Orcs of the Red Blade


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Messages - Gorr'ulk Grimwolf

Applications / Application: Gorr Grimwolf
January 13, 2019, 09:00:17 PM
Name: Gorr “Brighteye” Grimwolf (In-Game: Gorrulk)
Level: 120

Roleplaying Experience:

I've been roleplaying now in one form or other for like, 15 years. Started off on a Lord of the Rings forum, and since then done various MMO's, tabletop, spent about a year doing LARP, you name it I've probably attempted it (within reason...). A few years back, before taking an extended break from WoW roleplay, I was a member of this here fine guild over on Defias. Most recently I've been part of a year long D&D campaign set in Azeroth, playing as Gorr. But the new(ish) expansion dragged me back, and with all the changes in real life over the past few years, I'm finally at a place where I have the time to dedicate to WoW RP again.

And finally, please write a short story and/or (IC) introduction about your character:

(Sorry for the poor formatting/wording. This is a badly transcribed version of the events of Gorr retiring from our TT campaign.)

"For the three weeks, we had been waiting on an alliance supply caravan that was reported t' be carrying Azerite weapons to the frontlines, wherever they was. Nothing new, we'd been raiding these things ever since they started shipping 'em."

The old Orc swigs off the last of his drink and waves his empty mug at the bartender.

"This one though, this one never seemed right. No word on what sort of troops t' expect, only a rough idea of what path they would be taking... Needless t' say, it felt dodgy."

Taking his refilled drink, the Orc lifts his hood slightly, revealing a fresh cut running down from his scalp along his face.

"We were set up t' fail. Easily three of 'em for every one of us - it really was glorious! Rek raised 'em back as they fell, Kagh was like an elemental unleashed..."

He laughs, and wipes his palm against his left eye absentmindedly, lost in the moment for a second. Reaching into a pouch on his belt, the Orc pulls out several small, metal Insignia, and drops them infront of him on the bar.

"None of 'em made it, not a damned one. Not even the grukkin' Death Knight! And I know they died well, but.. They were all I had. That, and this swill!"

He slams his drink down on the bar, scattering the metal disks across the floor. With a sigh, he turns to look at the Orc sat beside him.

"I can't do it any more, Murse. I jus'can't. I need t' belong to somethin' again. And this ain't it.”
The Campfire / Re: Sitting in the Darkness.
February 18, 2010, 06:38:32 PM
He wishes  :P That wus about someone else, which ticked Grim offa little. He's simple when he's drinking, makes him moody. And the moodiness leads to drinking. Its a cheerful circle.
The Campfire / Re: Sitting in the Darkness.
February 18, 2010, 05:40:18 PM
That, and many other things. S'why he's run off to the cult to cry like a baby. They have hats there.
The Campfire / Sitting in the Darkness.
February 18, 2010, 05:02:34 PM
The orc sits up in bed, and looks around. The tavern is dark, and aside from the goblin sleeping by the entrance, empty. Shuffling around, he leans back against the wall. Despite what the troll Barkeep had said, the beds were anything but excellent and comftable. Atleast it was warmer than the outpost.
For three nights sleep had eluded him - instead of dreams of glory, his head was filled with thoughts of the past few weeks. Even the drink refuses to grant him the darkness he desires, instead just seeming to make each thought and memory hurt like an arrow through flesh.

"He talks like a knight, he acts like a knight. Almost like a paladin."

He blinks, starring into the darkness. His mouth forms a slight snarl, though he stays silent.

"They speak not of your grimness, but of your song. You are an orc of old, part of something that died out of the hands of those careless, those led into darkness. We miss you, brother, and would wish that you leave your shame behind, and join us once more."

"His song."

The orc laughs, the sound echoing into the night. His song was one of cowardice, dishonor and lies. He carries his shame, displays it for all to know, if they took the time to care.

"You have a family, your tribe. Why not ask for help, rather than running off alone? Would you leave me fatherless again?"

No, he would not. He would stay around, even if it meant standing in shadows, and watching from the darkness. He had told the pup he needed to find his own path, but he can see it already. And he will take his first steps on this path, even if it means sacrificing he believes in. But first, he will have to get help, sort out the mess he has found himself in. Help, but not from his family, his tribe. They could not help him now. He needs to look elsewhere, and he knows just where to start.

Reaching into the darkness, the orc takes hold of a bottle, left by one of his tribe, one of the few who mattered, and pops the cork.


He will.

