This is purely the way I see things. I hope you can all agree in some way on this point of view, even though we all have different priorities and preferences ingame and about the way we like to spend our time ingame, but hear me out.
It's a fact Horde RP mostly lives on its guild RP. You're not in an RP guild, you'll have a hard time finding some decent RP out there on the, say, Orgrimmar streets for example. And even in guilds, the RP is mostly about pre-planned events and WPvP. The Horde simply doesn't have any fancy places to RP at like Stormwind is. We have Silvermoon, but it's filled with elves that are quite the opposite of orcs and a lot of the random RP I've witnessed there so far is equal to Goldshire's RP level.
That's why I think you can all agree that things could be better on the Horde side in terms of RP. We can all keep on sitting and complaining about a lack of random RP, but unless we don't do anything about it, it'll stay that way. That's why it should fall to the players to get some random RP going instead of the announced event every now and then.
A perfect place for this, imo, is the open world. Yes, Orgrimmar is supposed to be the home city of orcs and should be a hub for RPers to join in, but the risk of running into silly OOCers is way too high (far higher than the chance of meeting a fellow RPer anyway). This is why we should hit the open world. Orcs are called a nomadic folk. They don't find themselves a nice place along the river and settle down there to raise some children and grow some pig farms. They're still a warrior race. That's why we'd might as well take the RP out of the usual cities and bring it to the open world. Random RP out there would include campfires, patrols, scouting trips, random assignments, hunts, raids (WPvP), you name it.
I could go on and on about these things and go into detail about them, but I'll stick to one example: Assignments. In other words, player-made quests. After all, we're orcs, no lazy pig-farmers. We should constantly be on the move and try to prove our honour. What better way to do this than to serve the Horde/tribe/etc. by performing missions? We could combine this with WPvP campaigns, and get ourselves to "settle" in a certain area for a certain period of time. In order to attack a certain Alliance location for the WPvP carnage, we'd have to perform various preparation missions, patrols, etc. for it to get started first. Sort of like a war effort. Of course you won't have to sit around in that area all the time if you don't want to, but it would serve as a perfect hub for RPing, and it would get us to see more parts of the Warcraft world as well (which is, you have to admit, starting to fall into decline with everyone just flying and teleporting everywhere without paying any heed to the environments).
Thing is, these kind of projects would heavily depend on the members themselves. Of course I can organise these kind of things, but would -YOU- be willing enough to contribute to these events? If not by organising them, simply by joining in to prove yourself to the tribe/Horde? Would you be willing to commit some time to some random RP every now and then, or even once, a week inbetween all the levelling, questing, grinding, farming and instancing? Would you be willing to kick RP back alive?
Very well said Kozgugore. I couldn't agree more. And of course I'd love to help.
Thing is that I'm not that 'wauw' at organising like you are. I got many ideas but making them real was always a problem for me on alot of concepts.
But of course I will try to help as much as I can.
having a hard time actually logging in. I'll promise to do what I can by just pumping ic / rp into the guild channel (but I'm seriously too often doing lastminute other things to be a reliable attender to events, srry!).
anything with world PvP is instant win
Of course I'll do my best to be there and help out as much as I can.
It's always fun to be out in the world. You actually have a better chance of encountering arrpee if you show it yourself. By being a few orcs together on a small mission, visiting a village to see how things are and so on you encounter people that will be interested in what you're doing and open arrpee opportunities.
It's springtime. During the hot summer months Orgrimmar gets very hot. It would be an ideal time to move our base around the world to different orc (and other) places/settlements/villages. We actually had something like this going a long time ago, which was very fun.
i remember doing this before also, wasnt it a warband back then?
I is in. In any ways needed.
Im all in.
We can add patrols, diversions and training camps for lowbies :)
I totally agree! Even though i'm not in the tribe i could probably attend those things that are open for the horde as a unity. :)
(( I think it is a great idea. Maybe it should be spread to Covenant. There is too little inter-guild RP too in my opinion, and we have a lot of great RP guilds on DB))
I indeed copy/pasta-ed this post to the Covenant forums as well, but rarely anyone bothers to look there, let stand read long walls of text. I'll see if we can make this happen on an inter-guild level if this proves successful in OotRB though. ;>
Quote from: Drakash on April 11, 2008, 02:45:27 PM
I is in. In any ways needed.
You make it sound so naughty...
Anyway, as always, I r in!
At yesterday's tribe meeting, I tried to set some sort of example of how this thing would work, only then this was all in one night, instead of a whole week or so, of course.
What I tried to make clear IC is that orcs will recieve their share of respect when they earn it through action. Concerning action: I can keep on organising pre-planned events, but it will give little to no boost to random RP. There's still another way to boost this through events though. But those would be random events. For example, Drakash approached me only a minute after I finished my little speech, offering his IC services. This enabled me to give him something to do IC without being afraid I'll be disturbing his gametime. Because I of course can't tell whether a person is up for some RP or not.
In other words, performing many good deeds will give you credit IC. That way, the tribe'll look a bit more like a meritocracy without leaving any orcs out of the loop.
