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Messages - Claws

Off Topic / Re: Ui
May 03, 2016, 04:31:38 PM
Sure thing pin it up.
Perhaps more people can pin there UI up as well.

I have tried elvui and the tukui packages but to me they take over to much.
But thank you for your comments  :-*
Off Topic / Ui
May 02, 2016, 04:54:01 PM
I'm looking for new Ui rt work been using same for quite a while now.
Not to worried about the add on side of things, it is the art work side I want to change.
I have been using KG panel / Btex.
But the art work I have is not what I want any more.
Anybody out there got any suggestions?

Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
May 02, 2016, 04:44:59 PM
You could just pin a picture of yourself Makaroth
Then your wishies will all come true.  :o  ???

((Your toon Makaroth your toon))
Game Related / Re: Suggestions and Feedback
March 13, 2016, 08:40:05 PM
Quote from: Rashka on March 13, 2016, 01:15:30 AM
A written script can be made beforehand

?.?.?.?.?.?   :o
Game Related / Re: Suggestions and Feedback
March 04, 2016, 02:42:10 AM
To much for my old brain and eyes.
Total lost after 2-3 pargraph  :o :'(

Koz and Sadok fingers must be just little stumps now.  :-[
Game Related / Re: WoW Chronicles Lore Stuff
February 21, 2016, 09:47:29 PM
On my shopping list
Thanks for info
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
October 02, 2015, 04:50:30 PM
Ok said i would so here you go

First one is Inged Pit from the film vampire lovers.
Stands about 200mm high
Painted with oils.
This was a commission for Mike Hill's then Girlfriend.
Only 50 was produced.

Second one is a sculpture of Saruman by Neil Sims a close friend of mine.
Who sold the master to side show.
Also painted in Oils

Third is wolf man bust by Mike Hill
This i did for his table display he used to go to modelling fairs with Resin Creations.
RC was his distributor
Painted in oils

Game Related / Re: Sadok Appreciation Thread
September 28, 2015, 04:06:39 PM
Who's sadok  :o

No seriously a great Orc or is he a human
No can't be human or he would be wanting paid for all his time and effort.
Agree 100% with Koz even though I have little to do with the Orc even on the side lines you can see what he does.
This forum would not be here for one.
And all his game involvement second to none.
Contact Us / Re: Ten Years Strong: Memories
September 11, 2015, 01:31:58 AM
First of all I apologise to all for not mentioning your name while writing this if any decided to read my wall of words.
After all I have seen more than any other here wearing the colours and name of

                         Orcs of the Red Blade.

What the World of Warcraft means to me the person.
A place where you can go to get away from life’s reality.
A place to become that character you deep down want to be.
An outer ego.

In the past I had a personal bound with people within the tribe not in a RP sense but behind the smokescreen of WOW just as others do now.
People with the same day to day turmoil of daily life who just want to escape.
We had a talk channel of our own making then called Red Blade the OOC channel you may have heard of it.
We would talk with good humour away from the politics of the game we invited people to the channel of a like mind.
A place where we let off steam.
We took the micky out of each other and never took it to a personal level.
We were quiet selective on who we let join our ranks.
That was the Orcs of the Red Blade.
The vanilla Orcs of the Red Blade as they would call it now. 

So what changed?
Well real life did the driving force that we all forget about when we are in the world of Azeroth.
People moved on because of life’s curve balls, commitments in their own lives and dare I say it work.
Akesha or any of us then thought it would never last as long as it has.
New people joined wanting to be a part of a group of Orcs, the down trodden outcast within the game more and more came to our ranks.
We had people joining us on a whim not true Role-players, the “I’m going to be an Orc and shout and bang my chest because that what Orcs do brigade”.
We the officers lost out on our own game time spending our time instead running the group and not playing the group trying to weed out the None RP.
Big chasms opened up of conflict not only with the masses but within the leadership.
And I put my hand up to some of this as being part of that conflict I did not like what I was seeing, did not like the changes within the RP world.
But how could this be was we not a RP server with RP laws which were in the beginning policed by Blizzard to the point of if they thought your name did not fit within the realm you was made to change it.
I used to get so annoyed and still do when people resulted to open swearing it was very rare then but not so now, you risked an account ban for a few weeks from Blizzard if caught doing it, now I just have to grin and bear it because “it adds to the character”.

