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Messages - Grokul

Off Topic / Re: Mini IRL meetup!
March 03, 2015, 01:26:50 AM
IF im well i'll show up! and i would prefer if we kept it in English xD my understanding of swedish is terrible anyway.. :(
Game Related / Re: Garn Nighthowler
November 26, 2014, 12:24:12 AM
got it o/
Applications / Re: Application - Gro'kul
October 06, 2014, 04:40:53 PM
I actually had an entire different story in my head, but since i didnt know if we knew about wod in game i scratched that :o but thanks! i'll poke someone, and thanks for the advice  :)
Applications / Application - Gro'kul
October 05, 2014, 01:41:42 PM

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
Still fairly new to wow roleplaying.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
Some tips for this; Who is your character, what does he/she want, what has he/she done, ect.
Grokul is a hunter to the very bone. Spending most his life in the wild and where the hunt has taken him. Only really comes to towns to restock his supplies and try to overhear conversations that may lead him to his next challenge.

One of his earliest hunts was with his clan in winterspring, a pack of wolves was terrorizing Everlook. Normally the whole clan wouldn't be in on a hunt, exept on special cases. The reason they all went on this hunt was because of the packs alfa, a vicious, white huge wolf given the name Death Howl by the locals. For a howl meant death was coming. This the clan of hunters saw as a perfect opportunity to make a name for themselves.
On the third night of the hunt they lost track of the pack and decided to make camp for the night, little did they know that the pack didnt lose track of them. The cunning wolf pack watched the clan settle for the night and waited for the perfect window to strike. Gro'kul, being on of the youngest, had the nightwatch but since he was not used to hunting in freezing cold he camped by the fire to get warm and fell asleep. Since the wolves are not fund of fire they attacked the tents with the sleeping clan members in them, biting their throat so they couldn't scream, wiping out almost the entire clan.
The only reason Gro'kul survived was the fact that he slept so close to the warmth and light of the fire. the wolves dragged away the corpses of Gro'kuls clan members into the dark winter night. waking up early morning he saw the horror that happend during the night and decided revenge was needed. luckily the blood from the corpses showed him right to their den. went back to the camp and gathered supplies aswell as his fathers bone bow. going back to the den he saw the wolves sleeping, and started killing them one by one, until he reached the back of the den where Death Howl was sleeping with his mate.
Gro'kul drew two arrows, one for Death Howl and one for his mate. tho killing his mate, it only slightly wounded Death Howl and made him angry. As Death Howl charged at him he drew an arrow and didnt get to fire it. Instead Death Howl jumped him, and with that the arrow in his hand. He pushed the dead wolf of him and was about to skin it when he heard another howl. This was in alot higher tone, and he saw a pub behind Death Howls mate.

He gave his clan members a hunters burial and Death Howl a grave in the den. he then took the pup with him and named him after the destroyer of his clan. now he spends his time hunting powerful beasts with his wolf companion and hoping that his ancestors would one day forgive him. He now always sleep with one eye open, and an arsenal of traps around him.

Getting tired of hunting alone after many years, he now seeks companions to hunt even greater preys with.
(sorry if the english is bad, also if there are anything not adding up, just ask. Got the story in my head but getting it down on text is something else(atleast for me))