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RPing classes

Started by Mhokdor Spinesnapper, July 03, 2008, 01:44:28 PM

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Mhokdor Spinesnapper

The spirits weren't forced.

Mhokdor was a Shaman

Thorg and Simulo are shamans and the true spellcasters of the ritual, Greggar was a speaker, not required to be a shaman in this ritual.

The ritual was so that non-shaman could see multiple spirits without silly drinks or whatever.

Of-course you don't have quests with rifts, the idea was that the invisible barrier between spirits and living would be lifted, that way the living and unliving could interact freely near the "Ritual site" (Greg, Thorg, Sim and Mhok's square formation)

And you can easily change raid colour, plus I didn't use raid as soon as the spirits came because Mhok is alive.

Right, done my share of banter.

(And I'm not sure I answered all <.< >.> typo-mania)


Quote from: Mhokdor on July 03, 2008, 01:44:28 PM

Mhokdor was a Shaman

I m sorry...its your call but dont you think it a bit too ...i d use word Overpowerd? i mean you hate people when they do poweremote but doing powerRP is fine? being warrior and call yourslef an ex shaman is a bit too weird to me...sorry...

and about the rift...as Drak used above, i got this on evercorrect Wiki..." These gifted healers can see into the world of spirits and communicate with creatures invisible to eyes of normal beings. They are beset by visions of the future and use their sight to guide their people through troubled times. "
therefor i stand behind what I said...There is no rift to open for the spirits...they are allywas here and shamans can see them and talk the them...
Fire mission battery! TRP 005! Pointe fussed! Pointe fussed! Firing for effect! Firing for effect! - over -

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Ye, Galb, mind you, Mhokdor is 80 years old, in 80 years you can do a lot of things. Don't tell me your plans of the future are to be 80 and still play WoW, by that time even I would go mad.

Second time I said this:

The ritual would open this barrier, bla bla bla, to let other people see them, bla bla bla.

Now stop critising and do something original.


I was engineer sooner than shman...thas for you who knows the story...I was Engineer...I blown myself up and lost a hand (means 2months offline)...gnomes made me new mechanohand...than I almost lost my sight in a explosion #2 so I had to wear googles...aka vision enchancers (half a year offline)...and at last I had my skin brunt so bad that neither the best shamans could heal several of these wounds...(last offline while on Schoollleaving exams)Than I undergone transformation while I saw destruction of worlds with what engineers can create...So I m now 100% shaman still in training...

Sorry my friend...I didnt criticise the event a single bit...

and about my plans for future...What does these have to do with this? If you have to know..i m not planning to be 80 yeors old...as soon as I lose the ability to take care of myself...I m done here...
Fire mission battery! TRP 005! Pointe fussed! Pointe fussed! Firing for effect! Firing for effect! - over -


Split topic and removed some offensive language because apparently, I'm not allowed to post my take on things in a locked topic.

Quote from: Galbatorix on July 03, 2008, 12:56:28 PM
I d love to know what rift...I played wow for 2 and half year and I have never met a quest which would do something with rifts to call spirit...I really loved the part where Simulo and narg (where these two casters them?) were casting...it was awesome...but I belive that spirits are constantly present in our world...they just need to be called upon...what my point is that shaman can talk to a spirit nearly anytime right? so what kind of rift is this about? ...I dont say how it should be done...I just think that rift things are more warlock things...
Throughout the Warcraft universe, both in different games and in novels for example, there've been numerous cases of calling upon spirits, or at least something along that line.

As for orcs, you can either do this with a shaman or a warlock (shaman probably being the most accepted means in orcish society). I can't speak for the ones who organised this for 100%, but considering both shaman and warlock were present (Grockh), why not use both means? I clearly remember Mhokdor asking Grockh to try and summon something through a warlock portal. Perhaps the usage of the world "rift" was missplaced and would've made more sense by using "summoning portal" (after all, warlocks can mess around with souls (as in spirits) all the same). But is that really something one should nitpick about?

On another note, I myself don't believe shaman are always able to speak with spirits. In the fragments I've read or seen, shaman never just flick their wrists and let the spirits enter their mind. As Mhokdor said, it often requires some materials and rituals of some sort or whatnot.

Thing is though, several different methods have been shown both ingame and in novels, which isn't even nessecarily a bad thing. In fact, it leaves us room to improvise ourselves, which exactly happened here. You don't nessecarily have to follow every single thing you've seen in the lore so far. Simply because it ain't everything there is to it. That's exactly what the orcses did. Improvise in order to allow every spectator to be a part of the event. I personally couldnt've thought of a better or different way to do this. You can't serve every single spectator a sapta to reveal the spirits to them. After all, it would require even more time (and people were already complaining about the duration of the event).

Quote from: Galbatorix on July 03, 2008, 03:20:08 PM
I m sorry...its your call but dont you think it a bit too ...i d use word Overpowerd? i mean you hate people when they do poweremote but doing powerRP is fine? being warrior and call yourslef an ex shaman is a bit too weird to me...sorry...
How is claiming you're a shaman while you're a different class (in game mechanics, no less) power RP? I followed some threads on the official WoW RP forums about this kind of subject and I always came to the same conclusion myself: If you know how to RP it properly to make it look real to others, why not? I've seen warriors, rogues or hunters RP better paladins, warlocks and shaman in some rare cases. In the case of shaman, there're different kinds of shaman out there. Not all of them have to be able to wtfpwn random people with a Windfury crit. They can be retired shaman too, or they might've had a lesser training or not as much power/connection to the spirits than your average shaman.