(Side note)
I had to write to a GM myself and explain the thinking behind the name Claws as it was not seen as a RP name.
It took them a few weeks for them to get back to me and tell me they had been watching me and how I was playing the name before they agreed to let it stand.
Claws is and never has been my given Orc name and not many even know it is not openly used, it is something that I’m proud about, giving me an identity unique within the tribe just by that fact alone and I hope that nobody else jumped on it.
It was these things that gave the server its flavour in the early days.

Then the biggest change to the group came an Orc called Koz.
I would hide in the background trying my best to deal with the wellbeing of the tribe, the discipline, the fun part as I then saw it.
The slapping of heads a part I enjoyed because of the RP aspect and the feedback I was getting, there was nothing better than making all the Orcs strip down to their Tabards and run around Hammerfall oh the joy of all them male torsos, (Opps I go off track).
Then came my curve ball.
Slowly I started to sink more into the background taking a rest if you like within the game, leaving more and more to Koz.
I had some bad personal problems that I had to deal with my husband who was an officer in the marines (Now you know were my discipline issues come from) was in trouble that is all I can say and will.

Koz understandably started to resent my lack of commitment to making up events and running with them.
I would come up with ideas and then pass them over to others to carry out, something that I look back at now and deeply regret.
I have great trouble running events this is due to my Dyslexia I have great trouble keeping up with dialog within the game I have to type with spell checker on all the time and that is no good if you are running an event when 90% of the time it is of the cuff.
For a long, long time even to this day I have been labelled antagonist due to my disability which many if not all do not understand or appreciate it is my lack of communication skill which leads me to get totally frustrated with myself in trying explaining my meaning which digs me deeper into conflict.
At times it can get personal with whisper of “you cannot even spell properly you retard” which I still get now.
Being called a retard when you are clinically diagnosed as one is not nice believe me.
Claws went off line for a short while and returned new remade Claws.
I had promised myself to keep out of the political going on with in the tribe and keep my mouth shut.
So Claws became the recluse she is to this day, keeping out of the way trying to not get involved.
I’m still Claws more than willing to help out in any way I can but alas that has never been forth coming so I keep in the shadows away from the tribe.

I do not relate too many within the tribe now my doing I know.
So now you say “why do you stay with the group you cannot relate to any more”?
Well I guess I just like to be part of the legacy part of the name Orcs of the Red Blade.
After all there is a big part of me within the Blades and its history I’m a living history book old and torn and frayed around the edges and could anybody after 10 years of blood sweat and tears put into something that is all within your own mind just close the book and say “That it done”.
No the story goes on.

My Shouts.

Well to start where would we be without Akesha
I remember many, many nights getting her to level up I think she was still only a level 40 when all around her was 60.
Her enjoyment came from walking around and just picking up random RP
Rehbande, Varguhka, Oznack, Kad the back bone if you knew them you loved them so many good times laughing until we cried.
Koz another legend no matter what battles I get into with him to this day he will always have my respect and best wishes.
Karak as all ready stated by others I cannot get over the depth of RP he can portray I still remember him being pushed of the tower by Kad and his annoying little poems mainly aimed at me.
Sadok to me is a new breed of Orc but what a star.
Rhonya a great ambassador for the tribe and for RP in genral.
Morgeth Koz’s better half another star I remember my first encounter with her when she came over from the Forty Thieves.
I could go on and on about The Blades and its members but if you have read this far you will be bored.
I just want to say my deepest respect to all the officers past and present you have my heartfelt thanks for keeping me entertained for the last 10 Years.
And to ALL the Red Blades old and new I bow to you all.
Here is to the next 10 years.
Love your writing karak.
Number one in my book you should take it up professionally

Love it just noticed your sig as well.

Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws
Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
July 25, 2015, 07:31:49 PM
Made me laugh any way
The Campfire / The chest.
July 07, 2015, 08:10:05 PM
          The chest.

