Orcs of the Red Blade

Discussion => Game Related => Topic started by: Sadok on May 30, 2013, 12:26:05 AM

Title: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Sadok on May 30, 2013, 12:26:05 AM
I'll keep this short at first, at least.

I've only been around for a couple of years, which already seems like a long damned time. But that pales in comparison to how long Kozgugore has been around and how much he's done for Orcs of the Red Blade, the Horde RP community and the Defias Brotherhood server.

Kozgugore was one of those names I heard occasionally on the official RP forums before I'd even arrived on Defias - as much an institution, if not moreso, than any of the realm's big RP guilds. Kozgugore and Morgeth were as close to celebrities as you could probably get in the RP community when I started on the realm, and getting the opportunity RP with them and Orcs of the Red Blade in general has been an all-time WoW highlight. The Red Blades were the only guild I've really felt properly welcome in, and a damned lot of that was down to the great, friendly atmosphere and the approachable officers.

I don't really know what or how much else to say, but as a guild leader, fellow officer (for a time at least), roleplayer and all-around good guy, thank you for everything.

Best of luck in everything that lies ahead, be it in WoW or that big, vast place called RL.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Murrah on May 30, 2013, 12:35:59 AM
Thanks for everything Kozzles!
May the Waffles guide you!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Mhokdor Spinesnapper on May 30, 2013, 12:41:46 AM
Is Koz going someplace, or is this spontanious?

He's a good feller, got that foh shoh. Came back to these forums for that wolf after four years.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Azolg on May 30, 2013, 12:43:01 AM
An outstanding post to begin with Sadok.

Koz has been the pillar and backbone of this Tribe for so long it seems. I've only been with the Blades a year and a half, but damn has this been the best RP guild i've ever participated in. Seven years of leading is nothing to sniff at, and being resolute for that long in running probably one of the most successful Orc-only guilds across all the realms takes a man of real steadfast leadership. You've been tenacious and a resolute leader Kozgugore, both IC and OOC!

The first person I spoke to on the realm too! You've always been approachable and engaging. Never once have I felt that I couldn't speak to you about anything. Im saddened that we' wont get a chance to finish Dabinas training, but its hopefully something I can continue with Rargnasha if he gets time/it works IC!

There isn't much more for me to say, without repeating myself or Sadok other than a massive Thank You for being the absolute star of Guild leader you have been. I can only wish you the best in everything you do in the life outside the computer!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Mhokdor Spinesnapper on May 30, 2013, 01:50:21 AM
So, he left... Hell.

I was around when Koz went from silent guy to the big enforcer you folk know. He's made Red Blade a better home to me than the building I live in and tribe I share blood with.

I was there when he left the place for the first time and I like to think the one that pulled him back in. I regret I wasn't there for the majority of his second rule.

I'm sure you did your best, I regret not returning sooner chief.

Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Revax on May 30, 2013, 03:11:18 AM
I never got to know Koz as much as I would have liked both ICly and OOCly but he will always be my first Chieftain. I even got a little teary eyed today when this change in leadership was announced in game, all of us who was on skype at the time did, even those that like Koz a lot less than most of us do.

The tribe is Koz's, for the past 7 years it has been shaped by him for good and bad, and I like where the tribe is now. We are well known and respected. We have a lot of drama at times, but we still prevail. I have never been in a RP this long, I have friends here that I actually care about but in and out of game now. Thank you Koz for this gift!

I hope we havent seen the last of you!!!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Kozgugore on May 30, 2013, 03:40:00 AM
I've been pondering a while to try and come up with a suitable exit speech, but there's really not as much to say as I once thought there would have been on the day that I'd step down. It's been a great ride in the past eight years that I've been a member of this tribe, and there has scarcely been a day that I led it with any kind of regret or pain. Being in charge of such a wonderful guild has truly been a life-changing experience, as it has made me into the person that I've grown up to be (I was only 17 when some people decided I would for whatever reason be fit to be the GM of such a prestigious guild. Go figure).

The things I've experienced will probably prove hard to forget, and though it stings just a little to leave on a bit of a sour note (semi-inactivity, feeling like Koz was a relic of the past and unapproachable to people despite my efforts to try and make it seem otherwise), I will only think of good things when I think of ORB in nostalgia.

