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Messages - Gronah

Applications / Re: Application - Gronah
April 06, 2015, 10:16:58 PM
Gronah is the adventurous type and wants to learn more about her herratage, lost her parents at a young age... maybe searching for family ect.
Ill message an officer next time im online...
Applications / Application - Gronah
April 06, 2015, 01:03:13 AM
Name: Gronah
Class: Rogue
Level: 8 at time of filling this out, fully heirloomed and should level fast.

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
It's been a while since ive done any roleplaying, about a year ago i used to run a Theramore Marines guild on alliance and have been a part of several RP guilds.. im a bit of an altoholic at times =p

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
(Still a work in progress but heres what i have so far)
Gronah was only a young girl when the third war began, losing both of her parents in the conflict. Left to fend for herself on the streets, the founding of Orgimmar was a chance for a fresh start and a new life.
Being a smart one Gronah learnt how to stay safe in the streets and out of sight when needed. Over time she befriended many people around the city and loved to play on the bluffs above the streets.
When Garrosh came to power Gronah joined Vol'Jins resistance as she remembers what her people had been through to get this far and knew Thralls vision of a free people was the way to go. Now the dust has settled she is training hard a honing her skills and keeping her blades sharp.