Kei awoke from her light sleep with a start.
Her hand moved around the worn handle of her dagger ready to strike.
She searched the darkness but she knew deep down nobody was there it was the same nightmare that had awoke her again.
The same nightmare she had been having for the last few weeks.
Bathed in sweat she laid back down on her cot, not wishing to go back to sleep.

The day started with its normal red glow to the sky and the sound from the traders setting up there stalls.
Kei sat up and looked at her light armour it was her turn to do the rounds of the city, her turn again to patrol, it seemed it was always her turn.

She stopped and looked at her wolf mask on the cabinet beside the cot.
Lifting it of the stand she turned it over and over in her hands.
Something was wrong something had changed she could not put her finger on it but there was a change in the air.
She sat on the edge of the cot for what seemed like hours not moving but starring at her wolf helm.
She finally dropped the helm to the floor and her gaze moved to the iron bound chest at the foot of her cot.

It was a very old chest.
Rust pitted the iron bands running around it, the lock looked like it would drop at the slightest touch.
But she knew what looked like a simple lock was way beyond her skills or anybody else’s she also knew no force open it without the key.

The key.
She fingered an old thong which was bound around her neck, it was made of leather which had long lost its colour, tied to it was that key.
“You will know when the time is right to open the chest and not before”.
Her fathers’ words to her rang in her head.
Was now that time?

Her hands felt clammy as she pulled at the thong which snapped without any great effort.
How could that be it had been around her neck for years why had it snapped so easily now.
She moved the key towards the lock which started to glow a faint blue, hesitating she pulled back from the lock, sweat now ruing down her neck over her naked body.
She knew that she must finish what she had started she knew that now was the time to open the chest.

Kei once again offered the key up to the lock.
The lock pulsed blue as she turned the key there was a soft click as it sprang open and fell to the floor where it rusted away to nothing before her eyes.

“Well I can’t stop now I guess”, Kei thought to herself.
Lifting the lid slowly on what felt like new well-oiled hinges she peered into the chest.
There was a dark blue leather scrap covering the contents of the box, strange leather she could not identify.
Lifting the cover and laying it on the ground next to the chest she looked in to the chest.
Two blades crossed over each other, with a glow from within the metal they were made of.
She removed the blades from the chest and noticed they had no weight to them.
They had a strange glove like arrangement; she slowly placed her hand into one of the gloves and was thrown back from the chest into the wall behind her.
She frantically struggled to remove the glove from her hand but it would not come off, it was as if it had fused to her very skin.
As the initial shock from the glove war off she noticed how comfortable  it felt as if it was meant to be there it felt like part of her arm.
She looked at it the blades where thin, far thinner than any weapon she had seen before, but they were strong and sharp.
She tested the edge on one of the legs supporting her bed cutting easily with no resistance it was like cutting hot wax.
The bed crashed to the floor now on three legs.
A grin spread across Kei’s face.
She was now much calmer and thinking of the enemy she could easily dispatch with the blades, and with that calmness she found she was able to slide her hand from the glove as easily as she had put it on.
She placed it with the other blade and looked into the chest once again.

There was a full set of night blue armour made from the same strange leather which had covered the contents to the chest.
It was light and supple but felt like it would have the stopping power of full plate.
Removing it from the box piece by piece she laid it out on the floor.
At the bottom of the chest wrapped up in a dark cloak was a helm.
A helm the likes she had never seen before.
She removed the cloak and helm from the confines of the chest.
Kei laid them down with the rest of the armour looking at it for a long time.
The chest decayed into a pile of dust as if its time on this world was over.

“Well it’s now or never I guess” she said to herself.
Picking up the pants she inspected them more closely, they would be a tight close fit no room for undergarments a fact that she welcomed with a wide grin she got her self-dressed into the armour piece by piece.

It fit like a second skin, tight in the right places but it gave her a freedom she had not known before while wearing armour, it felt warm but not hot like other leather did.
She bent down and picked up the helm, it was then she saw it had no eye sockets, how could she see with that on.
She held it up to her face holding it just inches from her eyes, she could see right through the leather as if it was not there.
It had no straps to hold it in place just cut outs where her ears would go through.
She put it on and was amazed how secure it was.
Her eyes focused more clearly to her surroundings her vision and hearing senses became more acute.
The room began to spin Kei fell to her knees what had she done her mind was in turmoil, she blacked out. 