I RPed Koz to be a former shaman myself. He used to be a shaman in the old days on Draenor, though lost his link to the spirits and the elements during the war with the draenei. Despite that, he still used to regularly perform shamanistic rituals and whatnot. Heck, he even lead the Om'riggors back when he was still around, even though they were usually lead by the high shaman in the official lore in the traditional days. Did anyone complain about that? Not that I know of. As long as you know what you're doing, know your limits and don't pretend to be almighty, you sure as hell can try and RP a shaman, paladin, warlock or whatever imo. Claiming you can't be simply due to (OOC) game mechanics is a nono to me.

Anyway, I don't see why one should have to nitpick about such things. After all, at least these people went through the trouble of getting something organised. Putting them down on small matters like that? Nah.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade

Tirnak Lynxclaw

Now please guys, keep this version friendly, if you please.


Fire mission battery! TRP 005! Pointe fussed! Pointe fussed! Firing for effect! Firing for effect! - over -


We all absolutely friendly here :)

Koz ablolutely right, cant see a reason why Mhok cannot be former shaman and perform ritual correctly.

And IC all looked as if orcs suddenly lost all trust and respect to their shamans, constantly complaining about something. Mistrunners showed more respect to ritual and spirits that many of orcs (except of Bonkhorn, but he is nuts and im not counting him here, he was brilliant :)

For me, good rp event is like theater playing, with some sort of scenario and some improvisation. I cant see why OOC game mechanic error (dissapearance of Shrewd) should affect desicion to free Koz's spirit from the wolf. For good and beauty event wasnt nessesary to have wolf right here physically... We could just bend scenario a little. We tried.

Next thing, someone was not agree with desicion to split two souls, hm, but, ritualists talked so, so i think them shamans know better about the thing. And orcs must trust their shamans, do they? Or not? Also, wolf and Koz souls, 2 in one Shrewd body, seemed very unlogical and unsafe.

Remains burial was fucked up, i cannot remember moment when head was buried, and noone said a word about that...


Keep in mind that there are two aspects in this matter, there is the RP and the game mechanics. As far as RP goes, you can think it's really cool to be a Shaman, and be busy with spiritual side of Orcs. But for game mechanics, you might think that the Shaman class sucks, and really dislike PvE'ing or PvP'ing with that class.

Yes ofcourse it's a little bit out there, but you shouldn't have your RP dictated by some label that game mechanics assign you. The best example I can give is our former leader Akesha. Her class was a hunter, but she always said, that as far as RP went, she saw herself as a lightly armored warrior.
Xaryah Stormward.

Formerly known as Dogar Stormward, Chieftain.

Nahe ~ Coach of Team Tof ~ Blood Bowl (online) <DoW> season 1 ~ Pink yet deadly!


Some fair point's and your own view which is good then you spoil it.

Quote from: Grockh on July 04, 2008, 09:41:20 AM

Remains burial was fucked up,

Not in open forum PLEASE.
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


Quote from: Claws on July 04, 2008, 10:50:03 AM

Some fair point's and your own view which is good then you spoil it.

Quote from: Grockh on July 04, 2008, 09:41:20 AM

Remains burial was fucked up,

Not in open forum PLEASE.

Okidoki, sooorry


What I see as problem is that saying that you are former shamans makes no sense...Shaman isnt a job...you cant quit...its not you are former shaman...you either are shaman or you are not......as far as the game mechanisims and Rp...I m allways Rping according to the Gamemechanisms...and it works quite nicely...and for that reason...I have 9 playing characters...all classes...that way I can Rp anything I desire.
Fire mission battery! TRP 005! Pointe fussed! Pointe fussed! Firing for effect! Firing for effect! - over -

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Galb, when Gul'dan shattered the elements and whatnot in Shadowmoon many shaman lost their abilities.

When shaman used demon powers they lost their abilities.

When Shaman are fed up with being a shaman or simply no longer do as they are required to do as a shaman, they can say "I am no longer a shaman"

An archer can be a melee combatant (Warrior)

Rogues can master magic (Mage/Warlock)

The Light can be wielded by Blood Knights (Warrior --> Paladin)

You don't have to do the same thing in your life all the time.

Shaman can master combat (Warriors) and specialize in that (Mhokdor, Kozgugore most probably too)

An archer can lose it's eagle's eye and turn to melee combat.

Classes are just something of the game, as a warrior in plate can't sneak, but a warrior wearing light leather or cloth could, with practice.


Shaman fed up being a shaman is a dead shaman. :p

Anyway, it is totally acceptable to roleplay your character in game-mechanics breaking way. Although it is always okay to question.
00:18:13 [Y] [Carlohater]: im not a moster.... IM AN ORC!


Convert to the dark side everyone! It's not to late to take up the robes and the hats and all other pinky things. Join the warlocks Today!
The Hat-Lord