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Messages - Damon Firewolf

Applications / Re: Application: Damon Firewolf
March 01, 2014, 09:30:00 PM
Timelines, far too confusing at times.
Edited the story alittle, to make it fit better (hoping not to make it worse :) )

Damon is a Shaman, fighting for honor and glory.
During the invasion of Azeroth, Damon fled togheter with the Frostwolves, abandoning his old clan, wich he never speaks of. He did not live with the Frostwolves in Alterac, instead he journeyd around the lands, trying to learn whatever he could about this 'Azeroth'. When he heard of Thrall and his new Horde, no demons attached, he immediatly went to join them, and fight their battles. Many battles later, he heard of a group, "The Orcs of the Red Blade", they interested him, untill he decided to join, beliving honor to be won, friends to be found and enemies worthy fightinh to be had.

There, think i handled that one pretty well. (i hope.)
Applications / Application: Damon Firewolf
March 01, 2014, 12:16:09 AM
Name: Damon Firewolf

Class: Shaman
Level: 90

Roleplaying Excperiences: I have been Roleplaying around a year, i wouldn't call myself pro, but i know the basics :)

The Story Damon Firewolf:
Damon is a Shaman, fighting for honor.
When the invasion of Azeroth begun, he stayed at Draenor, unsure of the demons intention.
After Draenor was torn to pieces, Damon went through the portal to a new world, hoping that he could find out the fate of his people. Damon heard about the new Horde and joined it, knowing that he had a better chance at surviving in a group rather than alone.
After having participated in many battles for the new Horde, he heard of a group called "The Orcs of the Red Blade", wich interested him greatly the more he heard about it, until he decided to see if there was place for another Orc there.

(Sorry if bad bactstory, still working on the details, if needed i can rewrite ;) )