“Kei! Kei you in there, ya going ta miss ya patrol Kei you up yet?”
Kei woke up from her nightmare with a start the same night mare she had been having for weeks.

“I’m coming ya peon keep ya ead in ya bucket”.
She jumped out of her cot, a cot that for some reason was only resting on three legs.
At the side of the cot on the floor neatly folded was a suit of blue armour, “What the?” with two crossed blades, she turned to the cabinet beside the cot on the stand was a blue helm and not her normal wolf helm.
Red Blade Records / Clâws
July 07, 2015, 06:54:56 PM
Name: Kei to a very few.

Alias: Claws to most.

Rank: Now True Blood.

Age: Old enough to know of the old Blades.

Gender: Female.

Race: Orc.

Clan: Clan Redblade.

Class: Assassin.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral to the Tribe now more Chaotic Neutral

Farther Nazgrel.
Mother Teku.
Brothers and sisters, The Blades

Known Enemies: Too many to name.


Having been at the front of too many battles for the tribe and within the tribe.
She sees herself now as a quite solitary Orc reflecting on old times now lost to the tribe.
Once quick to anger now she would rather just sit and drink her milk under a fallen tree watching the world go by.
But that anger is always with her ready to boil out whether it is with blade or her renowned barbed tongue.
She is very hard to befriend this is mainly due to losing to many “Friends” in battle.
So she now prefers to keep her distance not wanting the heart ache that goes with loss.
Unless you have shed blood with her for the tribe or proven yourself worthy of wearing the tribal colours she would more than likely just pass you by with a curt bow to the colours not the Orc wearing them.
She will poke fun at any orc she deems worthy of it not meaning any harm or disrespect but rather it is her way of testing the victim’s metal.
Her personal respect has to be earned no matter what the tribal standing you have.
If you are not of the tribe then the task is that much harder.
She has no secrets from the tribe and speaks as she sees fit to all some see this as disrespectful but others see it at as a truth not often voiced.


It is here that my story starts.
Thrall needed to lessen the burden on his self and in powered his personal body guard Nazgrel to aid him in the running in the day to day maters of the now vast Orc Empire.
Nazgrel became trusted and much liked by the Horde and even respected by the Humans for his Honour both on and off the field of battle.
He lived by his own code which was looked upon by some with strange amusement for that of a great warrior.

1.   Be selective in your prey do not kill for the love of killing that only takes you down the path of the berserkers and once again to the doors of the Legion.
2.   Be wary of all whom use the dark arts especially the warlocks for it was these that plunged our kind into the service of the Legion.
3.   Trust is built upon time, trust once and see what develops from that trust.
4.   Never look down on an Orc of lower station we all started there even the greatest of our warriors and leaders.
5.   And above all nether ever take the blood of an Orc unless he is your mortal enemy.

In time Nazgrel took an Orc wife Teku who he had rescued from a Human raiding party among the hills of the Barrens.
Teku was of a wild character which drew Nazgrel to her, not knowing a family and only a handful of trusted friends, she was street wise living in the back alleys of Alliance and Horde town’s coming and going as she liked an Orc of great stealth known to her few friends as Ghost.
The marriage was however short lived as she could not live the life of Nazgrel within the confines of the Horde city.
She left Nazgrel with great reluctance and on good terms and vowed to return to him when she felt she could settle down.
Nazgrel was torn between the Horde nation and his love for his wife but could not leave the Horde but understood his wife’s dilemma has he too had a deep longing for the open tundra again.
He provided for all her needs and gave to her a great wealth so she would not need for anything and also two loyal blade warriors as her personal body guard.
Unbeknown to Nazgrel, Teku was with child when the final day of her departure came and she vowed to herself that she would not revile this to him as it would tear Nazgrel apart having to then decide between the Horde and what would be his extended family.
She made her retainers swear a blood oath not to revile her secret, but in return she had to swear in return to let the knowledge be known to the off spring when he / she came of age of their heritage as well as Nazgrel his self.