I won't lie: Tonight has come as a surprise to me. One moment, my eyes were opened when someone claimed Koz hadn't led anything in the Winterspring campaign, and the next thing I know, I've managed to get myself removed. If you would have told me this would happen this very morning, I would have laughed at you and called you a very, very mean prankster. Still, I decided to grasp the situation and explain it, not knowing what people would choose for their leader in the end and willing to accept either consequences due to my bitterness. Only when the votes turned out to be so massively one-sided did it become clear that there could only be one end to it.

Perhaps there will be a day that I will be able to let Koz return. But considering his stubbornness, I doubt he would be able to accept following anyone leading 'his' (or rather 'the') tribe in his stead right away. It's been a tough nut to crack, but this seemed like the most suitable ending to him, albeit certainly not the one I once had in mind for him. The only reason to stay in WoW has, for many years now, the sole purpose of leading the tribe. Perhaps casual RP will be able to fill up part of that void, but with the memories that are left now, I don't think it would be able to fill up the void that has been left.

Now, instead of sounding all depressing, I'll just go ahead and wish you all the best. Be it in WoW or TESO (possibly my next grand scheme. Be on the lookout for a grumpy dark elf or orc) or otherwise, I doubt my experience will be as enriching as ORB was. Make unkle Koz proud.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Vashnarz on May 30, 2013, 05:08:09 AM
Well what more can I say that hasn't already been said? Well I guess i'll put what I think.

To me koz you where always someone who even if i was ever in a meh kind of mood a quirky remark or anything of the such always brought a smile to my face. You where someone I saw as just such a laid back kinda guy and its been a pleasure in the years i've been in the guild to be around. All the best and do keep in touch you've become a good friend and you where an amazng guild leader. I doubt anyone other than you could of done it for as long as you have, You have my utmost respect. Good luck with everything and I hope if you ever feel like it go ahead an pop in and see us.

Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Shargla on May 30, 2013, 08:18:55 AM
Oh I'm not good at these things but here it goes...

I haven't been in the guild for long all and all. I don't know Koz ICly that well either. But if one thing is for sure, you and the tribe gave me something to do on my freetime. Even so much I went on and quit raiding, something I've done since I started playing wow. I became a full time roleplayer just because of the tribe and what you've done within it. There's never a quiet or boring moment in the Tribe and I've enjoyed my stay. I appreciate all the work you've done for the tribe and heck, over 7 years as a chieftain. That's an achievement on its own.

We had our ups and downs but all in all, I wish I had known you longer ICly and OOCly. So I hope you'll return someday and show us more of that grumpy orc and the legendary Shrewd.

I salute you.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Okiba on May 30, 2013, 12:47:44 PM
I remember the first time we RP'ed together...

It involved koz filling my human seiken with arrows and being routed from the battlefield for the first time. It was considered a big thing alliance side, "Who was this orc who routed Seiken so easily?", and you know what, i'm glad. You've been not only my friend over these many years but also my nemesis, a rival and someone to confide in. From the huge campaigns we fought against and alongside each other, to the day to day life of the tribe.

Horde RP would of been completely different without you, a firm no nonsense orc applying a guiding hand to smack elves up the back of the head, a boot for dwarf buttocks and knuckles for punching dwarves in the teeth. but also a tender, gentle character beneath the surface.

I've loved every moment and I'm going to have fond memories of it for the rest of my days, you Will be missed by all, not only the Tribe but by the community. Though we may have ended our wars on an even number of victory's, you will always be mine and krogon's alpha.

For the Blood! For Kozgugore the Wolf-king!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Revax on May 30, 2013, 03:07:18 PM
To what you said Koz:

It may not have been the "ending" you wanted, but sometimes its just better to rip it off like a bandaid!

But I think it was a much better "end" than having Koz killed off. Koz will live till WoW takes its last breath!

