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Messages - Khromar

Applications / Khromar application
May 20, 2014, 10:29:53 PM
Name: Khromar Blacktongue

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I'm an experience rper with a lot of experience on defias brotherhood

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
Khromar was the son of one of the first members of the shadow council, His father used his influence to ensure Khromar was "gifted" with fel magic. He was taught how to harness this power and grew into a powerful warlock, he used his power in service of the horde in all three wars. However loyal he seems he is manipulative and calculates every move to ensure it is beneficial for his lust for more power. When Garrosh became warchief he went into exile but returned to the horde after the uprising only to find himself an outcast, his fel magic frowned upon by most. Now he searches for somewhere he can become stronger, a tribe to combine his might with others to fight for the horde. This has led him to the orcs of the red blade, he now wishes to join their tribe, to become ever more powerful *cough* I mean to fight for the horde and his fellow orcs.