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Topics - Sanara

Contact Us / [Event] The Festival of the Light!
September 01, 2009, 10:27:39 PM
((This message has been sent to a number of major Roleplaying guilds on Defias Brotherhood, including yours. I hope you'll read through and acknowledge it rather than disregard it as shameless self-promotion! As for the means by which this information reaches you In Character, I can only leave to your imagination.))

Saturday the 5th of September, the Festival of the Light will be held in the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City, at six bells and sundown.

As a celebration of the defeat of Kil'jaeden and the banishment of the Burning Legion from Azeroth, the Festival is a time for rejoice and unity for all people of the twin worlds Draenor and Azeroth. The freedom won at such a high cost drives us still in Northrend, where the armies of the Lich King will know the same unified wrath as the Burning Legion did, and as surely as the tides the united will stand tall, banners driven deep into the peak of Icecrown.

The Festival will be open to both the Horde and the Alliance, no matter their backgrounds, as the Light teaches tolerance and forgiveness.

The following points will highlight the evening;

* The Burning of Sins: Fires, torches and fireworks combined with parchments and ink will let everyone write off their confessions, and incinerate them to seek forgiveness in the Light for all wrongs they feel weigh their hearts.

* Generosity in the Light: All those attending the Festival are encouraged to bring gifts to give to others throughout the evening. Cheap or expensive, wrapped or open, all gifts given freely are blessed by the Light!

* Quel'danas Memoriam: A memorial service will be held in honor of the soldiers who fought and died at Quel'danas against Kil'jaeden's forces, whose bravery and sacrifice, and disregard for internal strife, allowed he Burning Legion to be vanquished from Azeroth once more.

* Lightshow: Fireworks and celebratory torches and bonfires will be arranged to ensure the Light stays close throughout the festivities, and that no-one is left without its warmth in their heart.

(( Expanded information available at ))