Another thing you said, regarding TESO. When TESO draws near we should make a thread here so that we may find each other in that game!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Regorn on May 30, 2013, 03:59:31 PM
This is the problem of not playing the game, I have no idea what's going on

but this seems to be a thank thread. So Thanks Kozgugore for letting me RP sometime more after my last guild withered up and died, it's been quite enjoyable.
Yolk Shaman out
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Vezara on May 30, 2013, 04:22:18 PM
You all make it sound like he's dying. :| Anways, I'm not good at these things, soo.. Thanks for ze RP! Take care. o/
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Kozgugore on May 30, 2013, 09:51:36 PM
I'm certainly not dead, nor is there a guarantee that I'll be gone for good or won't be coming back to hang around in one form or another, possibly on Gakrath as well. However, this has put an end to something I've worked on with my most beloved character for seven years, and even more if you count the years I've spent on him before ORB happened. It probably sounds more dramatic than it is, but to me, it's the end of a unique experience. Having said that, I'm glad people have been content with what I've been able to present to them, even if it wasn't as ample as it used to be these past few months.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Okiba on May 30, 2013, 11:44:07 PM
but we all do love you  :)
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Mhokdor Spinesnapper on May 31, 2013, 12:02:47 AM
Quote from: Krogon on May 30, 2013, 11:44:07 PM
but we all do love you  :)

C'mere Kozzie. Lemme raspberry your belly.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Drevan on May 31, 2013, 02:38:18 AM
Quote from: Akesha on July 19, 2007, 11:55:28 PM
it's interesting that Kozgugore has been mentioned. He's a great player and I knew him a long time ago when I was a member of <Sons of Draenor>. He'd be a great leader but I'd need to be convinced that he'd plan to stick around. The same is true of many of the people who have been with the guild for a long time. many do not play that often now, or spend most of their time playing alts.

Convinced now Akesha? :)

All the best big guy. Have fun out there!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Grekthar on May 31, 2013, 03:12:53 AM
Wow... Kozzy, u were one of the first people I RP'd with when I first came to this server, back when the Red Blade were in Redridge hunting for relics like the orb that Morgeth broke at the end of it :P

It's going to be very hard to imagine the Red Blades without you being in it... Kinda wish I'd been at this vote, would have put one up for you with the arguement being, "Rargnasha crashes ships... do we want him steering the Tribe?" To continue the smilie and analogy, you have been one of the finest captains of the RP ship I have come to know.

Although your absence will be felt... probably most keenly by your replacement since you took his love interest with you :P
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Kozgugore on May 31, 2013, 03:15:34 AM
Quote from: Sakareth on May 31, 2013, 02:38:18 AM
Quote from: Akesha on July 19, 2007, 11:55:28 PM
it's interesting that Kozgugore has been mentioned. He's a great player and I knew him a long time ago when I was a member of <Sons of Draenor>. He'd be a great leader but I'd need to be convinced that he'd plan to stick around. The same is true of many of the people who have been with the guild for a long time. many do not play that often now, or spend most of their time playing alts.

Convinced now Akesha? :)

All the best big guy. Have fun out there!
Damn, now those were the days. D: Here comes the nostalgia to kick me in the butt!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Sadok on May 31, 2013, 04:06:14 AM
Quote from: Grekthar on May 31, 2013, 03:12:53 AM
Although your absence will be felt... probably most keenly by your replacement since you took his love interest with you :P

Rargnasha and Shrewd's final moments:

"...Inside of us, we both know you belong with Kozgugore. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that wyvern leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life. We'll always have Tanaris. Here's looking at you, Shrewd."

Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Revax on May 31, 2013, 07:39:26 AM
Sons of Draenor.... why do I feel like I have heard that name before?
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Murrah on May 31, 2013, 09:36:04 AM
To me Kozzy-Mozzy you have been one of the best RP:ers I have seen, even when most of them are in the Orcs. I still laugh when Koz met Burgorg for the first time, most of Orcs gawing out "What did he just said?" and Koz understanding the big Rockmunchkin silly.

Also when Burgorg was on cooking turn making Rawk soup for everyone, people eating  the soup filled with rocks and Koz fishing the pebbles out and afterwards thanking from the strong meal.

I salute ye Kozzles!
(And ye bugger give me your skype)
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Trakmar on May 31, 2013, 03:26:56 PM
Koz was the first one to greet me into the tribe both IC and OOC. While I never got to know him properly, IC or OOC, I can just say he has been very good at leading the guild. ORB is by far, the best guild I've been in.