And now that brings me to my life.
I was brought up not knowing my heritage.
I was known simply as Claws because of my fast and unyielding way of battle.
(Although this is not my given name).
I was always kept away from others to keep my identity from becoming knowledge to the Humans whom would go to any lengths to get hold of the child of one of their greatest adversaries.
Except for the company of my mother’s retainers whom came to be my tutors and closest friends. They taught me all they could about the way of the blade and bow my only other company were the teachers brought in from around the known world to instruct me in the ways of diplomacy and commerce which even to this day I have little use and time for.

At the coming of age was told by my mother of my heritage which she had sworn to do.
It came as a great shock to me; I had always thought that I was just another unwanted illegitimate child of some noble and not the wanted child of some Great warrior in the personal ranks of the greatest of all warlords Thrall.
After many days of soul searching I went to my mother telling her that I wished to be known to my farther and would go to him in the Horde city which she agreed to as her blood oath had dictated.
On my departure she came to me and gave me two wonders blades both which had belong to Nazgrel himself and would be the proving of my blood line.
She told me of the unwritten code of honour which my farther lived by and which she had endeavoured to live and hoped I would carry this code on.
I later found she had added some of her own

1.   Be selective in your prey do not kill for the love of killing.
2.   Be wary of all whom use the dark arts.
3.   Trust is built upon time, trust once and then see what develops from that trust.
4.   Never look down on an Orc of lower station they are the back bone of us all even the greatest of our warriors and leaders started at the bottom.
5.   And above all nether ever take the blood of an Orc unless he is your mortal enemy.
6.   Remember not all have the luxury of your upbringing and are thrown into their destiny some willing to be, some not so willing but just carried along by circumstance.
7.   Trust in your blade and your own skills do not rely on others to come to your aid.
8.   And keep your identity safe from those whom may show you or your family harm.

                                            I ‘m known as

And yet my life story is not yet done I can often be seen sitting with the elite guards, and even some times Thrall himself.
Many nights she has spent talking of great battles and deeds long forgotten in the history of our great nation but always in the hearts and minds of our great old warriors.
And when sitting there I see in the faces of the warriors the eyes of my father and the longing for once again the simple life.
Things you may know about this character:
Despite all her outward demeanour she has always the utmost respect for the leaders of the tribe in all there un-relentless work they carry out to keep the tribe alive.
She has been there and done it all herself but now takes a back seat having been mentally burnt out with them task’s.
She is full of sorrow and has an empty heart just waiting for the day she too will be with old and forgotten brothers and sisters again God’s willing.

Memorable Quotes:
Trust your Blade it will not stab you in the back.
Remember the journey is not the final destination it's just another chapter.

Spoiler: Story from Kei's Journal • show

Out on patrol again it was always Kei’s lot to take out the young ones to patrol the nearby villages.
It was an early spring morning they had just got outside the gates to Orgrimmar when Kei noticed a tatty old leather bond book lying in the dirt.
Picking it up she opened it and was amused to find it was a journal which belong to one of the gate wardens Kelg.
A lot of the pages had been ripped out and used for purposes she did not wish to think about and others were totally unreadable.

“This should be entertaining and maybe I might even find some information which could be of use to me” she quietly snickered to herself.

“Oy Orcs carry on I will catch you up along the road and maybe I surprise ya so be alert and ready” she shouted to the patrol she was leading, “Grim take the lead and think of it as ah test for ya”.

She made her way to an out crop of rocks and climbed into the middle of them out of sight of any that may pass.

She laid down placing one arm behind her head for support and started to read the journal.

Day 231
I’m on main gate again sure the captain got it in for me since I got caught with his daughter.
Nothing going on just the normal coming and going with the exception of our Lord Thrall went out at sun up with a patrol of them elite Orcs he keeps around him.
They get all the best grub and armour and stuff, when will it be my turn I can fight as well as any of dem.

