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Topics - Goru

The Campfire / The pain of being unliving
August 13, 2013, 06:18:52 PM
The she-orc sneaked out of the tower without even bothering putting on her clothes. Her bare feet moved over the wooden planks softly and as silent as a falling leaf in the wind. The cool, early morning breeze made her nipples pull together into hard knots and goosebumps quickly formed on her naked skin. As her feet touched the dewy grass a shiver went up her spine and she stood still a while with closed eyes and just took the sensation in. She took a deep breath, filling her nose with the forest, and then squatted down to sneak off into the underbrush with the raising sun at her back.

As she silently flew forward she saw the forest wake from it's slumber, the strange colorless dawn turned into a breathtaking display as the sun set the sky on fire which in return created an explosive reaction as the forest came back to life. The trees that had been grey and dreary now proudly crackled with colors. The rivers that had been flowing quietly in it's blackness now turned clear blue and the rippling sound greeted her as the dew turned into mist in a morning embrace. She slowed down as her lungs started burning in her chest and her still healing ribs ached with every breath. She slumped down on the ground by a tree and leaned back against the rough bark, it felt damp against her skin and once again a shiver went up her spine. She sat quiet and just listened. First she could only hear her own wheezing as her body struggled with every breath, but slowly the wheezing subsided and the sounds of the forest filled her ear. The scent of green and moisture filled her nose and as she opened her mouth she could taste the wind that brought her the essence of Ashenvale.

To much time had past since she last ran free. To much time had past since her will was taken from her. She felt trapped and as the anxiety slowly built up she crawled up sobbing. As the panic and fear rode her she felt like a child again, old memories came to life of the whip that cut through her skin on her back and her thighs, the knife that over and over and over again cut stright, prefectly stright lines into her forearms. The old memories turned into new ones as the demons robbed her from her life. Her life... it wasn't hers anymore, there wasn't even a life anymore. As the fear and pain subsided she slowly sat up again dragging herself back to the tree and leaned against it's comforting real surface... rough, damp, pulsing with life and wisdom. She pressed her hands against it to make sure it was real. She noticed that her cheeks where wet and as she moved her hands to her face to wipe the tears of she saw them again... She stared at them with disgust, followed every line... on her legs, on her arms, on her stomach, on her breasts... everywhere, all over her body the abhorrent scars left from the runes that had been carved into her flesh. She was nothing, worth nothing... all she was had been taken from her first by him, then the tribe, then the demons... Her life was a lie, her spirit was hollow... She pressed her hands against her chest and she felt it... The heart was still beating, the mockery was complete.
The Campfire / Troxigar and Goru hunts down breakfast
February 26, 2013, 07:51:01 AM
((When you all wake up this morning you will wake up to the smell of grilled meat and everyone will be offered to have some for breakfast))

Goru took her time and crawled close to the ground towards the big birds, she knew Troxigar was not far away, ready to do his part. The birds seemed a bit nervous and she stopped instantly, just watching them without moving a muscle. The night was almost over and the sun was soon coming up. She was soaked in sweat and her clothes and skin where covered in dust. It was starting to get itchy but both she and Troxigar knew they had to get a couple more before going back to the Mag'har post. Both their wolves had a large amount of birds tied up on their back and she felt bad when seeing her old, gentle mount hang his head, he looked so tired the poor thing. He had been with her for a long time, but this hunt had made her understand that it might be time to set him free and find another.
She focused on the birds again as they settled and started crawling again and winced as another stone dug into her knee but she kept totally quiet. When she got close enough she took a deep breath and readied herself. She heard her heart beat and felt the wind on her face and for a moment everything around her slowed down before her and she knew exactly wich bird to go for first and what would be her next pray. She flew up from the ground and before the birds even realized what was happening the first bird fell to the ground with one of her knives in the head. Right after another bird crashed down on the ground with one of Troxigars arrows pointing out of the body. Her next knife flew through the air and the second target got hit, but it was a bad throw and it only opened a gash on the side. She snarled angrily and drew her daggers as the furious bird came at her. She heard Troxigar shouting something but she ignored it, she had to focus. She felt her heart beating fast as the bird came closer. She dodged the vicious claws but the long night had taken it's toll and she felt the beak rip through her leather armor on her left arm at the same time as she buried her dagger in the side of the bird. It fell dead down just as another arrow flew past her just an inch from her head and she instinctively threw herself backwards.
She took a moment to catch her breath then flew up again and looked around her in the hope of finding yet another pray and she saw one... a really big one flew straight towards her, an arrow that's stuck in the wing made it a bit difficult for it to move gracefully. She hissed at it then a grin spread on her face and she ran towards it. She moved as quickly as she could and jumped from side to side to confuse the creature and it wasn't a very hard kill.
She looked down on the ground around her on the dead birds and then up in the air and growled as the rest flew away, far out of her reach. She would have wanted to get at least two more but it had been hard hunting with Trox. She had to rethink everything she did, half the time he had taken the pray she had fixed her eyes on and it wasn't very unusual that he missed his target but this had to take the price. They where tired and should have gone back to the mag'har post at least two hours ago, but she really wanted to make sure everyone would get some fresh meat for breakfast. She pulled out her knife from the first one she hit and wiped it off carelessly in the dirty pants then went to look for the other that had missed. She frowned as she peered around the ground to find it, she almost never missed her target so completely, it was embarrassing really. She suddenly noticed that the sun had come up and she heard Troxigar coming towards her with the wolfs. He was panting as if he had been running half the way and she turned around and raised her eyebrows at him, ”You alright Goru?”, he looked concerned and she nodded. ”I thought I hit you there for a moment, I was aiming at the bird but then you moved, I'm really sorry”. She looked at him a while then chuckled, ”You aint no master marksman, that's for sure Trox, and I'm alright and we got some more birds so stop worrying”, She gave him a bright smile and he smiled back at her. She watched him as he started picking up the heavy birds one by one and throw them over the back of his wolf, then went back to trying to find that damn knife.