I'm not good at these things, so I'll just say good luck on future adventures, Koz! And we all hope to see you again!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Gruulg on May 31, 2013, 06:11:17 PM
Dude I aint gonna talk like you already left, I hope you 'll still walk among us now and then whenever you feel like it or after you played other games whatever...I don't even know what to say Ive known you ingame for so long rlly cheerios on your efforts as chief.

Makes me sad sometimes when things change...You were the tribe with all its officers ofcourse. You rlly made WoW a fun game being such a great chieftain for so many years.
I wished now I could've been there more, but things change life change etc, etc.

O yeah you did seem unreachable although you might have wanted that differently. I guess it comes with the role. You big ol' chiefork.

I hope you can enjoy wow again now as you have less  responseabilities or mebe you just need a break or other game *shrug*

I cant thatnk you enough for the fun and laughs we had throughout the years.
WoW is still fun but I guess we oldies cant live it like it was back in the day. Nor should we otherwise I would still be playing with my GI joe's :P. Its weird you stepping down is like and end of an erra like everything passes by now stuff we did places we hung out.
Thank you for that Kozzle you ol' bootehrangork^^.


Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Rargnasha on June 03, 2013, 04:01:21 AM
Koz has always been the perfect image of a guild leader to me. Your ability to keep calm and approach OOC situations in a competent and fair manner have surprised me throughout the ages spent in this guild.

I've been talking with a few different guild leaders and officers lately, and when I speak about good ways to run a guild, my examples goes out from actions I've seen you take and ways that you have managed the orcs of the Red Blade.
I've been in a few different guilds throughout the ages- And I can hands down say that while
ORB has had it's ups and downs, it is the best guild that I've ever had the pleasure of being in, and that is thanks to all the wonderful people in it and especially with you at it's helm.
These are some pretty big boots to fill out, but I hope to keep up the good style of having the Red Blade be a home for everyone from new roleplayers - testing out the waters of an orcish RP guild - To even the seasoned veterans that roam the World of warcraft, one of them being yourself. Should it either be as a returning Kozgugore, Gakrath or perhaps even a new face!

As for a bit on the IC side.. Throughout the years, Koz have played a huge role in Rargnashas character development, from the blue eyed (Ok, still had red eyes) orc who thought that honour was above all else - To a veteran who puts the lives of those around him over honour. Over this course, Koz have managed to get himself imprinted on Rargs mind as a bit of a father figure, so to Rarg, it is almost like growing up again - To see the father leave and now having to take charge and find his own way -For both himself and the tribe.

But Koz, it've been a blast to PvE, PvP and RP with you through-out the years, and hope to see more!
But we'll always have our time in ME3 Multiplayer, with you charging up into the face of the aliens and grunting at them.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Rhonya on June 03, 2013, 02:33:42 PM
Koz! I remember I used to be kind of scared of you, when I first came in contact with the Tribe on Rhonya. Or well, scared..more very nervous, because you always seemed so strict ICly. Though I found out of course that you're a great guy oocly and we've had some very nice roleplay and through the time I've been with the tribe now I've started to really respect you a lot.
The Red Blades were my second guild I got in, and I've never regretted that dicision. You've done a great and wonderful job in leading a guild for so long, I can't even imagine me doing something like that for such a long time.
So I just want to say, I hope you'll be around more still, because I always really enjoyed rping with you, even though it wasn't that often that I approached you IC'ly.

So...Don't leave us for too long! Thanks for all the effort you've put into the guild, to make it what it is today.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Claws on June 03, 2013, 03:26:33 PM
To be honest I sent this as a PM to Koz but then I thought to hell why hide it, it is what, what it is
My own perspective on one of the best RP'S out there who kept himself true to his Toon.

Koz I do not know what to say.
I’m literally crying with sadness.
All those years ago when I interviewed you to join the Tribe who thought you would end up as the head Orc for so long.
We have both been at the top of the tribe you longer then any other so you must of been doing something right.
We had our moments both been at logger heads with each other.
I know what pain and sorrow you must be feeling deep down it is hard to step back from what has been a major part of your life for so long even though you may try to hide it others may not understand this.
The amount of time spent behind the scenes is a drain and even if you deny this now deep down you will miss it all believe me I know.
For me it took over my life to the point of obsession it changed my RL outlook and my RL character I became the mean short tempered Orc my toon was.
But you were the one who brought me down to earth with a bump, and at the time I would of ripped your head of given the chance, but now I thank you for it.
Those who may have been around in them days will understand my meaning but I guess there are not many that would.
It hurts big time being well I will say it politely so as not to inflame some Orc “Asked to step down” out of the blue after so much you have put in even when towards the end you do become more” UNREACHABLE” due to commitments else were.

