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Topics - Ruag

Event Planning / Event - robbing the bank
October 03, 2014, 01:30:53 PM
Hello everyone, I don't have much experience with planning events, but I had this roleplay idea for a ling time - robbing the bank in Orgrimmar. It was initially planned for a pirate/thief character.

I know Orcs of the Red Blade are not a criminal guild, but - we oppose Garrosh, and Garrosh and his Kor'Kron are still in Orgrimmar, so the story would be that we are robbing Garrosh.
If it does not fit with the guild story, sorry, will think of something else.

The plan: we need 10 or more Kor'Kron guards, that march from somewhere (Azshara?), bringing spoils of war. They enter the bank, show their papers to the careless guards, then, some of them block the entrance (for security!), while the others inside - rob the bank. After that - we exit with the loot, and we rp our way out of Orgrimmar, if we can - this will be open ended. Maybe contact some other guild, that can bring the Kor'Kron, or some guild taking Garrosh's side, and fighting us?
The loot can be gold, and also weapons, and we could arm some horde that is opressed by Garrosh. But this part would be open to rp.

Kor'kron guard:

The armor set I found that matches:

Except the legs, anyone know what legs match? Anyway, this is not so important, it could offer the chance to a vigilant guard loyal to Garrosh to observe the mismatch :)
Applications / Application - Ruag
September 26, 2014, 12:54:53 AM
Name: Ruag
Class: warrior
Level: 90

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

I was once part of Orcs of the Red Blade, a long time ago, at the end of Burning Crusade I think, with a character named "Vruk". Then, during Wotlk I transferred to the server where most of my friends played and raided. Not much roleplaying experience besides that. Right now I have a level 29 human warrior on Argent Dawn, trying to roleplay a pirate.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

(After a battle against humans near Stromgarde, Ruag is left for dead on the battlefield. The Orc forces are scattered, humans advance south towards the Dark Portal)

Ruag woke up in a cave. The cold air was rushing in, and he could hear water flowing somewhere nearby. The only light was a candle placed on the ground. Several other orcs were lying around, sleeping, some of them bandaged. Struggling to stand, he touched his head and felt a bandage. His torso was also heavily bandaged. Something was moving in the darkness, Ruag reached for his axe, but could not find it.
"Morning Ruag, good to see you woke up!
"Morning chieftain!" said Ruag, trying to see the other orc.
"It was a massacre, it's over... the war is over" said the chieftain "We managed to hide in this cave, but it's only a matter of time before we're found" "You need to thank Kog for your life, he carried you here",  "There's no time, we need to move" said the chieftain, then he moved forward and shouted, waking the others. "Here, take this bow, we did not find your axe"

As he found out later that day, the orcs that found him escaped the humans after the battle, and ran away during the night. One of them was lucky enough to trip on Ruag, and found out that the presumed corpse was still breathing.
"Your brother Vruk was caught, I saw him" one of the orcs said to Ruag after they started moving through the forest.
"They are planning to destroy the portal" the chieftain said. "We are going to try to reach it before they do, there must be an orc garrison there still"

During the next days, Ruag was able to gather some strength. He decided he could not rush to escape to Draenor, leaving his brother in humans hands. He left the small orc party and proceeded to track the humans that carried the prisoners. He found the internment camps at Durnholde, but also thousands of enemy troops. He saw escape from there was impossible.

Ruag went south, found the dark portal destroyed, and no sign of the other orcs. He remained stranded, not knowing where to go. He again made the journey north, to the encampments, but there was no chance of breaking in. He made his camp in the woods and waited, as years passed by, surviving by hunting, and he even traded sometimes with some strange humans that he met one day in the forest, that were not soldiers or peasants, and did no seem to mind the fact he was an orc. They seemed to share his aversion towards the alliance. Ruag managed to communicate with them, and one day they brought him what seemed impossible news: the orcs in the encampments had escaped, and ruled by Thrall they left the shores of the continent. "Where could they go?" asked Ruag. Not even the pirates knew much about the other continent, but certainly he could find out more in a mysterious city far to the south - Booty Bay.
Ruag suddenly had a new purpose in life, to find the free orcs and maybe his brother.