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Messages - Kreschak

Applications / Kreschak: Application
June 23, 2014, 04:18:39 PM



what`s your roleplaying experience?:I have roleplayed in Another roleplaying guild Before on my goblin and now I wanted to test rp on Another race. I Heard that orc was a very good but one of the hardest races to rp, so I decided to give it a chance in this Guild!

My Application:

Me and my family lived at a peaceful farm in southern Barrens. Me and my brother Merkich used to work all the day to get food for the family, our dad was sick and weak so he couldn`t help us at the farm. our mom used to go down by the river to get water and then she used to make fresh bread, I will never forget the taste of my mom`s homebaked bread. every evening Before bed me and my brother used to Think about a better Life, we wanted to fight for honor and glory. one day on the morning me and my brother was working at the farm when my mom was on the way to give water to my dad, when she steped in to the house I noticed a fire, the fire spread out all over the house. we tried to put out the fire with water but it was to late. some wandering merchants saw the fire and then they saw us. they took us to safety and they said they were headed to orgrimmar. we later arrived to orgrimmar where we was taken care of.there they put us at the orphanage. when I was 8 and my brother was 7 they adopted him but not me. they took us apart and we thought we never would see eachother again. later I got adopted
and when I was 25 I joined up with the kor`kron army. after 1 year in duty Merkich joined too. we both was very happy to see eachother, and we fought many battles together. But...When the new orc called Garrosh Hellscream claimed the throne we left our duty behind and we looked for something else...
Applications / Re: Application
May 15, 2014, 06:11:51 PM
ah... can I! thank you!
Applications / Application
May 14, 2014, 07:53:59 PM
Name: Kreschak

Class: Warrior

level: 90

Hi I recently joined the tribe on my other orc called Rhesya but she was a shaman and I didn`t liked to play shamans I noticed, so I decided to join the tribe on a warrior instead. and if I this will be accepted then I will leave the tribe on Rhesya. Now to my lore:

Kreschak did not belong to any clan at all and he had never belonged to any clan in his whole Life either. He and some other orcs was hiding in the Forests South of Eastern Kingdoms. There purpose was to ambush Alliance Caravans and steal food and other useful supplies. The orcs was very bloodthirsty and they used to spare some humans in the Caravans to tell the others that they were attacked. We was feared of the Alliance and they threaten us that they would kill us all if we didn`t stop, but actually they didn`t dare to come. on the evening we used to sit at the campfire and laugh about the silly humans. They really fought we was scared, they really thought they could slay us. I said, Let them come! Let them feel the taste of warm blood dripping out of there mouths! That Night we prepared for battle! they couldn`t kill us! but we could kill them.

We marshed from North Stranglethorn to Elwynn forest where we attacked, to answer the song of war! We were fearsome to the Alliance and we showed no mercy.The battle Went perfect until an Alliance army showed up. almost every single orc was slaughterd but luckily I managed to escape to Redridge mountain. In Redridge I noticed some other orcs. I dared not to go there, because I didn`t knew if they would kill me or what... But I had nowhere to go so I really wanted to join them... but how?