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Messages - Gorr'ulk Grimwolf

Game Related / Re: new factions new faction armour?
December 19, 2007, 05:17:04 PM
Gorr at the moment just wears his armor, and his Darkwolf hat (Damn good quest reward purple hats...) But if Seers gets a Uniform i guess he'll wear that  :)
Off Topic / Re: Now playing and a bottle of pills...
December 16, 2007, 09:37:20 PM
Phil collins - in the air tonight

Damn that gorrilla
Event Planning / Re: Ogre hunt: 15 December
December 15, 2007, 02:58:50 PM
(( I dont mind missing the first one if someone else wants to go along. The plan was basically just the march then some good old fashioned Ogre killing, and hopfully the taking down of a Gronn (Spawns willing)  :P So a trained monkey with a bell could lead the event. Making me under qualified  ;)))
Event Planning / Re: Ogre hunt: 15 December
December 14, 2007, 10:26:20 PM
OOC: Yeah, Im not gonna be able to make this one. Having my grandparents down for the weekend 'Cause their on holiday over christmas, and my parents want to take them out for the evening. So i'll be off at a Pub eating some proper grub  ;D I Suppose it'll save untill after Christmas, not like its top importance or any such thing  ;) So probably do the event then instead, if thats ok.
Game Related / Event happening on DB?
December 14, 2007, 02:26:32 AM
Anyone know if a DB version of this is taking place?
Saw it on the Wow-europe community thingy and seems it happening on other servers, wondering if its happening on ours, couldnt see any mention of it, or if i'm just gonna have to alt up and dive into some other servers battle  :P
Off Topic / Re: Now playing and a bottle of pills...
December 13, 2007, 05:43:41 PM
A7x - A little piece of heaven  :D
Event Planning / Re: Wednesday Wind-Up
December 13, 2007, 12:17:43 AM
OOC: I stuck a picture from early on when fewer orcs were around onto gallery. Thats my seat from now on!
The Campfire / Re: Kagh.
December 12, 2007, 10:37:33 PM
OOC: Picture to go along with it, if it works. I thought a nice visual aid would be.. well, nice.

The Campfire / Re: Kagh.
December 12, 2007, 03:08:14 PM

Heh, someone said it, so i put it in. I decided on Kagh to see everything, not to just ignore the OOCers like i normally do, and figure out how'd it'd look to him, and to him it just looked like another stupid word like people always make up, like noob was just a made up word in RL a while back, and the bit bout them all jumping around - watching some rogues fight makes me dizzy. So anyhoo thats Kaghs only bit in there, my go at watching some OOCers and reacting thusly =þ
The Campfire / Kagh.
December 12, 2007, 01:49:06 AM
(( Little story i wrote when wandering around Orgrimmar on Kagh (My cousins orci) Cause my Paid time is up on Grimwolf.))

The wolf sat by the aged orc, just outside of Orgrimmar, and looked about himself. Fighting. Even in supposed times of piece, among supposed allies there was conflict. "Again?" a tall troll wearing heavy plate asked, whiping some blood from his tusk, and flexing his arm as the nearby shaman worked his wonders. "No, You noob..." The wolf let out what could of been a sigh, and wandered through the great gates of the warrior city. "Orcs these days," he thought "Making up stupid words, jumping around like..." the wolf stopped, his ears pinning back against his head, and with a small flash the wolf was gone, an Orc standing in its place. "Much better.." Kagh muttered, and continued towards his destination - the roaring fires and loud conversations of Morag's place.

Later that night, in a inn far from Orgrimmar, with alot quieter patrons but roaring fires all the same, Gorr laughed. He also looked around himself. Flames. Even in these times of relative peace, in lands only partly owned by the horde, he could Stir up trouble. The recently burnt inn on the borders of the Barrens burnt brightly once again, and soon the Theramore guards would come awandering. Everything was beginning to fall into place.

((Its not done like, but my Temazepan is kicking in, and if i don't wander off to bed soon i'll most likely pass out on me keyboard.))
Off Topic / Re: Music education
December 12, 2007, 01:35:47 AM
*Takes back his holy book about Moggs hat and writes one about the Gorrilla instead* I love that guy... he is the future Mrs.Grimwolf... Err, i mean... Yeah, thats cool.
Game Related / Re: new factions new faction armour?
December 12, 2007, 01:07:21 AM
*Hails the hat & Writes a holy book dedicated to the hat* Gotta love that hat... And yet, down with purple.  ;)
Event Planning / Re: Loot Burn Kill Repeat
December 10, 2007, 09:33:24 PM
Sorry on not turning up, went out for my friends birthday on friday and i've been paying for it in vomit and headaches ever since. Need to remember Rum never tastes as nice going one way as it does the other... Anyhoo, hopefully if anything else like this happens i'll be able to sit up and look at a screen without running and jamming my head into the toilet  :-X