OOC: Just a quick IC reasoning behind Grim not being around for many events, and not staying from start -> finish on others for the next couple of days, possibly weeks. Got some new late shifts, so Im not sure how much time I'll be able to spend on WoW after about 6pm. Sorry for my poor story writing skills, meant this to be more of an Explanation then a "Omg, Storeee!"
Game Related / Re: New races in the next expansion
August 22, 2009, 11:33:30 AM
I like it. Looks shiny. And sure as hell will make leveling a new character much more funfun. "Lets head to Barrens.. OMG RUUUN! Theres a frikin High level mob in barrens! Whhhhyyy?" My goblins gonna love that.

Plus, we as a guild get to show how shiny we are with that guild level and achievement thing.

All in all, I gives this one more of a thumbs up then WotLK got when it wus announced, so thats good  :D
Game Related / Re: Speak your mind: Yap, yap!
August 04, 2009, 09:35:58 AM
Sleepy sleepy.. But can't sleep, gotta bathe for job training. Lets just hope I dont fall asleep in the bath.
    And Morg, Im sure more of us Orcs check the forum then it seems, we're just lurkers. We watch you all posting away, and plot. Oh, the things we plot. So evil it'd scare the hat off of a Warlock! And if they don't, and its just me lurking and plotting, use your feminine wiles to get Koz to boot-erang them to the forums!

We need some lurkers..  ;D
Game Related / Re: The 'Mary-Sue' Test
July 25, 2009, 09:18:55 PM
Unfortunatly not. The closer to 41+ you are, the closer you are to hitting every possible cliché. Soo 35 isn't great... but Its better then 41. *nod*  ;D
Game Related / Re: The 'Mary-Sue' Test
July 25, 2009, 04:34:59 PM
Grimwolf - 5
Brolruk (my tauren hunter) - 7

And err.. *Sneaks in his Belf rogue)

Stal - 35...

... What?! It was all Situational stuff! Everyone else made him Mary-sue  ::)
Meh. He was fun to play.
Game Related / Re: Speak your mind: Yap, yap!
July 09, 2009, 04:22:49 AM
Quote from: Claws on July 08, 2009, 09:20:32 PM

What you really mean is you woke with your pet gerbil biting your ear, your favorite pot plant on the floor and you could not understand how it got there, Your girly poster above your bed had fallen down over your head, the pet was dog howling to be let out, your mum running around crying she had soap in her eyes from washing her hair, your dad fallen down the stairs after standing on your skateboard and knocking over your younger brother.

A Great start to the day  8)

Well, that works too I guess. It'd probably be a bit less creepy though if I had a younger brother, or a pet gerbil.. Who's Gerbil has been biting my ear? Own up, or i'll set the cat on it!
Game Related / Re: Speak your mind: Yap, yap!
July 08, 2009, 04:10:36 PM
I'd level the shaman, but it seems I've been left leveling my cousins shaman while he's in hopsital *mumbles about cosmetic surgery* But I'll be willing to give you some boosts on him, if he can pinch any green or better items that drop you don't need or want, for Enchanting purposes.

Anyone else wish you could chose not to wake up from dreams? I was having an awesome one till like, 10 minutes ago.. It had everything: Rabid dogs, A wierd plantation, some form of unsolved crime, some beautiful girl called Autumn, Me running around in boxers, Wierd Werewolf people, this scary blind Seer woman, and an old man who rode a scooter and knocked a guy out. Why did I have to wake up?  :'(
Game Related / Re: Speak your mind: Yap, yap!
July 08, 2009, 05:45:34 AM
*Quickly shoves his party poppers and paper hats into a draw* Still here Koz? Good good.

And I got a 5, so Im a Non-sue too. But looking at some of the questions, I think a few of my Old characters might of been a bit higher up in the scores.. Good job my guild on my old server decided to burn my character's corpse, even if I thought he was alive and no-one told me till I arrived for a meeting.  :P  You Orcs better not burn Grimwolf if he falls asleep by a tree... He's old! Old people Sleep!
Slipknot - Duality (live) on google vids) Imma trying to spot myself in the crowd.
Event Planning / Re: Blessing of the Wolf (23/1)
January 23, 2009, 08:49:04 PM
(( Currently I got the feeling I'm gonna be late, Cause i gots to Move from here to any other house before I can gets onto WoW. I'm heading off now, and with good traffic shouldn't be too late.  :-* << Apology kiss-smiley!))
Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
December 22, 2008, 03:32:49 AM
I fell in love with a mexican because I cant control myself.

Yay Mexicans!
Game Related / Re: The Horde Military.
November 29, 2008, 10:28:37 PM
I gots one of me in some grunts gear I picked up with some left over gold - 'cept with a wolf hat. Also got Cutthroats shoulders (The red version), but I cant work out which set would be shinier... And Grimwolf would grunt it out, he's back in Orgrimmar while his shredder wound heals up some much.  :D