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Messages - RossKimmel

Applications / Application - Largash
May 16, 2014, 03:23:55 PM
Name: Largash
Class: Warrior
Level: 90

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience: I have roll played in: Disciples of the light, Forlorn Cartel, Stormwind Regiment and Wild Tempest. I have also roll played in the Hand of Damnation. Which i found very enjoyable.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character: Orphaned by his parents and left in the woods of Alterac when he was just a baby, Largash was stumbled upon by the Frostwolf clan who adopted him as one of their own and taught him the ways of combat. Being too young to participate in the acts of war, Largash went with Thrall and his people to Durotar to aid the construction of Orgrimmar. Largash now seeks the Guidance of the Orcs of the Red Blade so he can finish his training and become a formidable warrior of the Horde