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Messages - Gundalok

Applications / Re: Application: Gundalok Summerhell
February 10, 2015, 05:58:29 PM
You're right, I'm reading the story again and I think it's very short on details xD. I wanted to create him as a former member of the Shadowmoon tribe from our timeline who escaped while they where on Azeroth in the second war. But when he escaped, he was captured by the alliance and forced to be slave until the orcs were free and created the new Horde with their allies. Until the expansion Cataclysm he was a weak warlock but when Undercity had those problems he went and tried to live there. Here in this city he began learning about arcane magic. But since the invasion of the Iron Horde he went to Draenor as a volunteer, helping the orcs in all the ways he could.

I'm a noob in this kind of RP, so I don't know if it's a good story for an orc, but if it has some mistake please tell me and i'll change it. By the way, thank you for answering so soon ^^ I'll try to contact an officer as soon as I can.
Applications / Application: Gundalok Summerhell
February 09, 2015, 09:18:07 PM
Name: Gundalok Summerhell
Class: Apprentice mage
Level: 60 (yet, I hope to level up soon)

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
Here in WoW I have been roleplaying for 3 years with different characters: humans, worgen, gnomes, trols, undeads, dwarves, night and blood elves... But I must confess this is my first orc character. In the past I was GM of a RP from another realm, and officer of two another RP guilds.
All my experiences in RP have taught me to respect the other players, and of course to have all the fun I can. So I hope to have fun with you ^^

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
From the begining of his life, Gundalok thought he wasn't part of his former tribe. His believes grew when the clan started dealing with demons. But he could prove it when some of them tried to sacrifice him to summon "something far from holy". With more luck than skills, he was able to escape. Alone in Azeroth, he was captured by the Alliance. As other orcs, he followed Thrall, and he'll continue doing it until his end. Now at days, with the threats of the Iron Horde and the Shadow Council, he thinks he have to help the orcs with his powers to preserve the future of Draenor.