Sure we had our bad times but they were outweighed by the good times.
I can remember when the Tribe nearly split many moons ago and we both decided to take a break from all the back stabbing etc, and went to play Conan or some other new game think that only lasted 2 weeks however WOW was under our skin.

Claws will miss the Old Grumpy Sod.
Carol will miss the real Koz.
Where does this leave Claws now Koz and may be 1 or 2 others were / are the only Orc’s left who show her the respect for what she once was for so many years.
Is there room to follow your run into the forest once again like the two young blood hungry Orc they both were so many years ago.
Good luck with all you do Koz old friend. :-*
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Kozgugore on June 03, 2013, 05:06:45 PM
I have returned a PM to you about the matter, Claws. :) And thanks for all the kind words, not only to Claws but everyone else here as well. Which reminds me, it does kind of come to mind reading this "blast to the past" from Claws that I really wouldn't have been here for this long if it wasn't for the very guild itself. So while this is "Kozgugore appreciation", that doesn't keep Kozgugore himself from appreciating those he appreciated throughout his career!

Akesha, for being the one who started all this and trusted both myself and Koz to take over the tribe when the same ultimately happened to her as did to me now. If it wasn't for her starting ORB after the Sons of Draenor failed at the very beginning of this server, everything would have been very different. Part of my still all too dearly longs for the "good old days" when Koz could just rely on Akesha's wisdom instead of having to decide everything for himself. :D

Claws, for having been a very strong pillar of support back when it was required the most. It's true that we've seen some difficult times, and we couldn't always see eye to eye ourselves, but in the end your... insanity (yes, I said it) was the thing that, strangely enough, kept Koz in check back in the days. I have this secret fantasy that despite both Koz and Claws are now somewhat out of the picture, they will still be found around a campfire in the future muttering and complaining to one another about everything and everyone around them. :D

Drevan/Sakareth, for being the selfless person that he is by refusing to let me pay for this wonderful website and allowing me the freedom to tinker with it despite no longer being active in ORB himself. I like to think part of ORB's greatness has been in part due to one of the most awesome website I've seen an RP guild have, and it's thanks to him!

Greggar, for likewise having stood by Koz's side in some challenging times and being the closest Koz would get to having a blood brother again (which I like to think has been a big challenge in itself, because Koz always told himself he would never take any more blood brothers again due to the many he has lost in the past ;D). Plus, for having been a great and understanding friend. A shame he never returned, but I can't say I blame him now that he's actually an artist for game studios!

Gruulg, for being that crazy old coot who had to bear the burden of being a Rrosh-tul in the same challenging times that I had both him and Greggar to support me. He might fall asleep on nearly every event he attends nowadays, but he's still the epitome of what an old orc warrior should be! ;D

Nergul, for being the first orc Koz really got to know when he joined the tribe and being a prime example to me on orc hunters in a time that I was rather stale after a period of inactivity on the RP scene. Oh and for being an AWESOME AND IMPOSING VIKING MEETS RUGBY PLAYER IN REAL LIFE.

Mhokdor, for having brightened up ORB in a bit of a stale time with his range of characters, but also for bringing me back into the action along with Greggar when I decided to leave for Age of Conan. Without those two, my career might have been a lot shorter-lived. Proof that one person alone doesn't make for a great guild.

Morgeth, for adding a whole new dimension of joy and depth to my RP that no one else had been able to bring up until then. Those are the kind of times that one would solemnly miss, and I do. I suppose losing out on all that might have been the final straw to stop enjoying WoW RP as much as I did.

Some other names that were perhaps less known but nonetheless equally important: Hakon (oh, you awesome warrior, you), Krogon (because let's face it, Koz would have had little reason to be promoted to Overlord if it wasn't for the awesome amount of enemies we had to fight back then. Best days for RP-PvP, without a doubt!), Mazguul, Rargnasha, Sadok (arguably the best officer I've had, but damn did you strain yourself, you silly man! ;D) and Vashnarz, but also the old guard, like Oznack, Rehbande, Vlog and Yorla. Looking through the old officer forums still brings a tear of laughter to my eye. ;D What fun and drama we had, I can only hope my next endeavour will prove just as enriching.