Just wondering: while it is not directly useful, can non-blades also gain reputation with the orcs of the red blade? Might be nice for non-orc alts.
translation: I was playing a druid before going on orcspawn to join this fabulous guild, and my eternal let'strythisclass desire is pulling me back to a drood again. See here: (
what does that pic have anything to do with rp? :p
I just got a good oppertunity to properly set this thing in motion and give it a try. Keep your eyes open for any upcoming events. I'll be explaining the details IC on a meeting soon enough. Probably the tournament.
It's official. Remember, if you're looking for some RP or IC assignments, make your way to Silvermoon! As of today, we'll be ICly garrisoned in Silvermoon to help the Ashen Enclave elves keeping their streets clear of any Gurubashi trolls. They believe the trolls will attack the city in some way so keep your eyes open and your axes by your side!
It's an easy location to get the RP focus started at, since there should be plenty of RP to find in Silvermoon, but it'll be a good warming up for future locations. So, incase you're bored anytime or just looking for some random RP, head for Silvermoon and see if there're some other orcs interested. I hope all of you orcs will be willing to contribute to this piece of random RPage!
ahh i finally understand al the fuzz now but whre is our Orc settlement in silvermoon do we have an house nn or corner where we meet and how and where do i get a task to guard somthing or stand sometime guard stomething etc il be gla to help just l me know what i need to do :)
still a little bit ???confused ??? but it will be ok :)
Most orcs I think are holing up in the cushy little den at the south of the Royal Exchange. The idea of the thing is just to have a place orcs know they can RP, and have a purpose RPing in. Whenever you're bored of questing/dungeoning etc. just hang around there and you should find something to do before long!
Trouble with this is...
There's always some noob players that comes around and ruins it.
And they are increasingly immune to Karak's whining :/
Alright then, since it seems the thing with trolls and elves is over, do we have any wars or other battles going on? how are our allies? should we treat the Friendly taurens with a big party or such? or the covenant members... Should we patrol in Ashenvale few times or other places just in case? Shall we rp some preparations to future collides, don't think we always have the resources just to get off and fight.
....Just little suggestions in my morning buzz... Hope that made some sense and lets you think of something as well.
Bumping this thread so people can read what our previous RP Focuses were about if they weren't there themselves. I'll be writing down a more thorough description soon.
Once again bumping this thread because we've had few people joining us these past few days.
So what is it that you people want to see or whatever it is that this time's focus is lacking? I see some orcs online every now and then, but some who are even online nearly all day never even show their face in Tarren Mill once. I can understand and of course accept the fact that you'd like to do stuff of your own as well. But keep in mind I expect you to have joined an RP guild for a reason.
On a side note, there might be no events listed for the upcoming week, but you can expect something to happen every night (usually after 19:30/20:00 or so). So just because you don't see any events on the calendar doesn't mean there won't be any. For example this Monday will have another non-prepared event coming up.
So, what is this all about?
To cut a long story short ...
*peers at Koz' initial post*
to cut a very long story short,
it's an opportunity for all orcs to meet and have RP at their leisure.
It's a place, where you know you will meet orcs. Current RP Focus: Garadar.
A time? For next two weeks, afternoons, and definitely evenings. Every evening, something will happen. Announced or not. You can do it, or others will, but it'll be there.
Why? To have random RP! Anytime you're in the mood for some RP, you can take your very green hide there. You will find orcs to RP.
"Yes, but what do we actually do?" Some orcs patrol, hunt, train, or fight. Some orcs cook, drink, tell stories, or simply take a stroll with a fellow orc in this beautiful place. Others sing / learn a thing or two / clean their hut / take part in a ritual / fight the Alliance (we're in a war!) / pay respects to Thrall if we get him around... I said I'll keep it short, so please ask here or in-game for more!
And some just Jibber Jabber mostly from Mr and Mrs Grummpy*,
which is entertaining to see and listern too in its self.
But all is fun so just get ya backsides there once in a while.
You could just try to locate the the Orc that lives in a chimmley and win a prize
donated by uncle Oz.
If ya need escort or even a summons due to low level just ask.
May cost ya a bit of flesh depending on who ya ask of course.
*Turns to Morgeth and snickers*
No names given or I will have to seek out a Shaman to put me head back on.
As I had promised, my return to WoW will mainly focus on carrying through my characters' profound and extended storylines, and contributing and getting involved with ORB and anything we might carry out falls into that scheme.
During the christmas period I had made a brief return to WoW, mainly on my hunter on SWC (and then my 10-day WotLK trial account ran out). Soon, however, I'll be back with a 30 day game card (or was it 60?). However, I've got other things such as an art portfolio, school, work, weight training and other personal and extra-curricular projects to balance and maintain before I can fit WoW back into the routine. There's also the time difference issue, which I'll deal with in due time.
Regarding the topic (sorry for deviating from it thus far), I think that a simple tool that might enhance this prospect greatly is having any RP mod, like FlagRSP2. Furthermore, when going out to look for random RP, it helps greatly if there's more than one of you, so maybe two or more members of the guild could go out, create some RP and engage in it in a manner that draws attention, so we could purposely lure and absorb some random players into it.
*PS: sorry if anyone had mentioned this before, I only bothered to read the original post
If I get to join the Tribe, I will contribute as much as I can to this! And every night with a new story!