Orcs of the Red Blade

Discussion => Event Planning => Topic started by: Kozgugore on March 30, 2008, 02:03:58 PM

Title: Dun Morogh hunting trip
Post by: Kozgugore on March 30, 2008, 02:03:58 PM
Throm'ka orcs!

It has been a while since we orcs have joined up and went out to hunt together. What say we meet up in Hammerfall, Arathi upcoming Thursday at the beat of eight and move south to hunt some dwarves? This tends to be the prime time them midgets go back into their holes and drink mead with each other. A perfect chance to both get some heads and some flagons of mead for ourselves!

So join in if you want your share! Don't be a lazy orc and waste another night in the hammock. Blood and thunder before meat and slumber!
Title: Re: Dun Morogh hunting trip
Post by: Tirnak Lynxclaw on March 30, 2008, 05:31:39 PM
Sounds like fun. I'm in!
Title: Re: Dun Morogh hunting trip
Post by: Rehbande on March 30, 2008, 11:55:07 PM
Hmm, time fer huntin' dorfs...

Sounds like we'z could have good fun here!
Title: Re: Dun Morogh hunting trip
Post by: Meruve on March 31, 2008, 01:13:15 AM
I will sharpen my axe till it splits dwarves in single sweeps!
Title: Re: Dun Morogh hunting trip
Post by: Claws on April 04, 2008, 11:14:48 AM
Good battle and good discipline from the all that took part.
We whopped em good. :D
I think having as many rogues as we did made it viable. ::)
((Until there ranks where enlarged by the normal OOC element that did the normal CC’s).
And the run in to Iron forge I could not believe how long we was in there before they final got it together and realized  that we was in.
((I even got a hit in on there Dolf boss only one though  :'( )).

Enjoyed it.

Once again well done Koz and all who participated.
Perhaps a planned assault on the forge is now on the cards,  :o going by last nights result it can be done.