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Messages - Kurshka

Applications / Re: Application - Kurshka
September 27, 2014, 08:32:41 PM
Thank you, see you ingame then :)
Applications / Application - Kurshka
September 27, 2014, 06:33:38 PM
Name: Kurshka
Class: Shaman
Level: 90

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

I have been roleplaying for about 7 years now on WoW, mostly spent in Troll-rp guilds such as the Second Gurubashi Empire on DB and the Zandalari Empire on AD. I have applied here before and was accepted, however due to a computer issue I wasn't able to be active so my application was put on hold (it was for a character named Nurguk).

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

Kurshka is an average looking orc, not too tall and not too strong, she instead looks to the elements to guide her in times of trouble and strife. Being a Frostwolf orc she followed Thrall to Orgrimmar and was hopeful that his vision of the horde could bring peace and stability after so many years of war. However with the abdication of Thrall and promotion of Garrosh to warchief she quickly began to lose hope, fearing for the home that she had worked so hard to establish in the rocks of northern Durotar. She decided though to see what the young orc could do, if he would step up to his role.

After what seemed like forever under the tyrannical rule of Garrosh, Kurshka decided that enough was enough, she had no loyalty to the warmongering chief and his oppression of the elements. So she began looking for a new life, one that still holds the values of traditional orcs, honour, strength and wisdom. And this is where she heard about the Orc's of the Red Blade, overhearing a conversation about them in an inn. Having nothing left to lose she sets out in search of this potential new home.

(I apologise if this is rather short, I prefer to leave out specific details during character descriptions, as this can sometimes place restrictions on development pathways ICly. However if more is needed please let me know :) )