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Messages - Nosgar

Applications / Nosgar application
June 14, 2014, 08:52:36 PM
What can I say I have no memory of my past.
I awoke at the side of a wrecked prison cart with dead all around me.
To my far right I could make out a solitary Orc of impressive build with an axe many times my size slung over his bent back over a corpse.
“Ah you finely waken young one” his voices was low and soothing and seemed not to come from this juggernaut of an Orc, take from there spoils little one they will not be wanting them in this or the next life he said with a loud infectious laugh.
“How, who where am I” I stammered unable to form my words.
“Take it easy little one rest a while longer I will tell you what I can” came his reply.
“I have been tracking this caravan of dis-honour for the last few moons waiting for the right time to attack”.
“It was not until they lost a wheel I felt the time was right, well you can see for yourself the outcome” he said with a wide toothy grin.
“Not much of a fight bit disappointing really still every one of the scum counts”.
He tossed over a cloak “Here this looks about your size little one may smell a little but there type always do”.
I caught the cloak “Thank you ahh sorry missed you name”.
“That’s because I did not give it”, the orc said as he looked off into the distance.
“My name is Ka___ ah no my name has no meaning now”, he said in a low voice it has no matter.
He stood up straight emphasizing his size “time for me to move on before they come looking for this bunch of scum” he said pointing to the dead around him.
He turned to face me for the first time, his face was a mask of lines and scars an old battered helm made from a wolfs head hang from the back of his head, his armour which was unrecognisable due to the tarnished colouring and its numerous dents and splits was covered by an old brown cloth which at one time would have been a tabard of fine quality.
Upon the tabard was a faded crest which was once a deep red but was now also a faded brown making it hard to distinguish.
“Go child before more arrive which way are you bound”.
“I  I do not know I know not where I have come from” I replied putting my hand to my head I wiped dried blood from my temple and winced in pain.
The Orc grunted “Go east young one and seek out the Blades the Red Blades”, his voice trailed off as if he was deep in thought.
The orc tossed me a pot of green paste “Here apply this you will feel better in a short while”.
“Seek out there tribe and give your name you will be treated fairly hard but fair”.
“My name I cannot ahh remember my name” I said rubbing the paste into my temple.
“Bah that will not do” he laughed he turned and start to walk away letting out a shrill whistle “Nosgah to me”.
A great war wolf strode up to the Orc as if it had just been woken from a deep sleep, yawning loudly it gave a small growl as he saw me gawking at him open mouthed.
“Oy enough of that you old dog the orc laughed, well ya got ya self a name little one take it or leave it is up to you”.
He jumped on to the wolfs back with easy “come on old friend lets be off”.
The wolf let out a great roar turned and ran off in the blink of an eye he was gone from sight.
“Nosgah umm why not”.

Name: Nosgah
Class: Mage
Level: 31

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

Been on the realms since day 1
Have RP a lot in that time as well as Soloed.
I see Nosgah as a quite Orc always watching and learning.
Some may find her quietness to be intimidating and aloof but she will open up to the right Orcs.