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Messages - Orgash

Off Topic / Re: Orgash Hails the Red Blades!
September 23, 2008, 08:03:58 PM

That's nice to hear. I've been struck by nostalgia many a times since I left the game, and recently I seen a huge revelation in WotLK about my favorite aspect of WoW: Lore; The end quest in the chain for the DK starting story. I read about how it makes awesome revelations about Arthas, the Scourge, DKs, the Mograines, Argent Dawn, the Scarlets, and Light Hope's Chapel. I then watched the beginning of a video depicting that epic end-chain quest, before I decided I'd rather find out myself in the expansion, so I can't wait for WotLK either.

Beforehand, however, I need to find a steady job or two, and buy me a new laptop. I might also pre-order the game. Expect to see me within months, but don't get your hopes up. I'm still on the search for jobs.

PS: Nice to see you again too, Koz. Care to fill me in on the latest guild events or storyline progression of any members?
Off Topic / Orgash Hails the Red Blades!
September 19, 2008, 06:05:27 PM
Greetings, orcs!

You may or may not remember the brute, merciless, low-of-intellect orc warrior that was my character Orgash, and I'm quite sure additions to our ranks since I stopped playing WoW have been steady; a belated welcome to any new members.

I'm not sure about the current status of the guild; I know many of you were opting to tryout or have already moved to AoC or WH. I stopped playing WoW to focus on my senior high school year (which turned out alright; I graduated with an 80% avg due to a lot of slacking off, and am doing another year to upgrade into the 90s and mainly work on an art portfolio for architecture), and afterwards I had to give up my computer to my mom, so for the past year I've been in a semi-nontechnology phase.

I just wanted to say hi to all the guildmembers, as well as let you know that there's a good chance in the near future that I might come back into WoW and become far more participating in the guild. My hopeful return will be marked by a gameplay style geared more into the consistency of RP storylines inclusive of all the other aspects of the game, and I promise you all a fantastic addition to the lore of OotRB through Orgash's planned storyline. Until then, take care everyone and good luck with whatever you do in WoW and in your lives. I trust the guild is still the best orc guild on the server and is still thriving?

Orgash Spinebreaker Redrock