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Messages - Olgosh

Game Related / How to tackle dreanor
August 31, 2015, 11:40:13 PM
Guys as you know I've just dinged 90 and was wondering what's the best way to tackle dreanor ?

Would you quest upto 100 or concentrate on your garrison are something else ?

Please comment as I will read all posts
Event Planning / Re: Transmog run
August 09, 2015, 08:35:51 PM
might be able to change the time on it
Event Planning / Transmog run
August 08, 2015, 11:52:02 PM
hi guys i have posted up on the calender for a Transmog run so i can get a few bit from Ulduar it will be OOC and just a bit of fun please if you want to help feel free to join me

Applications / Re: Olgosh
June 15, 2015, 01:18:36 AM
Thank you

Applications / Re: Olgosh
June 15, 2015, 01:00:58 AM
- what clan does your character originate from?

My village answeres to the Dragonmaw Clans calls

- what has your character been doing recently ?

i have just come of age and my mentor has sent me out to learn more about shamanistic rituals so i would sat that during the past few years i have been under study

- why would your orc like to join the red blades.

IC .. i have see an abundance of your clan mates in Razorhill and i have witnessed some great feats by them i would like to join to ferther my skills and knowlage of this world and its secrets.

OOC .. ive been invovled in the game scince beta and ive noticed that theres alot of different aspects to the game i have tried them all but ive returned to my first love of RP my first charater was a human pally who took me nearly 2 years to lvl in vanilla cos i RPed he all the way through and loved every second of it
Applications / Olgosh
June 14, 2015, 11:39:15 PM

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

I have some experience rping though not excessive amounts have ran guilds and guild events befor and also made some YouTube videos for my previous clans I would very much enjoy getting back into rp as my first toon was a rp in vanilla and took me nearly 2 years to level but I loved that fact cos I learnt so much about the game

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

I was brought up by the chieftain of my village as my parents died when I was a youngling, one evening when I was collecting wood for the cooking pits I heard screams coming from my village I hurried back to find my home was on fire with the chieftain still inside. As my emotions ran wild I don't know how but I minipulated the local river to help put the fire out. The chieftain proclaimed that I was to learn from the village shaman. After a few years the wise old shaman decided to send me on a pilgrimage to feather my talents

Well I hope I hear from you soon and see you all in game shortly