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Messages - Gurog

Applications / Gurog application
May 07, 2014, 09:47:29 PM
Name: Gurog Shatterfist

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience: I'm very active in defias brotherhood RP and have been for a while, fairly new to orc RP but I'm confident and experienced

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

Gurog has always been a brutal orc, born into the warsong clan he was taught only strength and honor and was hailed for his fighting prowess and formidable fury. By the age of 15 he went to join thralls horde in orgrimmar and saw the heat of the horde war machine all over Kalimdor, he also fought in both the Northrend war and the campaign in Pandaria. Loyal to Garrosh at the beginning he soon turned against him and joined the rebellion after the Kor Kron executed his brother on the false pretense he was a traitor. Now Gurog is left with an anger and a lust for vengeance, and with Garrosh being brought to justice he finds this hatred being reignited in the alliance. Gurog has heard of the upcoming raid in the human lands, he has heard of their strength and he wishes to join their mightiest of tribes, for blood and thunder and the clash of sword and axe. For strength and vengeance; but most of all to belong again.