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Messages - Exerotar

Applications / Exerotar Stormstrike
May 16, 2014, 06:01:34 PM
Greetings Red Blades!

Name: Exerotar Stormaxe

Class: Shaman

Clan: Frostwolf Clan

Age: 30

Pros/Cons for Exerotar: P - Honorable, brave, loyal and friendly (only towards beings he deems worthy of respect).
                                    C - Somewhat cruel, distrustful, easily provoked and loves battles more then he     
                                         would like to admit.

I am a relatively new RPer, I am reading up on lore and how to properly RP so I might be prone to some mistakes.
I tried to construct my character according to timelines and to events I found interesting.
I am looking forward to learning more from the seasoned RPers. Here is my IC short. I didn't write much about my character since I am still developing some of them.

ICC Story:

On a cold night in Outland low whisper fills the air on a lonely mountain top in Nagrand

"Your work here is done," spirits whisper is clear now.
"Done?! Outland still remains a ruin. We need more shamans here and you expect me to leave?," shaman replied in anger.

The heavy wind started blowing over the mountain violently,"Have we misled you in the past Exerotar?," spirit asked
"Never!," orc was quick to reply
"Then listen to our words of guidance and leave Outland now!," spirit demanded.
"What is the purpose of my departure?" orc asked angrily.

"You will cross the dark gates again and find your way back to Kalimdor," spirit seemed restless "There you will find the Red Blades"
Orc seemed surprised "The Red Blades? What would I seek from them?," orc replied
"That reason will be known to you when the time comes," spirit pressed on "Now go! We wasted too much time already!".

The wind seemed to calm down as the whispers slowly faded.
"Thank you for your guidance spirit, with great sadness I shall depart Nagrand," orc said quietly. He was angry. Furious!
But if his past has taught him anything - is that the spirits have reason for every action; What seems futile and pointless
at the present moment could mean everything in the future. That thought calmed him for a moment.

As he walked down the mountain towards the lights of the distant huts he spoke to himself quietly,
"Time to take that old armour from the chest," orc smiled slightly "and my loyal axes!"