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Topics - Aesogg Tuskbleed

Applications / Application: Aesogg Tuskbleed
April 14, 2015, 04:10:35 AM

Name: Aesogg Tuskbleed
Class: Warrior
Level: 10 (Continuing to level)


Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

Within WoW I have role-played for nine years now, mostly experiencing races such as Kaldorei, Tauren, Dwarves and Draenei. From what I can see of your stories on the site you have had alot of campaigns over the years - this is something I can relate to having run 15+ stories myself in other role-playing guilds over my time while playing the game.

If I can mention lore here (excuse me if this is not the place to mention it) I have read all of the novels and I consider myself someone heavy on the lore of the race you play and the world you play within. I am very passionate about WoW Lore so much so that I run a weekly Q&A on the lore for another role-playing guilds forum. The Lore isn't a means to be bended to your will to create reason for something you have planned in character (or even OOC) but a world to help shape your character and provide meaning, restriction and flavour.


And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

The following short story occurs after the Frostwolf Clan declined Gul'dan's offer of the city of Telmor and during the point of time the Blackrock Clan had began living in the former Draenei city.

QuoteAesogg tightened the harness on the creature, hanging a small loop attached to a hide strip from it's main bulk of carefully assembled rugged leather. Moments later an Orc's foot settled nicely into the loop and without hesitation the rider darted away from site.

"It is not the role of a worker of hide and metal to fit the harness' of the raiders." Came a familiar voice from behind as Aesogg's eyes followed the worg rider out of the inner grounds.

"I stitched that harness. I know where my place is, old friend." Aesogg replied, slowly turning towards the voice, as if his stare was being pulled away from the rider.

The other Orc let out a single guffaw. "Ha. Perhaps if you spent less time fitting harness' and more time on my axe I would have ogre blood on it's edge now." He continued.

"The axe will be ready when it's ready, we are not standing in one of our northern workshops - supply is scarce. You will spill blood with the axe soon, mark my word." Aesogg grunted and hurled himself away.

It was not until the next day that the riders had returned, bringing spoils of their victory over ogres that failed to be reasoned or subdued. The spoils would be spread out evenly between the riders.

Later that day one of the riders approached Aesogg as he was sharpening a wooden spike and setting it aside.

"You work with metal?" the Orc asked.

"And hides." Aesogg replied.

"This axe was fractured against an ogres horn, reforge it so that I may slay more tomorrow." The orc insisted. Aesogg examined the axe, but he could tell it's metal from it's smell, let alone it's blackened colouring.

"Reforging this axe will require blackrock metal." Aesogg grunted, going back to sharpening his spike. Seconds later the orc tossed down a sack with a loud clunk.

"I took this off an ogre yesterday. It's from one of our caravans, it was attacked and the supply was stolen. Here it is. Take the leftover as payment." the Orc nodded and grunted. Aesogg's eyes widened as he took some of the blackened bars from the sack and placed them on a heating mould, pushing it so it would rest inside of the crystalline walled forge. Working with blackrock metal was a great pleasure of his, it's strength was un-heard of something of it's malleability and easy to sharpen. Aesogg remained at the forge that night, slaving away to the heat.

The two orcs awaited outside of the crystalline forge for Aesogg the next morning, anticipating the reason for which he called them there. It was not long before the doors swept aside with many clanks and metallic grinding sounds, when Aesogg emerged holding two very basic axes in his hands. The Orcs eyed the weapons up and down and both seemed to widen their eyes at the sight of the item crafted into the base of the axe shaft.

An ogre's horn.

Call it a flavour text perhaps. The jist I was trying to portray was that Aesogg was a member of the Blackrock clan and within that served the role as a craftsman, or my preferred way of calling it a 'worker of hide and metal'. He is a fairly old Orc, being just over fifty years of age and although his items are not renowned for their slaying of mighty enemies for the Orc's he engages with a small surrounding group that know him for his use of out-of the ordinary and intricate designs in weaponry and other wares.

Since the opening of the Dark Portal and the wars that have came and passed Aesogg has been proudly presenting the use of his crafting to the Orcs and the Horde and even taking up arms in fights for freedom and their survival. However he longs to belong again, not just to the Horde but to something more even within them - giving the use of his skills to fight back the effects of the Cataclysm. Bringing honour to his name, his people and the Horde.

I eagerly await your response, and I look forward to the possible offer of an interview. Many thanks for reading.