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Messages - Torgam

Applications / Application - Torgam & Nartek Rageheart
January 23, 2014, 06:31:31 PM
*We're both sitting in the same room getting some work done so we both thought to apply together as one. If this is not ok I'll re-do them, just thought this might be a little faster*

Name - Torgam Rageheart
Sex - Male
Class - Warrior
Level - 90
Clan - Lightning's Blade
Clan colours - Blue

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I have been playing WoW since vanilla and have always favoured the RP servers, with my favourite race being Orc (My love for Orcs spans back since Warcraft 2). I have created many characters on WoW since I started playing and I always try to keep up to date with the lore of as many of the races as possible (Can't fall behind if new stuff appears can I? :) ). I don't just RP on WoW but on other games such as Warcraft 3 (Playing custom maps like Azeroth Wars, DAOW, etc)to which I normally favour the Orcish teams also. My reason for leaving my old realm is simply because I was in need of a change and after hearing so many great things about DB both Nartek and I decided we should give it a try (Loving the server so far).

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
Torgam was one of the first Orcs of the Lightning's Blade Clan to take part in the demonic taint due for his lust for battle and quickly convinced many of his clan mates to do so themselves. He fought for The Horde without question and swore to do battle until his dying breath. Torgam felt The Horde was a force that could defeat any enemy and wished for a reality dominated by Orcs and the lesser races as mere slaves. His willingness to slay just about anything earned him a reputation within The Horde as a "madman" while Torgam only defended his actions by stating "What I do is for the good of The Horde". When The Horde was starting to crumble within itself Torgam and a few other of his Clan fought their way out of Draenor as it started to shatter. Sadly not long after they were captured by the Alliance forces and were sent to a internment camp left to rot. When the Orcs were starting to free themselves from the internment camps so to were the Lightning's Blade Orcs freed, but while most of them followed the young Warchief Thrall to the west, Torgam and a handful of Lightning's Blades stayed in the east and eventually found themselves in service of the Dragonmaw Clan. Torgam and his brothers and sisters of the Lightning's Blade Clan knew that the Dragonmaw would be powerful allies and swore to them aslong as they provided enemies to kill. When the Dragonmaw joined with The (New) Horde so did the remnants of the Lightning's Blade. Torgam, now wary on how quickly things can crumble has sworn himself to fight for The Horde aslong as it means a better life for Orcish kind.

Name - Nartek Rageheart
Sex - Male
Class - Warlock (Previously Shaman)
Level - 90
Clan - Lightning's Blade
Clan colours - Blue

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I got into WoW because of Torgam and obviously had joined the servers he was playing in. While I at first was not into RP I have grown fond of it. I am not the best RP'er around but aslong as I have Torgam around I am learning from him with the do's and don'ts.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
Originally following the path of the Shaman when the demonic taint started afflicting the Orcs, Nartek began to fear when the elements stopped responding to him. It was by then that his brother Torgam had come back to his clan and started promising power in the form of demon blood. At first Nartek did resist but eventually fell under the sway of his older brother. Since then Nartek has taken on the role of a Warlock, enslaving demons to do his bidding and the bidding of the rest of his clans mates. He followed his brother without question and did as he said without ever thinking of the consequences.
When The Horde was freed from its demonic taint Nartek refused to leave his dark magic aside and return to Shamanism purely because while demons are weak minded he sees the potential of having them around to feed their blood to his fellow clan mates in order to "empower" them. Like his brother and the rest of his clan mates he joined The (New) Horde when the chance was given and will serve aslong as it means his might race will survive.

Other info (Both Orcs):
Both Torgam and Nartek still partake in the consumption of demon blood as they believe even the blood of lesser demons will fuel them to become stronger and thus valuable as weapons of The Horde.
(Very few people know of this but some do suspect it due to Torgams eyes glowing when he is enraged)

Relations to other Orcs:
The brothers view all Orcs (be it green skin, Mag'har, Fel Blood, etc) as brothers and sisters of their mighty race and hope that one day they will all be united under one banner once again.

View on The (New) Horde:
The (New) Horde is well respected in the eyes of these two brothers as they see their new allies as a incredible force all of which have suffered in some way and therefore have proven that even though the other races are not Orcs, their will to survive and fight for The Horde makes them as welcome in their eyes as any Orc.