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Messages - Magra

Applications / Re: Application: Magra
May 19, 2014, 11:15:01 PM
Thanks :) Glad to hear that it's all ^^

I'll be online soon, after I've sorted dinner out and I'll keep an eye out for officers online :)
Applications / Application: Magra
May 19, 2014, 03:56:43 PM
Name: Mägra
Class: Shaman
Level: 13 (but I'm a fast leveller)

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

I have over thirteen years of pen and paper role playing experience, and I started role playing in WoW when I first joined over six years ago. I have always been an Alliance role player and have been in Nature's Grasp for the last two years, I love the guys over there, but I want to try something different.

I am completely new to the Horde side of things, and my orc lore might be a little sketchy, but I've been doing a lot of reading up on this guild site and the wider internet.

A little about me? I'm a 26 year old student in the UK going into my last year at uni in September, I'm on a creative writing degree, I don't have a lot of time to write for pleasure these days so I get my fix from role playing.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

“Do you understand what I am telling you, child?” Shan'ho pinned the young orc with a stare as he finished his tale.

“Yes, Elder Spiritdance,” Magra assured him with a nod, with his expectant look she continued, “While we can call on the elements and spirits for aid, we must do so with respect and caution because they can be unpredictable.”

“And what was Lo'ran's mistake?” He prompted.

“He did not offer anything in honour to the spirits that aided him?”

The old shaman eyed the orc, “Is that a statement or a question child?”

Magra's lip twitched, barely stopping the protest that she was a child. She was of age, just about. “It is a statement,” She answered.

“You cannot afford to be so wavering in your will when you are working with the spirits. They will not respect you if you cannot show that you are able to command and control them.”

“How can you respect something and still control it at the same time?” She had only been young while in captivity, but there had not even been the slightest form of respect, even though they had been under human control.

The tauren smiled to the young one that his tribe had taken in after finding her wandering the plains, lost and alone, “There is a very fine balance that you have to learn and maintain,” He told her, “Just as you can have fire and earth working together, if they become unbalanced, the fire can consume the earth, or else the earth will smother the fire. Is that clearer for you?”

Magra nodded, “I understand.”

“Your ability to commune with your own ancestors will grow stronger and they will help to guide you,” he climbed to his feet, “Now come, let's see how your mastery of elemental command is coming along.”


The lookout barely had a chance to call out the warning before their camp was set on with arrows of flame.

Magra woke with a start. As she opened her eyes, she recognised the comforting familiarity of tauren tents, but they were not the hides of her home.

Pushing herself up she slowly moved her limbs testingly. Her physical injuries did not hurt. The pain of losing her family was another matter altogether.

She stood and reached to don her armour. She could not sit around and hide away. She needed to make herself stronger so she could have her vengeance. She would either do so alone or find others to help her.

((please let me know if this isn't adequate enough or if things need changing in regards to lore and her early life. I did decide to leave it like this because prolonged fight scenes are a weakness.

She is still young and just of age and is still training to be a shaman...just in case it wasn't clear but that's my plan with her as a way to get more familiar with orc lore and roleplay))