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Messages - Aerthar

Game Related / Re: The Going Away / AFK Thread
June 04, 2015, 03:18:22 PM
Crazy college semester has ended, finally got sometime for WoW
Sorry for not being in-game for months (and thanks not kicking me out  :-*)

I am coming back when the tribe move to AD
However I need to go back to my country (with timezone diff)
so my online time within this summer will be a bit 'abnormal'

Applications / Application: Mahazed
January 23, 2015, 11:37:18 AM
-Character info-
Name: Mahazed
Class: Enhancement Shaman
Level: 90

-RP history-
First of all, thanks for reading this application, I think this tribe is cool for Orcish RP.
To be honest, I am quite new as WoW player and its lore, I have play at TW server for few months and then switched to US server because a friend invite.
When I was in US server, I have joined a RP Pandarean clan called The Steelpaw Shaodin for a month, so basically I know a bit regarding RP and its norms.
The reason I am changing to EU server is I am currently studying in UK and the active time of realm population is more fit to my daily routine, therefore I am here now :)
Anyway, I understand I am new about RP but it is really fun to take a part of yourself into the world of your character and I would like to say I want to learn more for a further enjoyment of this fun.
(Forgive me for my bad English if it is hard to read, because I am not an native English speaker)

-Character lore-
Mahazed, born within the year of the reconstruct of Dark Portal, aged around 30.
Mahazed has a long dark hair from his father and a green skin from the pollution of demon.
Mahazed was taken by human when he was young, he was treated as a slave and worked in a human farm until he heard the call of Thrall
He escaped from the human farm he lived and responded the call of Thrall and started his own journey.
When the time of Burning Crusade reappear on the land of Azeroth, he suddenly heard the voice of elements, he was confused and therefore he went for the suggestion of the elder within the Horde.
The elder have found Mahazed have a huge potential of elements and suggested Mahazed to seek the help from Rehgar for master the power of elements.
Mahazed spend a year for tracing Rehgar and finally he got the help from Rehgar.
Under the teaching of Rehgar, Mahazed finally mastered the power of elements and went back to the Horde.
Unfortunately, when he was backed to Horde, he found the old warchief Thrall was not there and the new one is a Warmorg, Garrosh Hellscream.
He do not agree the policies of Hellscream within the Horde and his brutal, therefore he left the Horde and seek the other species of Horde for against Garrosh.
After a several weeks, he joined the rebel formed by Vol'jin,  they united the power of alliance and finally defeated Garrosh.

However Garrosh escaped from the trail and started the crisis of the Draenor.
Now Mahazed willing to stand by the side of Thrall and stop the ferocious of the Hellscreams.