And of course everyone else that chose to became a part of this guild, but that I have unfortunately not have had the chance to get as know as well as I would have wanted to (trust me, there are a GREAT many out there). Now it's to you to continue the great adventure. And who knows, old grump might come back to mutter, grumble and laugh at you all, no longer restricted in his role as Chieftain in doing so.

Spoiler: Just like that • show
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Claws on June 03, 2013, 06:17:06 PM
Quote from: Kozgugore on June 03, 2013, 05:06:45 PM

but in the end your... insanity (yes, I said it) was the thing that, strangely enough, kept Koz in check back in the days. I have this secret fantasy that despite both Koz and Claws are now somewhat out of the picture, they will still be found around a campfire in the future muttering and complaining to one another about everything and everyone around them. :D

Spoiler: Just like that • show

You do not know how close you are LOL.
All the best Matt.

which one are you Statler and Waldorf.
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Therak on June 03, 2013, 11:35:58 PM
I've been waiting with a post here. Because frankly. I didn't know what to say.
I woke up and saw this thread the day after it happened. I didn't stick around at the event the night before. And I'm sad I missed it. Because this, was certainly a shock to me.
Koz, you've been the best damn guildleader I've ever had.
I came from the Sixty Thieves, there were some drama at the point where I left. But I still held the RL meeting I had promised and planned. And for some strange reason, Morgy dragged an orc along.
You and Morgy are the core reason why I joined the orcs at all. I honestly can't say i remember a time where I knew anything about the orcs, when you didn't lead us. And I've certainly always had respect for the guild. Even when I didn't know much about it.
Coming to the Red Blades have only increased my respect for you, and I've had plenty of laughs in my time here. And even though you're the grumpy chief, you've been responsible for many of them.
One I remember in particular is Koz hiding behind his food, trying to avert Morgeths anger. The stoic Chief, hiding behind his food, something about that made me laugh.
I can't even begin to imagine the time you've put into this guild. But I'll be damned if it doesn't show.
Thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the work you put into making this guild what it is.
And thanks for not noticing the chain we've attached to you, preventing you from truly leaving!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Kozgugore on June 03, 2013, 11:42:58 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Crude! I didn't get the chance to apologize for not being able to finish your long over due Varog'Gor training, but something tells me that if he were to try, Therak would certainly be able to find a worthy position in ORB that he deserves.

... But all of that won't keep me from trying to harass you Swedes in RL again some time in the future! *shakefist*
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Lars on June 04, 2013, 01:29:27 AM
Think I should have posted here a few days ago. But taken a while to digest this.

Koz, you've been a staple of the RP on DB since I joined the server. "That one guy leading the orcs", when I started.
Then when I finally joined the guild, you didn't even let me post the application I had spend an hour writing! ... Even if that might be Morgy's fault.
In the end I can only say you're the best guild-leader I've had the pleasure to play with. Levelheaded and fair.

I hope you have fun in your future endavours!

Just watchout, Koz might find the spirit of an even older orc than him drinking by his campfire looking for a conversation one eveing!

And you're always welcome to my home if you happen to be in the neighbourhood!
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Mhokdor Spinesnapper on June 05, 2013, 12:07:44 AM
Wish I could find the feller's application post... But I guess that was before this website. Darn! No newbie posts :'(

Anyone got a compilation of his armour as it changed in the passed eight years?
Title: Re: Kozgugore Appreciation
Post by: Kozgugore on June 08, 2013, 10:13:01 PM
Just so that people are aware should  they ever get curious for whatever reason, I've decided to temporarily move Koz off-realm, due to having too many restrictions for his RP on DB right now. Outside of ORB, to which he won't be able to return until he'll get a suitable reason one way or another, there's barely any Kalimdor RP to be found on DB, so until that time, I've decided to test the waters on another realm just for the hell of it. Should anyone ever do need Koz for whatever reason, you can simply let me know. It's not all that hard to arrange something even then.

And Mhok: I believe I actually may still have his old application on my old laptop. Though as for my armour, you can pretty much find most of it on his wiki page.