If you orcs missed the previous Om'riggors and feel like you need another chance to prove yourself worthy of being a Nag Ogar, you know what to do! Meet up with us orcs this Thursday, when the drum beats eight times. We will meet in Stonard this time around, in the stinking Swamp of Sorrows!
If you value old orcish traditions and want to prove yourself a real orc, step right up!
Anuvva Om'riggor eh?
((... trying to be there... ::) ))
Thanks to all of you for attending. Hope you didn't find it too dreary, because the orcs who chose not to take the rite had little to do for the most part. Nevertheless, just because the event concerns a few other orcs, doesn't mean you have to sit down and be quiet for the duration of the event. You're always free to set up a campfire, have a chat, play a game, spar some, whatever you like. Just clearing that up because I had some complaints about that. We're here to RP after all. If you're playing this game to farm honour or PvE, then don't expect to find any on an RP event. ;)
Other than that, I realise it might took a bit too long. I'll admit the course of the event was still a bit work in progress, so we're trying to improve it as we get along. I already thought of ways to make it go smoother next time. Which would most likely be next week.
Thanks for the event, Koz! It was a very good start for the Om'riggor, although it can be slightly shortened.
Was good to see the arrpee of the orcs, and that it all went well. Looking forward to see more orcs pass the Om'riggor!
was great fun! but, you guys chatted to much outside the bunker when the orcs showed me, Varg and Koz their preys. Either stand a bit futher away, or don't talki ;)
As per request, I'll be organising another Om'riggor next Thursday for whoever else still seeks to prove himself. I'm not planning to make this a weekly event, but we still only have a small amount of Nag Ogar, so get them while they're fresh. ;)
This time, we'll meet in Hammerfall. Even if you don't choose to participate in the rite, you're free to join and meet up with some fellow orcs near a campfire or two, of course.
noes! I can't attend! I have my guitar lesson to 2020 and wont be home untill 2100! :'( Me wantz te make more shammy rituals :'(
((*Mutters something that he don't have money to gametime yet.. and that he still need to re-applicate and stuff... *... ))
(( poor Ghak? yes indeed poor Ghak! ))
((*Tosses an large stone in Ug's direction* >:( >:( >:( >:( ))
(( what? It's sad that you got to re-applicate (it gets harder every time aye?) and that your out of game-time-money! Iz wantz te meet yer in game! ))
((*tosses an other stone* ))