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Messages - Krultar

Applications / Re: Application: Krultar Bloodwolf
April 27, 2014, 03:34:17 PM
Sure! Well, in the wake of the recent actions of Garrosh, the martial law in Orgrimmar, and the subsequent siege, Krultar has found his city to be a quite unwelcoming home. Lost and searching for a place and new family, He has heard stories about the tight-knit Redblade clan, and has set out to find them.
Applications / Application: Krultar Bloodwolf
April 27, 2014, 06:21:28 AM
Name: Krultar Bloodwolf
Class: Shaman
Level: 90

Roleplaying Experience:
While new to the Defias Brotherhood server, I've been roleplaying in WoW for several years now on a variety of characters and servers, particularly Argent Dawn. In truth, I have not roleplayed an Orc for a great amount of time before. However I have an extensive knowledge of their lore, and the lore of Warcraft in general, coupled with years of RP experience.

Krultar is a young Shaman and aspiring Farseer. Born at the tail end of the second war to parents of Warsong bloodline, his youth was partially spent in the shackles of human prison camps. Since the exodus of the Orcs and the founding of Orgrimmar, Krultar has spent many years training in the art of the traditional spiritual and elemental magics of his people under various teachers and Elders, and has only relatively recently begun to set out on his own path of self-discovery.
Only a young adult, his age lends itself to a slight rashness of temperament and mood, Though this has no bearing on his abilities as a Shaman.
Appearance wise he is fairly typical of an Orc male, tall, well-built and green-skinned with long black hair and a short, but thick beard.