Day 235
A lot of them flappy types came through the gates today they say there our brothers in arms, don’t trust um they up to no good I say.
Always looking down there long faces at us, whose land is this any ways should string um all up by their ears for the buzzards ta eat.
Got in ta bit of bother with the captain again ta day not my fault did not see the little gobo trying ta get in ta the city as I opened the gate should not of been standing behind it.
Took me ages ta clean up the mess, never thought that much could come out of a little squashed gobo.

Day 236
Some things up lot of me brothers and sisters fighting outside da city practice they tell me for the big push.
We Orcs like ta fight with them Troll types they easy ta smash.
Had a close call today one of them zep thing err ma jigs crashed and got stuck in the front entrance had ta burn it out to get it moved should of told the gobo engineers ta move out first I fink but shit happens.

Day 237
Seen dat she orc again today made me go weak at me knees the way she wears her armour does not leave much to me fin-kings should not be allowed still it did brighten up me day, all dat flesh squashed into that armour, bah better go take a quick dip in the river.

Day 238
Been given ah 2 day pass caught me a hummey trying ta sneak in da gate.
Would have got in as well if I had not been so alert.
Well alert and ah bit lucky was doing what comes naturally after a night out with me mates and 15 mugs of dat dolfs ale, did not know he was hiding in the corner till he screamed out not sure if he screamed because of what he saw or that he was wizzed on, lucky for him it was not a hour earlier or he would have been a bit more messy opps here comes the captain.

Day 240
Ahh me poor ead it urts.

Day 241
It seems dat hummey I caught waz ah spy and that after he talked due to threat of being sat in da wizz barrel told the bosses the hummeys where coming so we have all been given new shinny weapons, got me ah big axe.

Day 242
Da hummeys came today at sun rise waz not worth getting out of me bed for did not last long.
Got into trouble again for throwing me new axe away it was no good it bent when I whacked me first hummey bet it was made by one of them flappys they got no idea how to make ah good axe.
Did better with me bare fist oh and ah hummey leg fink I might keep it to hang over me bed just in case they try to give me another one of the flappy axes.

The journal jumped a few pages which had been removed.

Day 263
Me Lord Thrall is back came in da gate shouting out his orders ta call out the guard glad I was on gate duty or I would be on me way to what they call da Outlands with the rest of them being ah gate Walden does have is good points after all.
The captain did not look to happy, saw him turn back to me with ah face like ah slapped hog as he marched down da road with the rest of them.
Perhaps a visit to the captain’s daughter is in order tonight.

Day 264
Bah honest it not my Orcling he got wrong colour hair now I know why da Captain been given me funny looks and hard time.
Always knew she was ah bad one.

Day 265
Saw da Red Blade tribe ride out of da gates ta night like they were being chased by a dragon.
Now dats ah tribe ta be part of strong and honourable.
Lead by a big hunter I fink cause he had one of deem big wolves ruing with him and pig sticker strapped to his back.
Last one out was ah she Orc who just laughed at me would not like ta cross that one that’s for sure.
A Sly smirk spread across Kei faces as she carried on reading from the journal.
When me days are done with da city guard I going ta see what it takes to join that tribe.

Day 266
Dem stinky Trolls from the empire of some thing or other stirring up trouble again they need ta be told whose place dis is.
What with them thieves also showing their faces in the drag again about time they were all frown out the city.
Give the city back to us Orc I say, well may be the cow men and ladies can come in but not them others, get feed up picking up bones and things that keep dropping of them dead ones.

Day 267
Spoke to one of them Orcs from the Red Blades today asked what I need ta do ta join them told to seek out some Orc called Kozzey or some think like that.

Kei stretched out her arms and let out a long yawn looking up to the sky she saw the sun was already past its midday point in the sky.
“Bah have ta finish this later”, she stuffed the journal into her pack and in one move was sitting astride her war mount.
“Now which way did that lot go?”

Red Blade Records / Re: Krogon Devilstep
June 09, 2015, 06:11:58 PM
((If he dead who keeps speaking to us on here)). :o :o :o :o
Off Topic / Re: First Post Wins
June 08, 2015, 06:52:15 AM
What about the poor Donkeys