Goru wiped the sweat from her forehead stretched her neck. They had worked like slaves for what seemed to be an eternity, but of course it wasn't, she was just so very tired. The Mag'har chef was helping out and so did some others as well. She could have cried when they offered their help. She never knew how much work it would be to fix fresh meat for breakfast for the whole tribe. She had regretted her decision many times during the night but the hard work also made her more focused, she would fix this even if she feinted of exhaustion. Troxigar was tired as well, but he worked quietly, doing his part and more. He was probably tired of her bitching at him for being lazy.
Her thoughts where interrupted as the chef came up to her and he grunted to get her attention, ”The fires are ready and I'll start cooking now. It's all prepped, I can do the rest. I make sure your tribe gets their breakfast when they wake up. The two of you should go to bed though, get some sleep.”, She just gave him a tired nod and mumbled a thank you then she forced her feet to get her to move forward. In the corner of her eye she saw Troxigar do the same and she turned to him and just patted him on the shoulder, ”I'm glad you came with me Trox, couldn't have done it without you”. He gave her a weak smile and then they dragged themselves to bed.
The Campfire / In the head of Goru, daughter of Mozrogg
February 11, 2013, 02:15:57 PM
Goru woke up and quickly drew her dagger, something must have waken her up. It took a few moment for her to make the world around her real, make her brain work. The sun hurt her eyes and she blinked a couple of times and shielded them with her free hand. Her back was a bit sore and stiff after sleeping on uneven stone and she grunted as she stretched it out a bit. She noticed the cloak that had been wrapped around her and felt the smell of it in her nose still. The memories came back and she slowly put down the dagger, she had finally found him, her father.
It hadn't been the best start of a relationship, but he had asked her to stay, several times actually. Still she had a big lump of discomfort in her chest that she wasn't wanted here. She absently moved her hand up to her aching left shoulder and groaned slightly as she looked down on it. It was swollen and it made the arm a bit stiff and a big, dark blue bruise had formed. She frowned in disappointment, "damn brute", her voice pressed out between her lips and she frowned again. Just a couple of hours and her father had already gave her a mark. Maybe it was his way, hit the ones he couldn't control as he wished. Mozrogg, Doomhowl they called him, a big orc with a big ego and a list of rules already building up on how a daughter should be acting. She frowned at the thought of him, at least she knew now where she got her temper from... and in all fairness, her stubbornness.
She thought back on the night before and for the first time in a very long time she felt strange, like some kind of guilt was sucking at her lifeforce. She hit her chest hard, trying to make the feeling go away but it only grew tighter in there and she could feel some kind of heat on her cheeks so she looked up in the sky and frowned at the sun.
She hated the sun, too bright, too hot, too damn annoying. Light and heat and telling too many damn stories. She blinked her eyes to get the white dots away from her eyesight and looked around her as she picked up the cloak from the cold stone. She was sure no one was looking her way and she pulled it up against her chest and her face and burrowed her nose in it, breathing in deeply. The smell of her father. She took another deep breath and couldn't help but smiling slightly then folded the cloak carefully and put it down on the ground, close to the cave wall.
She had work to do, she had to try and find some fur or leather, she wasn't really sure what, but that she-orced wanted something to be able to make some new clothes for Goru. She looked down at her old rags and felt another strange feeling build up, shame. The heat came back to her cheeks as she realized just in what shape they where. Hardly hanging together, dirty and stale... For the first time in a very long time she tried to look upon herself objectively and she closed her eyes at the sight. No wonder they called her a fecking whore, she looked like one, that's for sure. She shake her head and gathered her thoughts, two quests for today then... Finding materials for new clothes or some new already done clothes and of course... Most importantly, she needed to refill her satchel with alcohol. Just the thought of it made her feel a slight shiver working it's way through her body and she licked her lips nervously. Yes, most importantly I need to find alcohol...