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Messages - Kyruk

Applications / Application: Kyruk Icehowl
May 04, 2014, 02:08:49 PM
Name: Kyruk Icehowl

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

I'm quite experienced with RP on defias brotherhood and have characters in a few rp guilds.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character: Kyruk was born on Dreanor into the Frostwolf clan, but was still an infant when his clan fled through the dark portal. He was raised in Alterac Valley and taught shamanism by his father, remaining fairly isolated from the horde but becoming aware of the events with Thrall. After the Alliance attacked his village and killed his family he traveled to Orgimmar to join Thrall's new horde. However being gone from his former clan for 15 years he feels he cannot return and whilst still upholding the frostwolf traditions, instead seeks a new clan of strength and honour and has heard tale of the mighty red blade clan.