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Messages - Mhakgar

Applications / Re: Application: Mhakgar Earthhammer
June 14, 2015, 12:16:55 PM
Quote from: Umaua on June 14, 2015, 11:38:25 AM
Having been seriously concentrating to RP for two months, you got a good grasp of the lore!

However I do see one lil' thing. Since your character is a Frostwolf, whats the reason he was born and raised in Nagrand? Traditionally that is Warsong land and Frostwolves stick to Frostfire. I mean its not impossible, but I doub he'd be born and raised in the clan if he was allways in Nagrand. Travelling to Throne of the Elements however is not uncommon, since its -the- place of shamans on Draenor.

If I may make a suggestion, concentrating on the shamanism and its trials part. You character could have been born and raised in Frostfire, with the clan as the usual case is. Then, for his shaman training he travelled to Nagrand and Throne of the Elements frequently. Frostwolves are more than capable of training shamans, but trials and furter training I think the Throne offers best. So for example that trial where he got his name, could have happaned in Nagrand.

Thats how I see it and I am big on having reasons behind anything, if there is I am usually fine with it. :)

But lets wait an officer response too!

Thanks for your input, it does indeed make a lot more sense and I hope you don't mind me using it for my character.
Applications / Application: Mhakgar Earthhammer
June 14, 2015, 10:30:54 AM
Name: Mhakgar
Class: Shaman
Level: 12 (Which will quickly change)

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I have been roleplaying on and off ever since The Burning Crusade. I took my fair share of breaks from the game throughout the years, but I always seem to find myself returning. During Cataclysm I did not roleplay at all as I was helping with the management of a raiding guild, which took up a lot of my time. However, after a break from Mists of Pandaria I decided to join again and have been enjoying the game ever since. I have started taking roleplaying seriously about 2 months ago, and I do not see myself returning to any of the other realms any time soon. I am not the most experienced when it comes to Horde lore, but I'm learning fast.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
My name is Mhakgar Earthhammer of the Frostwolf Clan. I was born and raised on Nagrand, where I learned the ways of the shaman before we forced to leave. The name Earthhammer was given to me right before I reached adulthood. In a challenge, a showcase of strength in which we had to move a large stone boulder with our bare hands, something happened that would change my fate for good. When it was my turn to move the boulder, I focused all of my energy into my hands and, unknowingly, broke the boulder in half. When we returned to our camps I was approached by one of the elders, and ended up studying shamanism for the rest of my life.

After we were forced to leave our homeplanet, I was separated from our clan. Now alone, I started wandering the world in search of a deepened connection with the elements. I have been on Azeroth for many years now, but my search is far from over.

Currently stuck in a slump, Mhakgar rarely leaves Orgrimmar. He feels that he has lost sight on his goals, and does not know where to continue his search for a heightened understanding of nature and the elements. He has heard talk of a band of orcs in one of the taverns, which sparked his interest. Hoping to find allies to aid him in his travels, and give him a new purpose, he is looking for a way to join the Red Blades.