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Messages - Skolg

Applications / Application: Skolg Bloodspitter
February 17, 2014, 12:58:39 AM
Details of your Orc character:
Skolg stands shorter than most orcs, but with a very muscular build. Several scars of battle decorate his arms. Around his neck he keeps a string decorated with several small bones he has claimed from fallen enemies.

Skolg Bloodspitter


40 presently

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I started playing WoW in 2005/2006 (I don't remember exactly), and was very quickly drawn to RP servers. I started out with some very premature roleplaying (I was a priest possessed by a demon, and as I remember kind of a power-RP'er), but in the 8 years that have passed, I have had many much better RP experiences. I originally started on Moonglade, but when I returned to WoW a couple of days ago, I decided to try out a new server with a more active roleplaying community, as Moonglade's (sadly) has died out. For my latest RP experience, I played a troll druid and led a guild called the Vinetusk Tribe, which - to my experience - is/was the only troll-exclusive guild on Moonglade. It was a small guild, but I was very happy with how everything turned out.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
Skolg Bloodspitter was originally of the Bonechewer Clan and was a natural part of their brutal and cannibalistic culture. He was raised the son of a proud warrior, Skarg Ironhand, who had lost his right hand, but this had no effect on his prowess in battle. Born into a line of warriors, Skolg partook in many battles on Draenor, driven by a crazed bloodlust that would often culminate in him biting his fallen foes and spitting the blood high into the air before he went on to his next target. He was renowned among his kin for being a fierce warrior, but a bit of a hothead, even for a Bonechewer.

After the end of the Second War, when Ner'zhul turned his Shadowmoon Clan against the Bonechewers to claim the Skull of Gul'dan, Skolg fought alongside his father against the invading warlock horde, but this was by no means a battle that could be won. After seeing his father slain at his very feet, Skolg went into a mad bloodrage, fighting his way through several Shadowmoon orcs before finally giving up, leaving his clan behind and fleeing from the site of battle.

What little remained of Skolg's clan after the attack was driven mad by demon's blood. Ashamed of what he had done, fleeing rather than fighting to the death, as well as of what his tribe had become, Skolg went through the Dark Portal and came to Azeroth, where he roamed for many years, repenting his ways. He remained solitary for many years, only interacting with others in the heat of battle, where he left many fallen foes behind. The shame grew stronger within him and fuelled a rage whose fire still burns today - however, it is a different kind of rage to the one Skolg knew before, when he was a true Bonechewer and fought battles alongside his kin - it is a rage that inspires guilt rather than bloodlust and shame rather than pride.

Now the days have come, where Skolg Bloodspitter seeks to restore his honour and to unite with the Horde of Azeroth and the Orcs of the Red Blade to bring glory to his name once more.