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Messages - Rashzuryle

Applications / Re: Ra'ash Zuryle - Application
February 06, 2015, 11:16:55 PM
Hello Sadok,

Completely forgot to mention that, yes, her home is in Alteric Valley. :)
Applications / Ra'ash Zuryle - Application
February 06, 2015, 08:28:25 PM
Name: In Game: Rashzuryle, IC: Ra'ash Zuryle.
Class: Hunter
Level: 100

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

I RP'd throughout Cata on a private server. I was the officer and the chieftains right hand man IC'ly. Most of my experience comes through here, however I am eager as ever to learn more and gain new experiences as I'm not too familiar with Orc RP. I have read up a little on the Lore and timelines, however I'm still a little rusty, which will be polished through experience.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

Class: Marksman/Tracker/Hunter
Clan: Frostwolf Clan

Features: Slightly smaller body than most Orcs, light green pale skin, a fairly deep scar starting from her collarbone to the top of her chest. Strong and firm hands, however soft palms.

Personality: Despite her relatively small body, she is a strong woman. Ra'ash finds respect in honour, loyalty and strength. In battle, she preffers staying in the back line and piercing her opponents with her strong and sharp arrows, however she isn't afraid to use a sword/axe when it comes to melee situations. Ra'ash spends hours if not days every so often doing her favourite hobby; hunting. When Ra'ash isn't fighting or hunting, she spends her nights drinking her favourite drink; Whiskey, on the rocks. Apart from her odd obsession with fire, Ra'ash is respectful to her superiors and obeys orders given to her, she broke it once and severely suffered the consequences, never again.


She left home, her father never approved of her love with Ra'asgul, he never liked him. She left abandoning her home, her family, her friends and ran away to the man she loved. They wanted a seperate life, a life where nothing came in between them, a life where they could be alone but together, and they got it, until one day they were fighting off a few Kor'kron and one of them outsmarted Ra'asgul and killed him. Heartbroken and ashamed she returned home, only to a disapproving father that denied her re-acceptance into the family. Abandoned and deserted, she searched for a purpose to her life, she seeked for a place to call home, a family to fight with, and to fight for.