came a miracle happened, Gremtesh's rope snapped and he fell in the water. He swan away as fast as he could and shouted , Sorry Nog'uh. He couldn't try to save him because the bridge was too hight and it would be suicide trying to get back up there. Gremtesh retreated all the way to Mulgore and be friended the Tauren . The fake criminal past of Gremtesh was forgotten and no one knows what happened to him since. He now seeks adventure with a new tribe ! Gremtesh wants to join the red blade tribe because he had heared that his best friend Nog'uh might still be alive alive and the tribe is the only way to find out if he his due to there sources around Azeroth. Gremtesh is now joing the fight in Tanaan jungle against Gul'dan. As he he hates the legion after what they did in the third war.      

Roleplaying Experience: I like roleplaying in general. I know the main story lore but not in depth. I also like watching roleplaying guides to such as DoronsMovies.

Brief Info: I am available most days of the week and I like wow in general .

For the horde ! :)