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Messages - Trekgon

Applications / Application: Trekgon
March 10, 2014, 08:51:53 PM
Name: Trekgon Stonewolf
Class: Shaman
Level: 4 (Intending to level to 90 as quickly as possibly)

Roleplaying Experiences: Been roleplaying for about 9 years. I started with Dungeons and Dragons and moved onto World of Warcraft (originally from the Argent Dawn server but moved to Defias-Brotherhood for the better RP)

The Story of Trekgon Stonewolf:
Trekgon, a lone Shaman who seeks knowledge, strength but most of all, honour. When the invasion of Azeroth begun, Trekgon followed as a strong warrior but came to understand that this was not the path he wanted to follow. He sought the knowledge of the Elements hoping that they would grant him more strength. In time, he found that the knowledge that was granted to him made him see that strength, while valuable, must not be handled incorrectly or else the past will be repeated.
The Orcs of the Red Blade, a group which seemed to hold lots of honour and also understand that there must be a balance in all things. Perhaps this was the elements guiding him to this group or perhaps this was him making his own destiny, time will tell. (Maybe more to come! :D)